Marsh Flats

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Marsh Flats


, Pay 1 life, Sacrifice this: Search your library for a Plains or Swamp card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.

fluffyeel on Death and Taxes

1 month ago

Apart from a spate of tutors of varying price points (Vampiric Tutor, Mystical Tutor, Demonic Tutor, Entomb, etc.), here are some thoughts of varying degrees of evilness/making sure your opponents "love" you forever:

SefTheReject on

1 year ago

All suggestions are mono black vampires and fit more of an aristocrats build.

Lords - Captivating Vampire buffs the squad and gives the ability of stealing an opponent’s creature

Vampire Nocturnus buffs the squad, gives evasion and since you’re mono black can play with the top of your library visible

1 drops - Knight of the Ebon Legion is the best 1 drop vamp imo. Can buff itself, gains permanent buffs and doubles as removal mid-late game

Viscera Seer a great sac target and let’s you scry 1

Vampire Cutthroat has skulk and lifelink

Vampire Lacerator a 2/2 for 1, you take one damage unless your opponent has 10 or less life

Indulgent Aristocrat a decent buffer with a sac engine

Guul Draz Vampire gains a buff if the opponent has 10 or less life

Pulse Tracker opponent takes 1 damage when it attacks

2 drops - Cordial Vampire not a lord in name, but has that buffing ability and triggers when ANYTHING dies. Buffs the team more efficiently than any lord imo.

Bloodghast a vital piece imo, it can’t block, but comes back when you play a land

Blood Artist a key piece for an aristocrat build, combos great with cordial and Vito

Asylum Visitor for card draw and the ability to come back

Kalastria Highborn great addition for a drain and gain/aristocrat build

Vraan, Executioner Thane combos great with Vito

Stromkirk Condemned can buff the team for a turn

Vampire Hexmage great sideboard piece for dealing with counters

Gifted Aetherborn might be favorite vampire, but doesn’t fit an aristocrat build

3 drops - Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord the only walker you need. Buffs, gives deathtouch & lifelink to a vampire, acts as a Lightning Helix and you cheat out a vampire

Silversmote Ghoul is a perfect target for Sorin’s second ability and comes back at the end of your end step

Vampire Nighthawk one of the best vampires imo, has evasion, deathtouch and lifelink, but doesn’t fit the aristocrat build

Nighthawk Scavenger a vampire goyf

Drana, Liberator of Malakir has evasion, first strike and buffs attacking creatures

Lands - Cavern of Souls an absolute MUST for any tribal build

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth flips things to swamps

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is great for all devotion the build will have

Castle Locthwain for card draw later

Prismatic Vista, Verdant Catacombs, Polluted Delta, Marsh Flats & Bloodstained Mire to fetch and thin out your deck to keep the gas flowing.

SefTheReject on

1 year ago

Nice little build, ignore any suggestions that are not budget friendly, giving everything I can think of. Increase Sorin to 4, he’s very powerful and gets hate quick. 2 Vito should be fine. 4 Cordial Vampire, his ability is universal, not just your creatures dying. 2 Silversmote Ghoul work extremely well with Sorin’s second ability and comes back. 2 Vraan, Executioner Thane works great with Vito. Knight of the Ebon Legion is pump-able and doubles as a removal spell in the late game. Blood Artist combo’s well with cordial and several others. If you’re looking for a lord, Captivating Vampire is great with a decent second ability. Bloodghast is nice and comes back. 4 locthwain is perfect. 2 Cavern of Souls for tribal and protection. Fetches thin out your deck, Prismatic Vista works since this is mono colored. Verdant Catacombs, Polluted Delta, Marsh Flats & or Bloodstained Mire work too.

