Scorched Ruins

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scorched Ruins


If Scorched Ruins would come into play, sacrifice two untapped lands instead. If you do, put Scorched Ruins into play. If you don't, put it into its owner's graveyard.

Tap: Add to your mana pool.

Krugz on The Inevitable Annihilation

1 month ago


Really? I think it's about time you create one! There are a bunch of new colorless commanders that might peak your interest (Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut and Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate to name a few). I highly suggest you give it a try!

As for the lands in question, that's actually a valid observation. I have specific reasoning behind those lands and I am more than happy to share what I've learned:

Gemstone Caverns - Ulamog, the Defiler's 3rd ability checks not just what it exiled from the 1st cast trigger but everything in exile, including mine. With any of the titans in my opening hand, I get a guaranteed pump to Ulamog even if the exiled library whiffs. The same is true with Ugin's Labyrinth. Now you can argue that card advantage option in colorless is horrendously rare and that's painfully true. But you know, it's a high-risk-high-reward kind of situation.

City of Traitors - Now, this one's a bit tricky. I would almost never keep a Scorched Ruins and City of Traitors as my opening hand unless the other 4 are lands. I treat it as if it's a Lotus Petal, a disposable mana ramp of some sort that I can bank. Turn 1, play a land. Turn 2, play City of Traitors and a 3-drop. Turn 3, float City of Traitors then sac to play a land and a 4-drop like The One Ring or another ramp... Or, it'll just be the last land I'll play. I guess, the deciding factor is your opening hand and how you would invest on your later turns.

Interestingly, this play pattern affects my late game options poorly. Sure, an early Eldrazi titan disrupts the combo decks but in exchange I'm destroying my mana base. And before I know it, other boardstate were already better than mine.

Now that I think about it, Crucible of Worlds is starting to get appealing.

Profet93 on Zirilan of the Claw Dragon Chompy Dragon Stompy

4 months ago


Hall of the Bandit Lord/Hanweir Battlements  Meld - Haste

You mention how lotus vale is a one tap activation. From my limited perspective, I only see it's detriment. 2 lands + 1 land (that you could swap it with) = 3 mana. Lotus value = 3 mana. Where exactly is the benefit? I see a big strip mine target that gets neutralized by dampening sphere. Ignoring the color aspect, I feel Scorched Ruins would be better suited. It combos with your rings and deserted temple for infinite mana. Then using that infinite mana + top = Draw your whole deck, cast lattice and cast your entire deck. While the combo is not the primary reason for the swap, the benefit of 4 (colorless) mana vs. 3 (colored) mana is the primary focus.

How has Sarkhan the Masterless been working for you? It's static ability seems cool, but since the deck doesn't go wide, how does it play out? It's +1 is nice but makes it more susceptible to removal. It's -2 isn't anything too crazy. While not an entirely serious suggestion, have you considered swapping it out for Karn, the Great Creator? Karn creates a hard lock with lattice, allows recursion for your artifacts and can even animate opposing artifacts for political reasons

Urza's Incubator/Ruby Medallion - Ramp

Maybe Humble Defector - Politics + synergy with homeward path

Profet93 on Liberator of Cinnamon Rings

4 months ago

Sanctum of Ugin - Tutor

Eye of Ugin - Tutor + Ramp

Buried Ruin - Recursion

Mystic forge + Sensei's Divining Top + artifact cost reducer = draw your whole deck

Basalt Monolith + forsaken monument =

Rings of Brighthearth + basalt + 2 mana = + top = draw + cast your entire deck

Rings + voltaic key + Everflowing Chalice (4 counters) =

Metal worker + voltaic key + rings =

Scorched Ruins + Rings + Deserted Temple = . Temple has the added benefit of politics or ramp with urza land.

Emrakul, the Promised End + Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant = Strong synergy, each piece is good on it's like (like many of the combos I've listed)

Karn, the Great Creator + lattice = Hard lock

To synergize with darksteel monolith, you could add some flash (which also has the added benefit of limiting your overextension into a boardwipe) such as Vedalken Orrery/Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter/Skittering Cicada

Blinkmoth Well + Blinkmoth Urn = One sided ramp. Well can deal with opposing artifacts and urn always makes you ahead. Should you feel inclined, Winter Orb might be worth it (if you don't like friends) as you can break parity with it. Even if you can't, you use primarily artifact ramp anyways. It can help slow down the faster pace decks.

