Selesnya Guildgate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Selesnya Guildgate

Land — Gate

Selesnya Guildgate enters the battlefield tapped.

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Orange+ on Punching in Pillow Fights

2 years ago

Hi, H-E-N-R-Y

Cool deck you've got going here :)

I have made a Sythis deck myself, but to be honest, Im not completely into what people usually play with Sythis. I could however provide some initial thoughts I have based on your decklist.

First of I would recommend that you structure your deck with categories. I know a lot of people on tappedout doesnt use them, but they are very useful when building decks or providing feedback.

You play a lot of lands that enter the battlefield tapped, but as a two color deck containing green, Im not sure if you need to. Some of them might be handy, like Path of Ancestry and Temple of Plenty which gives scry. But I dont think you need the rest, and could swap them out with lands that dont enter tapped (like just basics). The lands are: Arctic Treeline, Blossoming Sands, Graypelt Refuge, Path of Ancestry, Scattered Groves, Selesnya Guildgate, Selesnya Sanctuary, Temple of Plenty, Thriving Grove, Vivid Grove, and Vivid Meadow

I've tried to play Crystal Chimes myself, and didnt like it that much. If I were you, I would probably take out both the chimes and the Cloud Key. They seem slow. Cards like the chimes and Resurgent Belief are very telegraphed, meaning your opponents will know what you can do before you do them, this is often quite a disadvantage.

Otherwise I think your composition is pretty nice with lots of good cards. But it might get better if you cut some of the larger mana cost cards. If you get to draw a lot from your commander, you might as well play a lot of cards. And if that is the case, mana is what is holding you back. I think cards like Celestial Mantle, Eldrazi Conscription, Epic Proportions, Gigantiform, Indrik Umbra, Martyr's Bond, and Prodigious Growth are a bit too mana expensive. (However, if you treat some of these as wincon, you should keep those)

As I mentioned, Im not quite sure what is common to play with Sythis, but as you have many spells with mana cost 3 or less, you could try Sun Titan. Otherwise, enchantment recursion is really nice in these kinds of decks (against bordwipes and such). Cards like Replenish, Retether, and Brilliant Restoration.

Finally, as mentioned by others commenters, I think removal is really important. I think Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile are natural fits, but if you want play more enchatments, you could also try Journey to Nowhere, Borrowed Time, or Oblivion Ring. My deck Riders on the Storm has a removal category if you want to take another look.

Vannu on Deck Help - Shalai, Voice of Plenty

3 years ago

Hey Goose_ thanks for the response, I appreciate the feedback. I will definitely pick up some board wipe protection, I just don't own any yet in white and green. I'm new to the commander format and only play with 2 others who are both using store bought commander decks at the moment. Most of these cards my brother-in-law gave me so I'm not concerned about price if I already have it and everything I listed here I have XD

I didn't even know Krosan Verge existed but I am already in love. Is it worth replacing Selesnya Guildgate over a basic land when adding in something like Sunpetal Grove ?

Rotlung on Deck Help - Shalai, Voice of Plenty

3 years ago

Cute deck idea, however a single board wipe just destroys this deck hard. Maybe include some anti-board wipe tech with Teferi's Protection , Heroic Intervention or even Wrap in Vigor . Second, I'm not sure how much you care about price, but that cradle is taking up HALF the price of this deck! There is a new card from the D&D set called Circle of Dreams Druid which does the same exact thing, just on a creature, which is great bc u want to have your commander out anyways. That would bring the deck price way down if you are looking into that. Also, I would replace that Selesnya Guildgate with something like a Sunpetal Grove so that it is more consistent. Another amazing land that is just special to selesnya is Krosan Verge which is EXTREMELY strong! I could help you out some more but I don't want to put up too much of a text wall for you. If you'd like more suggestions, please just @ me!

nathanielhebert on

3 years ago

The efficient land cards are what make this set more expensive, but the sturdy defender deck can afford to slow things down with cheaper mana alternatives. On the plus side, the guild-gates at our disposal look like we're building up more walls, and the scry from the various Temple of Mystery 's helps to put the combo pieces we need into our hands.

