Mystic Monastery

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mystic Monastery


This enters the battlefield tapped.

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zandl on Dragons Loooove Gold!

11 months ago

Command Tower, Mystic Monastery, Steam Vents, Hallowed Fountain, Sacred Foundry, Raugrin Triome, etc. Not sure on your budget, but you should definitely be playing the first two regardless.

Alesamuel on Jodah Big Spell

1 year ago

I would recommend some of the Eldrazi titans, such as Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger as some big top end bombs. Some ramp creatures wouldn't go amiss either, such as Birds of Paradise, and Dryad of the Ilysian Grove.

In terms of Instants, Sorceries, and Enchantments, getting some more of the Ultimatum cycle (Brilliant Ultimatum, Cruel Ultimatum, Emergent Ultimatum) might be a good idea, and Sunbird's Invocation would be a good idea too if you are casting such big CMC cards.

Another recommended addition would be Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh as it is just a straight up good card for the colour and big mana theme.

I'd recommend replacing the tapped tri-lands (Arcane Sanctum, Crumbling Necropolis, Frontier Bivouac, Jungle Shrine, Mystic Monastery, Nomad Outpost, Opulent Palace, Sandsteppe Citadel, Savage Lands, and Seaside Citadel) with the shock land cycle (Blood Crypt, Breeding Pool, Godless Shrine, Hallowed Fountain, Overgrown Tomb, Sacred Foundry, Steam Vents, Stomping Ground, Temple Garden, and Watery Grave) as they are easier to fetch for or find with ramp spells.

Final notes: Give the deck a little more of a creature focus, having as few as you have right now you'll find there is very little to hit with your reanimation, but other then that, good job on the first draft! looking forward to see how it plays out!

multimedia on Budget Slivers

2 years ago

Hey, nice version so far for well under $100.

40 lands is a lot, consider cutting some for some more low mana cost ramp for five colors to help gameplay?

Manaweft Sliver is the other staple mana dork Sliver. Sol Ring is staple budget mana rock in Commander. On a low budget and playing five colors Commander's Sphere is fine.

Because playing five colors then Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse are better than the New Capenna fetches. Wilds or Expanse can get any type basic land not just one of three types.

Unclaimed Territory is a helpful land when playing so many different colored Slivers and it enters the battlefield untapped.

Some of the Pain lands got reprinted in the newest set Dominaria United and those lands are down to $2 or less each right now. Pain lands enter the battlefield untapped to make colorless or colored mana to speed up gameplay. By replacing some basic lands with more dual lands that can enter the battlefield untapped that can make the color of the basic land it replaced or another color this can improve gameplay as well as color fixing.

The Tango lands are other budget lands that care about basic lands. These lands are good with Farseek, land ramp that can better color fix.

After these land changes, example upgraded budget 36 land five color manabase (20 G, 17 W, 17 R, 15 U, 14 B):

This advice was just about improving the manabase and ramp, if you're interested I offer more advice on other areas. Would you like more advice?

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on vehicular homicide

2 years ago

Hey, well done list so far on a low budget. Elsha with Vehicles is an interesting choice.

Some advice to get started on revision/optimization is to streamline creatures and lands to make Elsha better. Consider reducing the creature count down to 10 of the best creatures here for Vehicles strategy and/or crewing? (ordered by CMC)

The less creatures the better for Elsha. Cut most creatures for lands and ramp? Elsha doesn't work with lands thus having less can also make Elsha better. Consider 32 lands with many budget low mana cost mana rocks to replace some lands?

To help with deck building add all the lands you want to play, even just basic lands, to see how many spots are left to fill or how many cards you need to cut to add more lands. Some budget lands to consider adding:

Good luck with your deck.

9-lives on 4-color Jeskai splash green (Altruism?)

2 years ago

Ahh thanks a bunch, Gidgetimer! I'm only using 4x green cards with the rest being a balanced jeskai. But the only problem is that I don't like to sacrifice life for an effect. Life is our currency in this game, and I am purposely avoiding black for that very reason. I guess I could swap out Mystic Monastery and a 2x Mountain and some of the other dual lands. Perhaps for some dual lands like Hinterland Harbor and Rootbound Crag?? Maybe 6 of those? Considering I'm running quite a few check lands and some triomes, I think that if I go over 60 cards in my deck, I'll just run extra lands regardless. Can't hurt to lower chances of drawing other cards if I'm running extra land. mAlthough, I have to say, I'm running budget. So shock lands and check lands etc. are ot of my grasp. I'll have to settle for running cards I already own of Chromatic Lantern. Can't hurt to run this, and it works well for my manabase of WUR+G colors whenever it is added.