Profet93 on This Deck Does Not Believe In Free Will

5 months ago

Westvale Abbey - Weakest land. You aren't a token deck, it costs a lot to activate and is hard to pull off only for a creature that is helpful, but not nearly powerful enough in EDH or relevant to your overall strategy

Phyrexian Tower - Black has other sac engines and you don't have any relevant death triggers that would warrant it's inclusion. The mana ramp is minimal

Maze of Ith - Meta call like against xenagos or voltron? It can have it's moments for sure but it doesn't produce mana unless you have urborg and unless the voltron strategy is prevalent in the meta, it can be swapped out

Lotus Vale - Scorched Ruins is strictly better and can combo with rings of brighthearth + deserted temple for infinite colorless or infinite black as long as you have a swamp. Not even saying to add them, because these lands are stripmine targets. If you were playing a lands deck, sure.

Lake of the Dead - The least likely card to cut from the list. This card I've never personally liked because it goes against my philosophy, short term gain for long term loss. Losing lands, similar to lotus in a deck that can't recur them just seems off to me. It's definitely a helpful ramp piece for sure. But that usually paints a target over your head and they remove whatever you cast (assuming it's a permanent, or can use a counterspell if non-permanent) and then you're just down one land. If this were a more cEDH build or lower to the ground I could understand it's inclusion.

Sceptre of Eternal Glory - With all the basics you will presumably add, this will be a cheaper version of Gilded Lotus at the cost of a Thran Dynamo.

Throne of Eldraine - Ramp or draw

Mana Vault - Turn 1 ramp

Extraplanar Lens - Works best with snow-covered swamps depending on the meta

Caged Sun - Expensive but does the job.

Not saying to add all of these, just some choices to see what works best with your deck/curve.

Let me know if you want some suggestions for non-land cuts as well.

jarncards on Soldiers

7 months ago

Adeline, Resplendent Cathar might be a reasonable addition. she isn't a soldier but gives you extra fodder for you to buff and will hit like a truck. Also Mirror Entity and she will be good friends with the tokens she poops out.

Errand-Rider of Gondor, Resistance Squad, Spirited Companion, Loyal Warhound, Solemn Simulacrum, and Knight of the White Orchid are always reasonable additions. you need cards and mana to play them. they also love to be blinked and revived, which is what white does best.

Cosmic Intervention and Teferi's Protection are the s+ white cards. they go in every deck with white

You should run Skullclamp and Heirloom Blade. and Recruiter of the Guard. It is too good not to.

You have plenty of blink synergy already. Eerie Interlude, Ghostway, Semester's End are things you should strongly consider, the delayed return allows you to dodge wipes, although youll lose your tokens. Teleportation Circle might be reasonable to add. Planar Guide can also be used offensively too. And The Eternal Wanderer is outrageously strong. It does everything.

Cut Arm the Cathars its awful at 3 sorcery speed. Things like Akroma's Will exist and are 100x better. I'd honestly have you revise most of your instants and sorceries. You dont have enough draw to use spot removal like this without putting yourself at a disadvantage.

If you run baird, you should also consider Norn's Annex, Ghostly Prison, and Windborn Muse. as those effects stack, they get much much stronger.

Darien, King of Kjeldor is pretty silly, although he's expensive. with the soul sisters you run, you become very very hard to kill. Conclave Phalanx isn't great in my opinion without some blinking, but if you use something like Nykthos Paragon, its very silly Knight-Captain of Eos also can do a lot to make you invincible.

Flowering of the White Tree is an amazing anthem. probably the best in the game. Spear of Heliod is probably second if you keep mana up, just because it will likely turn offense to other players because of its awful ability.

Moonshaker Cavalry is probably an instant win if you play it

LANDS: This deck might actually be able to run Scorched Ruins.

You might as well add Daru Encampment, Forbidding Watchtower, and Memorial to Glory. Kjeldoran Outpost has synergy but has a major drawback.

I'll look at more low cost stuff later. most of my recommendations are like 5cmc+

SufferFromEDHD on Eldrazi

9 months ago

"How do I reach deez keeds..."

Deserted Temple + Scorched Ruins = profit.

DeadManJohn1 on Zhulodok The Conqueror!!! (Primer)

10 months ago

SufferFromEDHD thank you for those cards Deserted Temple I actually got the Weathertop variant and the Scorched Ruins like turn 4 I could have 7 mana just from 2 lands that’s awesome and Profet93 I’ll get on that thank you for your help too your all awesome

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