Primal Wellspring


Primal Amulet  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Primal Wellspring


(Transforms from Primal Amulet.)

: Gain one mana of any colour. When that mana is spent to cast an instant or sorcery spell, copy that spell and you may choose new targets for the copy.

Gidgetimer on Veyran, Voice of Duality, what …

3 years ago

Your first two points are correct, So I am not going to address anything you said in them. I will address the rest of the question in the order the ideas are presented. Though it isn't going to be a nice ordered list, because some of your numbered points are mixing cards that operate differently.

Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind triggers off of drawing cards, not casting spells. The effect of the spell triggered Niv, not the casting of the spell, so Veyran, Voice of Duality has no interaction. Baral is the same. As is anything that doesn't trigger from casting a spell.

No cards in MtG need an extra cost to trigger. They trigger and go on the stack, and then have an optional cost to have an effect. Lunar Mystic and Mirari will trigger twice. You can pay as each trigger resolves to get the effect. You can pay for none, one, or both.

An instant or sorcery that triggers Knowledge Pool or Eye of the Storm will trigger them twice. Knowledge Pool requires you to exile the spell to have an effect, so only the first to resolve will have an effect, though there will be two triggers. Eye of the Storm doesn't require you to have exiled the spell to get the effect, so both triggers will have an effect.

Primal Wellspring and Pyromancer's Goggles trigger off of casting an instant or sorcery and so will trigger twice and make two copies.

Spellweaver Volute is an interesting case. I will look up the rules to copying objects that have left the expected zone and get back to you on it. My gut feeling is that 2 copies of the instant will be made.

cooknathan on Veyran, Voice of Duality, what …

3 years ago

I'm probably not the only one confused with which triggers Veyran, Voice of Duality works with.

603.1. Triggered abilities have a trigger condition and an effect. They are written as “[When/Whenever/At] [trigger condition or event], [effect]. [Instructions (if any).]”

  1. So cards like Guttersnipe or cards with magecraft clearly work (she triggers her own magecraft), cool, no problem.

  2. There seems to be a consensus that cards with prowess and similar ( Stormchaser Mage , Aetherflux Reservoir , Wavebreak Hippocamp ) also work so long as it triggers with an instant or sorcery and not another card type. Ok, so maybe the permanent's trigger condition does not need to say 'instant' or 'sorcery'.

  3. What about if something like Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind was triggered with a Brainstorm ? Does the permanent's trigger condition need to say 'cast' too? What 'causes' the triggered ability to trigger? Is it the casting or the drawing? Same question with Baral, Chief of Compliance .

  4. What about cards that need an extra cost to trigger Lunar Mystic or Mirari ? Do we (or can we, or can't we) pay the extra cost when Veyran triggers it an additional time?

  5. What about cards like Knowledge Pool or Eye of the Storm which also requires the card to exile?

  6. What about Primal Wellspring or Pyromancer's Goggles do you get two copies?

  7. If Runaway Steam-Kin has two counters and you cast a red instant, does it end up with four counters? Does Aria of Flame or Sphinx-Bone Wand get one or two counters? How about Mizzix of the Izmagnus ?

  8. How does Spellweaver Volute work? DO you get two copies of the same instant?

  9. I think that covers everything. If anyone has any weird edge cases, this might be a good place to post it. Do any of these cards not work for some reason? Sunbird's Invocation , Jori En, Ruin Diver .


KongMing on Feather's Battle Spells

4 years ago

Here are some other vegetablely ideas. Some of these are obviously more effective than others, and some I had to think about for a moment to see the interactions, but they're all fun.

Arena Athlete, Astral Steel, Bonus Round, Coalition Flag and Standard Bearer (force people to target a creature, then give it protection at instant speed), Finale of Promise, Mirrorwing Dragon (because you can repeatedly protect your field even if someone tries to use this against you), Primal Wellspring, Pyromancer's Goggles, Radiate, and Veilstone Amulet.

itsbuzzi on Pioneer Lands Data Base

4 years ago

Battlefield Forge, Caves of Koilos, Command Tower, Conqueror's Foothold, Crypt of the Eternals, Forest, Gingerbread Cabin, Gold-Forge Garrison, Grove of the Guardian, Holdout Settlement, Island, Llanowar Wastes, Lost Vale, Mountain, Plains, Primal Wellspring, Rupture Spire, Shimmering Grotto, Spires of Orazca, Swamp, Temple of Aclazotz, Tomb of the Dusk Rose, Treasure Cove, Wandering Fumarole, Wastes.

I used to give me a complete list of lands and subtraced what you had. I know Command Tower doesn't actually do anything but it's still legal. Do with that what you will. I also added the basics. They seem unnecessary but the addition of Wastes may be useful information.

Hope this helps!

xtechnetia on Does Primal Amulet flipped work …

4 years ago

No. When you end up casting the spell after all the suspend counters come off, you cast it without paying its mana cost. There is therefore no way to use the mana from Primal Wellspring to cast the suspended card and hence use the copy effect.

It could work, though, if something like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben was in play and your suspended card costs to cast instead of .

TaegukTheWise on Does Primal Amulet flipped work …

4 years ago

Does Primal Wellspring work with the suspend mechanic? Suspending doesn't count as casting last I checked, but when it goes onto the stack after the last suspend counter does something like Ancestral Vision get copied with the ability to choose new targets?

Spook9MM on Combining effects from 2 cards …

4 years ago

So I have Pyromancer's Goggles in play, as well as Primal Wellspring . I tap both and cast Banefire . I get 2 copies, right? So assuming X was 5, I was able to do 15 dmg in that scenario.

Additionally, throw Chandra, the Firebrand 2nd ability into the mix, yet another copy hits?

dragonstryke58 on Karn, the great creator + …

5 years ago

On a related note: The Ixalan transform lands like Primal Wellspring will not die as they have a CMC of their front face.

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