SefTheReject on Mono Black Lifelink Infinite Combo

1 year ago

Depending on your budget, I'd definitely include 2 Cavern of Souls, 2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx for all that devotion and 2-3 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and a playset of fetchlands, either Prismatic Vista, Marsh Flats, Verdant Catacombs, Polluted Delta or Bloodstained Mire to help thin out your deck. Including a sac outlet for Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord (3-4 of) is great for cheating out vampires, works as a Lightning Helix type and buffs. Cordial Vampire (playset) acts as a lord and buffs the team when ANY creature dies. If fetches are included, I'd recommend a playset of Bloodghast, it can be used as a sac target for sorin, buffs the team because of cordial and comes back after playing a land. Silversmote Ghoul is another good sac outlet that can easily come back if enough life is gained and can be used for card draw. Viscera Seer is a good one drop that can be sac'd to scry and help buff the team with cordial. Knight of the Ebon Legion is an underrated one drop that becomes removal later in the game and buffs up easily. Blood Artist is good for a drain & gain build, as is Kalastria Highborn, she can help with the drain and gain. exquisite blood is a little slow for modern imo. I hope some of that helps, good luck.

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago


Last game of the year! Sorry I've taken over your comment board, hope all these gameplay interactions help!

Opponents: Koma, Cosmos Serpent, Muldrotha, the Gravetide, Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools / Armix, Filigree Thrasher

Starting Hand: Marsh Flats, Plains, Sol Ring, Serra Ascendant, Serra Avenger, Court of Grace, Breathkeeper Seraph

T1 - Marsh Flats into Plains into Serra Ascendant

T2 - Plains into Sol Ring and Luminarch Ascension (drew into), swung in for 6 damage

T3 - Plains into Court of Grace, drew on endstep, swung in for another 6 damage

T4 - +1 Angel on upkeep, Plains into Giada, Font of Hope and held up mana to make 2 Angels, drew on endstep, swung in for another 6 damage

T5 - created 2 Angels (6 power & 7 power) on opponents end step, +1 Angel (8 power) on upkeep. Cast a Tome of Legends getting ready for the boardwipe. Swung in for 21 damage, drew on endstep.

T6 - nobody at the table had the boardwipe so I cleaned up next turn with Sigarda's Vanguard knocking out each other player simultaneously. I think this was the fastest this deck has ever performed in a 4-man pod and all the damage was dealt by me.

Opponents: Koma, Cosmos Serpent, Muldrotha, the Gravetide, Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools / Armix, Filigree Thrasher, O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami

Starting Hand: Windswept Heath, Arid Mesa, Plains, Bonders' Enclave, Serra Paragon, Gisela, the Broken Blade  Meld, Archangel of Thune

Thought about not including this one either as it was a slow hand and a fast game. Muldrotha comboed out turn 4 making 2 million squirrels and nobody had any interaction so we were dead on turn 5.

Opponents: Koma, Cosmos Serpent, Muldrotha, the Gravetide, Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools / Armix, Filigree Thrasher, O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami

Starting Hand: Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, Plains, Plains, Pyre of Heroes, Gisela, the Broken Blade  Meld, Battle Angels of Tyr, Angelic Curator

I had played Battle Angels of Tyr but it was quickly removed by Tevesh before I could swing with it, which is fair given a 5-man pod.

Instead I went for the slower play with Giada, Font of Hope, Angelic Curator and Angelic Sleuth on the field. I held Pyre of Heroes in hand thinking I would go for the Inspiring Overseer / Serra Paragon line to draw into some cards and get some clues.

However, Muldrotha again was a huge problem turn 5. They had Scute Swarm and cracked some fetches and played green ramp spells bringing up their total to the low 100s but they only had 32 they could attack with. They decided to swing all of them at me as I was the only one with any sort of board presence. O-Kagachi let the table know they had a fog effect but we elected to use it on the next turn.

At this point I had Giada, Font of Hope, Angelic Sleuth, Righteous Valkyrie and Pyre of Heroes on the battlefield. Once Muldrotha had started producing massive amounts of Scutes I knew they were coming at me. Also I had drawn into Archangel of Thune which I played and swung in bringing me back up to the low 20's.

On turn 6 O-Kagachi used the fog and Muldrotha just set themselves up better for the next round. They cast a Sandwurm Convergence to stop me from knocking them out.

Tevesh decided this was the best time to go off so they tapped out for a Peer into the Abyss. A lot of artifact shenanigans happened and they ended up at 4 life due to Bolas's Citadel, nearly wiped the board with Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and killed Muldrotha with an artifact creature with Cranial Plating and Lightning Greaves. Unfortunately they didn't see that O-Kagachi was out and only -5 for Ugin so they were dead to the dragon on their turn.

