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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
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Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
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Vintage | Legal |
Fortified Village
As Fortified Village enters the battlefield, you may reveal a Forest or Plains card from your hand. If you don't, Fortified Village enters the battlefield tapped.
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thegoldentoast on
Chain Pump Tribal
10 months ago
I would consider Sunpetal Grove and maybe Fortified Village to open up the option to pay for Yotian Frontliner's unearth cost.
They are pretty cheap and they work well in decks that run a lot of basic lands.
zandl on
Heron Guardian
1 year ago
I think you could probably cool it a bit with the dual-lands. Things like Rupture Spire, Fortified Village, and Evolving Wilds are just going to slow you down and you don't need that much mana fixing in two colors. In fact, almost anything that always comes into play tapped is probably not what you want in this deck, where you're trying to curve out aggressively.
Idoneity on When Will WotC Finish the …
1 year ago
WOTC is rather capricious as to what land cycles they finish and when.
Typically, they finish land cycles in adjacent set releases, such as the checklands in Dominaria and Ixalan (see Isolated Chapel and Glacial Fortress. But they have also quixotically completed the showland cycle with Strixhaven in 2021 (see Furycalm Snarl), despite it first being introduced on a separate plane in 2016's Shadow's Over Innistrad (see Fortified Village). They do this a lot, starting with the allies then bargaining it over to the enemies:
1995 brought Underground River then 2001 had Shivan Reef, 2010 brought Darkslick Shores then 2016 had Spirebluff Canal. These are rather large gaps, ranging from months to years.
There are plenty of land cycles that haven't been finished or haven't even begun. The five ally-colored lands from Future Sight has partially been officiated, consisting of Horizon Canopy, Grove of the Burnwillows, Graven Cairns, Nimbus Maze, and River of Tears. All of these are rather unique; two have been finished. Kind of. Modern Horizons parlously gave Horizon Canopy an enemy family. The Graven Cairns cycle was completed in Eventide and Shadowmoor. The rest are lonesome.
There's still Amonkhet's cycling cycle to finish up, so who knows when the buddy lands will be tended to.
onua1 on
The Beautiful Lxhel
1 year ago
Consider cutting: Green Sun's Twilight, Expand the Sphere, Feed the Infection, Venomous Brutalizer , Myr Convert, Ria Ivor, Bane of Bladehold, Carrion Call, Phyrexian Atlas, Vat of Rebirth, Norn's Annex, Necroblossom Snarl, Shineshadow Snarl, Fortified Village.
multimedia on I want this deck to …
2 years ago
Hey, this is by far your best deck of the decks you've asked for help on. There's good deck building with a purpose.
The area that needs improvement is the manabase. 16x basic Plains is not going to cut it compared to many less Forests and Islands. The color pie of your deck shows primary white, but it's deceiving since you want a more balanced amount of land sources for each color to consistently cast Arcades. I say consistently because you need to control Arcades or most of your defenders are really not worth it.
Because you're playing green defenders who ramp and green ramp spells then it's important to have green mana more than the other colors in the early game, this isn't shown by the color pie. White and green are the two most important colors then blue. The majority of blue sources should come from dual lands that way the land can make another color except just blue. 8 sources of blue is not enough sources, you want more sources of blue which at the same time will increase sources of each other color.
On a low budget to balance the manabase for equal color fixing play some more always ETB tapped lands. This can unfortunately slow the game down some which means you want to make up for it with card quality.
- Yavimaya Coast --> 1x Plains
- Adarkar Wastes --> 1x Plains
- Fortified Village --> 1x Plains
- Port Town --> 1x Plains
- Vineglimmer Snarl --> 1x Forest
- Bant Panorama --> 1x Plains
- Path of Ancestry --> 1x Plains
- Krosan Verge --> Myriad Landscape
- Tangled Islet --> 1x Forest
Why are you playing so many cards that give you hexproof? Leyline of Sanctity and Shalai, Voice of Plenty are second and third most expensive price cards, but they don't help the strategy or have really any interaction with Arcades. If playing Leyline and Shalai then Ivory Mask and Aegis of the Gods aren't needed. Teyo, the Shieldmage is fine since it at least does something else, creating up to two defenders for draw with Arcades. Honestly, keep Shalai for this effect plus other effects and cut the others?
multimedia on
trelassara, the stomper
2 years ago
Hey, impressive version on a budget, you've put a lot of thought into your deck.
An excellent compact infinite combo for life is Staff of Domination + Accomplished Alchemist by gaining five or more life on a turn. What makes this combo compact is it's two cards and Staff can draw which is helpful when you make infinite mana to draw your wincon in this case Aetherflux Reservoir. Staff can be a mana sink for any other infinite mana combos you play. Heronblade Elite is an overlooked mana dork who can get out of hand quick when playing counters as well as other Humans. With 5 or more power it also infinite combos with Staff of Domination.
To improve gameplay use cards that are part of combos, but are good without combos? Cards that do other things such as ramp or gain life and can be used in more than one combo. Try to limit the combos to two cards to make it easier to assemble.
- Staff of Domination + Accomplished Alchemist = infinite mana, life, draw.
- Umbral Mantle + Accomplished Alchemist = infinite mana.
- Ivy Lane Denizen + Scurry Oak = infinite tokens.