FelixCarter on You'll be Najello after I'm done with you

2 years ago

Cryptolith Rite, Nature's Will, Druids' Repository, and [Bear Umbra] will give repeatable combats. Nature's Will is a bit expensive, so keep Song of Freyalise instead. You can remove Battle for Bretagard, Goblin War Drums, and Mask of Avacyn to use the other three enchantments if repeatable combats is your goal. Otherwise, here are some other great additions:

Cathars' Crusade will make HUGE creatures very quickly. Brave the Sands gives the vigilance needed to take advantage of Cryptolith Rite or have blockers. Impact Tremors will cause lots of pain over time. Raiders' Spoils card draw on steroids. Something you are SORELY lacking.

Kaya, Geist Hunter a great addition that will mostly be used for her -2 ability. Rhythm of the Wild is a good card to be replaced since most of your creatures will be tokens, anyways. If you don't go with Kaya, Cathars' Crusade would probably be a better replacement for Rhythm of the Wild.

Trollbred Guardian and Hamza, Guardian of Arashin requires +1/+1 counters but you don't have very many +1/+1 counters in the deck to take advantage of this. You can remove them and instead use Mindblade Render and Oakhame Adversary for card draw. You need card draw.

Replace Mardu Shadowspear with Brutal Hordechief

Usher of the Fallen and Imperious Perfect are fairly underwhelming. Imperious Perfect is a little better, but I'd at least replace Usher of the Fallen with Rhys the Redeemed. Honestly, I'd use Ogre Battledriver over Imperious Perfect.

Rubblebelt Raiders is nice, but Champion of Lambholt will make your creatures unlockable just as fast.

Tuya Bearclaw and Hamletback Goliath get big, but they can be chumped VERY easily. Lovisa Coldeyes will buff all your tokens that are harder to chump. You could maybe keep the Hamletback Giant, but Zurgo Helmsmasher or Samut, Voice of Dissent is a good choice in your deck if you decide not to.

Blaring Captain and Blaring Recruiter are also very underwhelming. Chief of the Edge can easily replace the captain, and the recruit can be replaced be literally anything (my vote would be for Impact Tremors if you haven't added it already).

You have A LOT of mana ramp in your deck, but your lacking card draw and removal. I'd maybe remove the Diamonds and add two or three mana rocks that tap for one of any color. That'll give your deck 10-11 forms of mana ramp. If you add three, that'll give room for two forms of card draw. Reconnaissance Mission, Bident of Thassa, Skullclamp, and Vanquisher's Banner are great options.

Instead of Fracture, I recommend Despark. Mortify is a better Murder but can also be upgraded by switching to Utter End.

Replace Warped Landscape with Secluded Courtyard.

Be aware that you're sitting at only 30 lands. If you find your have a mana-base problem, I'd take out Radha, Heir to Keld, Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip, or ANY of the previously discussed cards and add 3-5 lands. Out of the lands you should also add, I recommend Savage Lands, Arcane Sanctum, Crumbling Necropolis, Jungle Shrine, Nomad Outpost, Mystic Monastery, Path of Ancestry, and Unclaimed Territory.

mrweaselman on America Control

2 years ago

Chandra Ablaze does not seem very good in this deck, I can't see a time you really want to use her +1 and her -2 is pretty situational for control. Neither is really worth the cost either. Chandra, the Firebrand is alright, but I think that there are better planeswalker options. Chandra, Torch of Defiance is probably the best Chandra, although she's a bit more expensive. Ajani Vengeant is another pretty solid option.

Detention Sphere is better than Banishing Light in your colors. Mana Leak is probably better than Negate. You can always sideboard swap them if you have the space too.

Fire / Ice can replace Lightning Bolt if you find yourself light on card draw. You'll want to replace Drawn from Dreams with instant draw. A couple options are Precognitive Perception, Sphinx's Revelation, Chemister's Insight, or Thassa's Intervention.

Going over the land base, you may be able to go down 1-2 and replace them with draw, your high end is only 4-5 mana. Take out basics for 4 Mystic Monastery, 3 Battlefield Forge, and 2 either Celestial Colonnade or Wandering Fumarole. I'm not completely sure what your colored distribution is, so those numbers may not be optimal.

If you run any of the artifact bridges like Razortide Bridge you can also run Cleansing Wildfire, which may not be competitive, but is pretty spicy.

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