I was able to build back relatively quickly as I drew into a Thorough Investigation and cracked some clues. O-Kagachi became the new archenemy as they had their commander out and a Fist of Suns so they were casting high-costed cards with the limited mana they had. Koma used Kiora, the Crashing Wave to negate the damage of O-Kagachi's commander. They also countered a Conflux which could've ended the game.

I tried to swing in once but was stopped by a fog. I also made another misplay with Oblation targeting their Myojin of Seeing Winds as I misheard thinking it was a 10/10 flying indestructible when it was a 3/3 that didn't even fly. They removed the divinity counter drawing 12 and drew another 2 off Oblation. Next turn they cast a Morophon, the Boundless and dropped all the spirits they drew off those 14 cards. If I had held up my Oblation for their fist of the suns instead they would have had no mana for anything else and I could've swung in for the win.

Luminarch Ascension finally popped off! When unanswered it just ends games. Even with a boardwipe it can refill the board with mana. With Giada out it adds lethal threats quickly. I understand that it may not have the surprise factor but I think the resiliency is more important here. As you've mentioned before, not a lot of people run enchantment removal as creature removal is preferable which means this has staying power.

Court of Grace was also amazing here. While 1 card a turn is not the best for 4 mana, 1 card and 1 angel for 4 is amazing. Obviously the Sol Ring did work in getting it out early but against slower decks they had no way to attack me regardless.

Pyre of Heroes was actually useful this time! Pitching the 2/2 body of Angelic Curator into a Righteous Valkyrie is a strong move. I was only able to use it once before the Ugin exile but it helped keep me in the game. Without it, I would've been dead right after Tevesh finished off Muldrotha, perhaps even in the same turn.

Sigarda's Vanguard was also great again. However if I'm not planning out dropping my angels out in the correct turn order then I'm not always getting the full benefit from her. Akroma's Will would save us the headache of counting and planning while also providing the evasion to get through flying creatures. I think I'll still stick the Vanguard as the light recursion package allows us to bring her back on another turn for additional value whereas Will would just languish in the graveyard.

We had a turn 0 discussion before games 2 and 3 and agreed on playing more mid-tier decks as I only brought Giada. The Muldrotha player typically durdles with nothing to do and decided to add in some spicy cards not knowing how they'd perform. Tevesh doesn't always go off like this but Peer into the Abyss is usually a card that gets countered. The table let it resolve due to needing to knock out Muldrotha first.

Rennymoses on Esper Splash

1 year ago

Daveslab2022 If I could replace Sacred Foundry I definitely would. I have it though, because at the moment, I only have the 4 Marsh Flats which as you know can't tutor Steam Vents. I used to have issues with control, but since adding the additional counterspells to deck, I actually am now only facing issues against random out-of-meta combo/affinity decks, or wide creatures. It is why I added Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet which has been fantastic. This build finally pulled me out of my 2-2 slump and I have been performing quite well. I really appreciate your feedback and you taking the time to check my list out!

BotaNickill on Ang-Hellic

1 year ago

Splashing Black in for some better removal Vindicate Anguished Unmaking and some deck thinning, Marsh Flats and card draw Silent Clearing I played a mirror match (kind of) last night and came out on top, so I think it's working?!

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago


I love your deck and have been using it as a template as my regular deck for random pub games. While it performed pretty well without any upgrades, I found it ran out of steam mid to late game after I get blown out by a board wipe. After a game or 2, players would usually exile Giada the moment it hits the board, slowing down our ramp signifcantly. Also, if we miss a land drop mid-game, we're basically stuck waiting for a good draw. I realized that building an early oppressive board state begs for a board wipe when everyone else is still building but it sets us back significantly. With that in mind, I cut a lot of the lower CMC angels and built more towards value/recursion. Based on your comments it seems that this deck is more budget focused but since I'm making this my main, I've decided on pulling the best cards from other decks for some spicy upgrades. Let me know what you think below (sorry for the wall of text):

Mana Crypt - What's better than a Sol Ring? A free Sol Ring. Life loss is not concerning.

Mox Amber - With Giada on our board turn 2, this is like an additional land drop.

Mox Opal - I'm currently running 19 artifacts so hitting metalcraft isn't hard.

