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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Memorial to Folly
This enters tapped.
: Add .
, , Sacrifice this: Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.
jamochawoke on Uurg eats everything
1 year ago
This is a super fun little combo deck! But it can get shut down pretty easily. I'd suggest putting some key Commander pieces in that you're missing... and thankfully there's a TON of things that work with a land-based deck archetype like this in those colors.
First off, you need to complete your Cultivator combo with Splendid Reclamation for getting all those lands out of your own yard in a very big way (Cultivator probably becomes the biggest thing in your game at this point)!
Centaur Vinecrasher or Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar are superb alternate or additional beatsticks for Cultivator with tons of synergy with your commander that also dig themselves out of the graveyard after they get immediately removed like in my games!
Terravore is nice if you never hit Cultivator in your games (or it gets hated out).
Constant Mists basically you get eternal fog in a deck like this whenever you want if it doesn't get countered.
Entish Restoration, Dig Up, and Beseech the Queen for synergistic tutors.
Kagha, Shadow Archdruid, Elvish Reclaimer, Grisly Salvage, World Shaper, Circle of the Land Druid, Stinkweed Imp, Winding Way, Life from the Loam, Scapeshift, and Satyr Wayfinder for digging through the deck faster while also rotating lands. Life From the Loam is ESPECIALLY GOOD for its dredge ability in this deck so you can keep casting it. Scapeshift is the single most powerful cycler you could run but it's very $$$ and doesn't synergize completely with this deck (it's more for landfall decks, but it can still work with this too).
The utility lands Witch's Cottage, Mortuary Mire, Memorial to Folly can help get your creatures back out of the 'yard.
The utility lands Witch's Clinic, Rogue's Passage, Ghost Quarter, Strip Mine, Wasteland, Field of the Dead, Thespian's Stage, Restless Cottage, Boseiju, Who Endures, and Takenuma, Abandoned Mire would all help your deck's overall resilience and ability to deal with threats.
Either Abundance or Rishkar's Expertise could be a game-ending bomb for you. Rishkar's is great if your commander has enough power. You can draw a ton of your deck, likely hit a tutor you cast for free, then if your hand is flooded with lands you discard down to 7 putting all those lands in your 'yard making your commander even bigger! Abundance isn't as synergistic, but is basically a creature tutor spell for Cultivator Colossus if you decide to not run any other beaters or utility creatures.
Assassin's Trophy for instant-cast targeted removal of EVERYTHING.
Tear Asunder and Abrupt Decay are less-good Assassin's Trophy but at least Decay can't be countered.
Casualties of War for when you need to get rid of a lot of different pests that turn.
Return to Nature for instant-cast targeted removal of Enchantment/Artifact or Graveyard card.
Drown in Filth for a land-synergistic targeted removal that gets around indestructible.
Terror Tide for land-synergistic boardwipe that also gets around indestructible.
Nurgle's Conscription, Froghemoth, and Bojuka Bog for some enemy graveyard hate.
Rain of Filth for a MASSIVE spike in mana for that turn.
Worm Harvest for generating a TON of tokens off of the lands in your 'yard.
Titania, Protector of Argoth or Rampaging Baloths for much, much bigger tokens.
Gitrog, Horror of Zhava and The Gitrog Monster for super frog-land-pseudocycling synergy!
Brawn since you're putting things in your 'yard anyways you might as well give your commander and other beatsticks Trample for free! Trample has saved me so many times in games. No reason not to run it in this deck tbh.
Erinis, Gloom Stalker, Ayula's Influence, and Old Rutstein for more synergy with your commander's ability.
Life / Death for making an army out of your lands or pulling something out of your 'yard.
The planeswalkers Nissa of Shadowed Boughs and Vraska, Golgari Queen can give you alternate win-cons while also being synergistic with your commander.
If you don't need more combo stuff and just need another big beatstick alternate for the Colossus it's hard to go wrong with Yargle and Multani's power (plus the stained glass alt-art is sick!). But unfortunately it doesn't come with the cool yard recovery abilities of the other beatsticks I mentioned and doesn't have trample or evasion, but it does have more power than Emrakul!
Crow_Umbra on Isshin Aristocrats
1 year ago
In taking a quick look at your deck, I think you could probably drop a few lands. 42 is a bit high, I get that you're not running many mana rocks aside from Sol Ring and Arcane Signet. I think you could safely swap a couple of land slots for a couple more 2 mana rocks like Talisman of Conviction and the others in Mardu colors, mostly since you can play extra rocks, but not additional lands each turn. Your mana curve is fairly low as-is at 2.73 that 42 lands seems like you could potentially mana flood. 35-38 lands is a nice sweet spot, especially with some mana rocks and a low curve like you have.