A slimmer version:

1x Botanical Sanctum , 3x Temple of Mystery

1x Fortified Village , 3x Temple of Plenty

1x Glacial Fortress , 2x Temple of Enlightenment

1x Hallowed Fountain , 3x Azorius Guildgate

1x Wooded Bastion , 3x Selesnya Guildgate

1x Island 1x Forest

multimedia on

3 years ago

Hey, very good upgrade of the precon while still keeping budget. Nice Doubling Season and Xenagos, God of Revels is some spicy tech with Obuun :)

My advice is consider cutting a few land ramp spells and adding some repeatable draw sources such as Valakut Exploration, Garruk's Uprising and Tireless Tracker. Exploration uses landfall to play cards from the top of your library including lands. It can also be graveyard fuel for Trove Warden, Sun Titan and Emeria Shepherd. Uprising is an amazing budget card in Commander with creature strategies especially with Omnath, Locus of Rage and Rampaging Baloths since it triggers when a token is created. Tracker, Mystery Booster version, creates clues with landfall and clues can sac to draw.

Crop Rotation can tutor for any land which is nice with Bounce lands, Fetch lands, Kessig Wolf Run and Gavony Township. Emeria Angel and Scute Swarm are build your own army with landfall which is very good with Doubling Season, Felidar Retreat, Township and Beastmaster Ascension.

Cinder Glade and Canopy Vista are some land upgrades for the manabase because they have good interaction with lots of basic lands and they're two different land types. Farseek, Nature's Lore, Grasslands, Mountain Valley can search for one of these dual lands. Krosan Verge and Skyshroud Claim can get both of them. These Battle lands are $2 or less each at TCGPlayer. Exotic Orchard is a budget Rainbow land that's quite good in multiplayer Commander.

Cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Welcome to Gishathic Park

3 years ago

Hey, nice Scroll Rack Invention :)

Some budget cards to consider adding:

Sol Ring and Command Tower are some staple budget cards in Commander. At TCGPlayer you can find Sol for less than $3 and Tower for less than $1. Congregation at Dawn is a good budget creature tutor with Gishath. Cast it the same turn you want play Gishath or the turn before to tutor for and arrange the top of your library with any three Dinos to cheat onto the battlefield. Forerunner of the Empire is a Dino tutor (puts the Dino on top of your library) and a repeatable enrage enabler when a Dino you control ETB.

Quartzwood Crasher is one of the better budget Dinos since it can be a repeatable source of Dino tokens since many other Dinos have trample especially with Ghalta. Crasher combines well with Garruk's Uprising which can be a repeatable draw source and can give all creatures you control trample. Ripjaw Raptor has a powerful enrage ability to draw a card when it takes damage. Rhythm of the Wild makes all creatures you cast uncounterable and it gives nontoken creatures when they ETB the option of haste or make it bigger with a +1/+1 counter.

With Orcish Lumberjack sacing a Forest you control can make four mana since you can tap the Forest for mana before you sac it which can be a quick way to ramp into Gishath or other Dinos. Farseek is two drop land ramp that can search for a dual land such as Stomping Ground, Canopy Vista, Cinder Glade. At TCGPlayer can get Vista and Glade for less than $2 each.

Cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

BlackoutX on Arahbo the Catmander

3 years ago

You have to many tap lands, Graypelt Refuge, Tranquil Expanse, Temple of Plenty, Selesnya Guildgate, Saltcrusted Steppe, Evolving Wilds, and Blossoming Sands just shouldn't be run. Use basics or use expensive duels that can enter untapped. I'd personally remove Scattered Groves, Opal Palace, Gavony Township, and Animal Sanctuary I find them to be slow and often don't return the value spent.

Just a note, one for one trades like Beast Within tend to be bad in commander. You also will probably want to run more one to two mana ramp cards like Avacyn's Pilgrim and Wild Growth.

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