Land Tax - This card is just straight up good in mono-white. Not so much for never missing a land drop but also so we don't draw into lands on later turns.

Archaeomancer's Map - This one isn't as good as Land Tax but it can help us keep pace with Green ramp and drop the tapped lands on opponent's turns when we can't use them efficiently.

Smothering Tithe - I've played this card in 2 other decks and it's always been great. It usually pays for itself by the time it comes back to you and if not removed can add plenty of mana over the course of the game.

Smuggler's Share - I have mixed feelings about this card. The smarter opponents will play around it, but should still give us some card advantage overall.

Sensei's Divining Top - Helps keep tempo in the game for the cost of 1.

Scroll Rack - Wheeling away a mediocre hand for 1 is strong. Particularly good with Land Tax or Windbrisk Heights.

Lotus Field - I loved Lost Vale so much I wanted another one, especially when someone blew it up.

Flagstones of Trokair - Comboes with Lotus Field.

Thespian's Stage - Copy Lotus Field or Lost Vale.

Vesuva - Copy Lost Vale or Flagstones of Trokair or Myriad Landscape.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - Value with a strong board presence.

Ancient Tomb - Helps with the artifacts and equip costs, life loss is not a concern in this deck.

Cavern of Souls - I hate when blue counters our big angels, so this stops it.

All the fetch lands - Arid Mesa, Fabled Passage, Flooded Strand, Marsh Flats, Prismatic Vista, Windswept Heath. This reduces our number of basic Plains to 11-12 but I haven't had issues with it yet so far as long as we have access to colored mana in my starting hand.

Enlightened Tutor - I swapped out Search for Glory as it can hit my rocks early game or stronger equipments mid-game.

Stoneforge Mystic - Amazing with Sword of Hearth and Home. Keep blinking it and grab the rest of your equipment package for free. Second target would usually be Lightning Greaves just to get some protection on the board or make some hasty angels.

Weathered Wayfarer - Comboes well with the newly added lands. Fetching Lotus Field helps guarantee activation while keeping pace with the ramp.

Recruiter of the Guard - Prime targets would be Stoneforge or Wayfarer but can also hit Starnheim Aspirant or Karmic Guide. Also gets the cost reduction from Herald of War which is nice.

Pyre of Heroes - While Search for Glory can fetch some of our legendary creatures, I prefer getting them straight onto the battlefield. I wouldn't use it on the lower cmc Angels, which I mostly pulled out, but on the higher cost ones to cheat out big angels. The dream is to target the one-off 5 cost angels like Karmic Guide or Sigarda's Vanguard to pull Sanctuary Warden for the card draw into Emeria Shepherd for the recursion or Bruna, the Fading Light  Meld to bring out Brisela, Voice of Nightmares  Meld  Meld

Sword of Feast and Famine - This card is probably the best addition to the deck so far. Having the pro green & black which are both popular colors in Commander usually lets us have a free target. The resource denial isn't super relevant but getting an extra untap for lands is super strong. It's even better if we drop a tapped land before attacks and getting all that value on second main phase. It does draw a lot of hate, but even getting 2 swings off is well worth it. We can also recur it with Serra Paragon or Emeria Shepherd.

Sword of Fire and Ice - I haven't added this one in yet but I think it's a strict upgrade over Rogue's Gloves. Getting the pro blue/red and pinging things off the board is just so much more value for the extra 1 cost.

Lightning Greaves - Short of board wipes, single target removal is the bane of this deck. I usually voltron Giada with all my equips and let the other angels synergize the board.

Angel of Destiny - Needed an alt-win con option and this can provide a way out to knock out combo players. The double strike is also relevant as most of our equipments are based on combat damage so we get 2 triggers.

Emeria Shepherd - Especially strong recursion with fetches. Dropping this on the right turn with a fetch in hand can be game ending.

Serra Paragon - Doubles as a Crucible of Worlds and can grab our swords back when destroyed, and it's an angel to boot. Definitely an auto-include.

Steel Seraph - Haven't playtested this one yet but I like that it's a 3 drop with relevant abilities. The dream is to cheat out Emeria Shepherd with Pyre of Heroes as a turn 3-4 play.

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