Bomat Courier could probably be cut. Definitely some hoops to jump through to get the impulse draw. Minas Tirith (if you're not against Universes Beyond stuff) and Chivalric Alliance might be safer options for some additional draw.
You could probably replace Memorial to Folly with Vault of the Archangel, as it's kinda slow as a tapped land and recursion piece.
Cathars' Crusade could be another potential replacement, mostly because the counter tracking in games can become annoying.
Spawning Pit is kinda meh, especially with some of the other more impactful "free" sac outlets you're currently running.
eliakimras on The Horrarrr
1 year ago
Hey! Joey from EDHRECast commented on upgrades for Captain N'ghathrod here: He focus more on the mill side of things, so he has more targets for reanimation.
Doing my research on topics he didn't touch on, you might want to consider:
- Some evasion for your Horrors: Intimidation, Vela the Night-Clad;
- Some recursion with Beacon of Unrest, Body Double, Boneyard Parley;
- Ramp that does something else: Heraldic Banner, Midnight Clock, Phyrexian Totem;
- Draw that fills your graveyard: Fact or Fiction, Hostile Negotiations, Scattered Thoughts, Scion of Halaster.
Just like what I did with Menacing Aura, it might be wise to stuff some utility into your lands, so you have more options when playing your matches.
- Access Tunnel is a second copy of Rogue's Passage. If all else fails, it at least works on Captain N'ghathrod itself.
- Talking about second copies, Tomb Fortress is a second Port of Karfell in your build.
- Bojuka Bog is a must for when another graveyard deck gets out of control.
- Memorial to Folly is a late game alternative for gas when your hand is depleted.
- Geier Reach Sanitarium lets you sculpt your hand and graveyard for recursion later. It may also put some fatties on your opponents' graveyards for you to reanimate.
- Hagra Mauling Flip is removal on a land.
- Terrain Generator ramps you when you have nothing else to do with your mana.
- Faceless Haven is another Horror at your disposal, as long as you run
- 7x Snow-Covered Island and 7x Snow-Covered Swamp.
- And to tie all together, Tolaria West, that can search any of the lands above.
tkjanacek on Mogis Ravel
2 years ago
You have a card draw/bearhug theme, maybe you should make this a Nekusar, the Mindrazer deck? I recommend running Memorial to Folly, Path of Ancestry, Blightstep Pathway Flip, Drossforge Bridge, Talisman of Indulgence, Coldsteel Heart, Commander's Sphere, Fellwar Stone, Mind Stone, Star Compass, Fire Diamond, Charcoal Diamond, Glittering Stockpile, Prismatic Lens, Tome of the Guildpact, Exsanguinate, Read the Bones, Angrath, the Flame-Chained, Court of Ambition, Curtains' Call, Stormbreath Dragon, Fiery Confluence, Liliana's Specter, Capital Punishment, Gray Merchant of Asphodel, Soul Shatter, Tectonic Giant, Graveyard Trespasser Flip, Palace Siege, Vance's Blasting Cannons Flip, Cut / Ribbons, Make an Example, Oath of Liliana, Valakut Exploration, Terminate, Liliana's Triumph, The Eldest Reborn, Unnerve, Yarok's Fenlurker, Elderfang Disciple, Skull Rend, Tasigur's Cruelty, Warchief Giant, Warlock Class, Zof Consumption Flip, Hagra Mauling Flip, Skyclave Relic, Syphon Mind, Syphon Flesh.
king-saproling on Blex: The Quest for Pest
3 years ago
You might like these: Tortured Existence , Syr Konrad, the Grim , Desecrated Tomb , Tormod, the Desecrator , Carnival of Souls , The Gitrog Monster , Skola Grovedancer , Turntimber Sower , Memorial to Folly , Phyrexian Reclamation , Blood Beckoning , Disentomb , Ghoulcaller's Chant , March of the Drowned , Ivory Tower , Venser's Journal
ThousandOaks on Elenda - Life After Death
3 years ago
iplayBANJO provides a lot of good feedback. In many instances, I agree with the feedback provided.
I see two main items that need to be improved. First, your deck is very unfocused. Second, you don't have much interaction.
*Adding Focus*
You have too many themes. It's unclear if you want to go Vampire Tribal, Aristocrats, Graveyard, Tokens, or Recursion. As a starting place for your first build, it's not a bad starting place, but we can definitely tighten up your direction. The best next step for you is to pick one theme and building around that. You can "splash" some other themes by adding utility cards like Priest of Forgotten Gods that contribute to your main theme, but dips into other themes consequentially.
I'm going to assume you're building aristocrats. For any build, it's very important to figure out your mana base. Some may disagree with me, but the utility of the mana base is one of the most important starting places when building any new deck. So for each build you make, identify at least your utility lands that support your build. Then use basic lands as place holders.
If you are running aristocrats, consider the following feedback.
Utility Lands: High Market and Phyrexian Tower . These are great sac outlets that can provide you added value. Command Beacon and Memorial to Folly are cheap utility lands that will help you avoid commander tax later in the game.
Value Engines: Take advantage of death triggers. (Death triggers are triggered abilities when a creature dies; e.g., hits the graveyard.) As the previous post discuss, you need to demand value from things dying. Ask your self the question "what value am I getting" when something dies. A few items I don't see above:
Grave Pact is great for you. With your aristocrats package out, you're generating value and removing your opponents board. It also gets around indestructible and hexproof.
Razaketh, the Foulblooded . This is an "I-Win" card in an aristocrats deck. It allows you to tutor and find answers as soon as it resolves.
Skullclamp will allow you to draw a metric butt-load of cards.
Teysa Karlov doubles the value of your death triggers.
Kokusho, the Evening Star is a great nuclear deterrent. It gives you a flyer, solid 5/5 body, and in a pinch, you can sacrifice it to get 15 life and deal out 15 damage.
Interaction refers to your ability to respond to threats at instant speed. Currently, this is very crucial weak point in your build. This partially goes back to Focusing the deck. I would recommend first picking a single theme and rebuilding around that theme. Then, as you're rebuilding, as yourself the following questions for EVERY card you add:
Does this card do something when it resolves?
Identify what value the card gives you as it resolves. There's no right or wrong answer here, but we want to know what we're getting out of the mana we spend. Is it a 1/1 body I get? Or is it a 1/1 body with a trigger of some sort?
Keep in mind. Every time a card resolves (for example a combo piece), if it doesn't give you immediate value when it resolves, it's an opportunity for your opponents to remove it. How will you protect those combo pieces from removal? Teferi's Protection , Flawless Maneuver , Cosmic Intervention .
Does this card, by itself, have synergy with my theme or commander?
With Elenda at the helm, sometimes you're just putting fodder on the field for her. And that's perfectly okay, so long as you're playing at the broader synergy. Remember, with Aristocrats, you're probably not going to win by swinging a big beefy 50/50 Elenda, the Dusk Rose at someone's face. (She doesn't even have trample.) You're most likely going to win by all the triggers from Blood Artist , Cruel Celebrant , Falkenrath Noble , Zulaport Cutthroat , Bastion of Remembrance , Syr Konrad, the Grim , and Vindictive Vampire .
What value do I want out of this card, and how many other pieces do I need to get that value?
Again. No right or wrong answer here. Sometimes, it's just fun to play a card for the hell of it. Looking at you Choice of Damnations .
What is the range of the card? (Early/Opener, Mid-Range, Late Game/Close)
Have an idea of when you plan for a card to be most impactful. Is it a card that is strong early game, mid-game, or late game? How will it impact your state or the overall board when it resolves?
My immediate recommendation is to pick a single theme. I would move away from "perfect world" value situations. This refers to those situations where you're convincing yourself of value. For example, if you want to play Card X because you'll win if you also have Card Y on the field, and Card Z in your graveyard, then I wouldn't play Card X.
Next, I wouldn't run a single combo besides the following: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion or Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Walking Ballista . Mikeaus by himself brings so much value to an aristocrats build. It essentially allows you to sacrifice each of your non-token creatures twice, including Elenda. With Triskelion or Walking Ballista, Mikaeus creates an infinite damage combo and wins you the game... also infinitely triggering your aristocrat triggers.
Finally, I would remove all the "lord" effects. Lord effects refer to effects that buff a certain creature type. Again, if you're running Aristocrats, you're not going to win because you have big creatures, you're going to win because you're forcing the most value from the death of your creatures.
All food for thought. Feel free to take or decline any suggestions. Happy brewing!
RinceRaven on Kaalia
4 years ago
suggestions right now are to get out all the low-impact 4-5 costed 'big' creatures that sit in your hand as a 1/turn spell even when you have 8 mana available and replace them with stuff that either has an actual impact or that helps big stuff come out faster and better.
in: Angel of Serenity, Kaalia of the Vast, Rakshasa Debaser, Dragon Tempest, Lightning Greaves, Rakdos, Lord of Riots, Angel of Condemnation, Worn Powerstone, Thran Dynamo, Herald of War, literally any land.
out: Bloodgift Demon, Demanding Dragon, Desecration Demon, Taurean Mauler, Nesting Dragon, Hoarding Dragon, Ambition's Cost, Conjurer's Closet, Idyllic Tutor, Memorial to Folly.
Also update the list so it has Graveshifter and not Gravedigger.