- Spike Feeder + Cleric Class lvl 2. = infinite life.
Staff of Domination, Accomplished Alchemist, Ivy Lane Denizen, Spike Feeder, Cleric Class, Heronblade Elite, Scurry Oak are combo cards that are also good outside of combos. In contrast Sorcerer's Wand, Lurking Roper, Famished Paladin, Krosan Restorer, Presence of Gond are subpar cards that are only here because of combos or are only part of one combo. I'm not suggesting to cut all these cards, just to think about what other uses do they have here besides a combo and are they really needed because of that?
For example, Illusionist's Bracers is an expensive price card here that's only in one combo with one card, Krosan Restorer. Consider cutting Bracers and Restorer? Doing this change would also let you cut some of the lesser Bounce lands, Karoo and Jungle Basin because only playing them for Restorer combo. For a budget manabase Canopy Vista and Fortified Village could replace those lands. By adding Canopy Vista then you have a Selesnya dual land that Three Visits can get.
Many of the combos here require an equipment or an aura, Open the Armory can tutor for either one.
Some changes to consider:
- Staff of Domination --> Illusionist's Bracers
- Ivy Lane Denizen --> Krosan Restorer
- Heronblade Elite --> Golden Guardian
- Spike Feeder --> Sorcerer's Wand
- Open the Armory --> Ram Through
- Canopy Vista --> Karoo
- Fortified Village --> Jungle Basin
Good luck with your deck.
Petamine666 on
2 years ago
Okay dann hier erstmal alle Karten die ich gefunden habe, die was sein könnten:
Jukai Naturalist ist geil, wenn möglichst alle Entchantsments mindestens 1 farbloses kosten. Turn 1 könnte man dann theorethisch noch für taplands nutzen.
Kami of Transience wird genau wie Jukai Visionary und Generous Visitor momentan im Standard in Runes gespielt. wächst schnell und ist super nervig, weil er immer wieder aus dem Graveyard zurück kommt. Allerdings wären mit Ihm, Generous Visitor und Archin of Sun's Grace schon 12 Karten drin, die selber keine Entchantments sind, aber nur durch Entchantments triggern, das würde das Deck deutlich unkonsistenter machen..
God-Favored General zwar selber auch kein Entchantment, aber produziert immerhin welche und könnte so im lategame weiter trigger auslösen. Allerdings musst du ihn erstmal getappt bekommen und mit 1/1 ist er ziemlich mickrig und stirbt quasi an allem, also vermutlich eher Nichts :/
Setessan Champion Der ist dafür Bombe! Gibt es auch auf Arena, soweit ich weiß. Gleichzeitig Drawengine und wachsende Kreatur in einem. Leider leider selber kein Entchantment.
Season of Growth wäre nett, wenn du mehr Auren spielen würdest, aber ich glaube in die Richtung soll das Deck nicht gehen, oder? Falls doch ist Sentinel's Eyes ne Aura, die du wieder verwerten kannst. Manakosten beißen sich aber mit Jukai Naturalist.
Was auch noch sehr viel versprechend aussieht, ist Kruphix's Insight. Mit genug Entchantments einfach ein 3-Mana Draw three. Aber natürlich auch ab und zu weniger, vorallem wenn du viele Archons, Visitors, Kamis und Champions spielst.
Wie wäre es mit Sigil of the Empty Throne? Ist nur 1 Mana teurer als der Archon, schwerer zu removen, macht dickere Tokens und ist selbst ein Entchantment. Gibt es übrigens auch auf Arena.
Mana Bloom sieht auch interessant aus. Du brauchst den Ramp zwar nicht, aber du könntest es theorethisch jeden Turn auf 0 spielen, einfach nur um jeden Turn nen Entchantment zu casten. Allerdings wären 2 auf der Starthand tendenziell schon game over, also am besten nur 1 mal rein, wenn überhaupt.
Dann noch banishing light tauschen gegen Touch the Spirit Realm macht das gleiche, für das gleiche Mana, hat aber noch ne andere Option, mit der du deine eigene Kreatur beschützen oder nen Token günstiger killen kannst.
Cuts: Shapers Santuary ab ins Sideboard, ist zu oft ne tote Karte. Destiny Spinner auch ins Sideboard, der Effekt ist auch zu selten gut fürs Maindeck.
First Iroan Games auch raus, viel zu langsam für dein Deck, das kann deutlich explosiver sein.
All that Glitters würde ich tatsächlich auch cutten. Es kann zwar ne sehr gefährliche Karte sein, aber wie fast alle Auren hat die Karte das Problem, dass wenn dein Gegner in Reaktion darauf nen Removal für die entsprechende Kreatur hat, du einfach 2v1 getauscht hast, ohne dass die Karte was getan hat. Außerdem bietet dir Michikos Reign of Truth den gleichen Effekt (wenn auch nur 2 Turns) ohne die gleichen Risiken zu haben und macht sogar am Ende noch ne Kreatur.
Länder: Könntest Scattered Groves als tapland spielen, das kannst du im Lategame immerhin noch cyclen, wenn du keine Länder mehr brauchst. Wenn dir das die 1,50 wert ist, dann go. Fortified Village kommt potenziell untapped, vorallem mit scattered groves als anderes dualland, da es auch die subtypes hat, und kostet quasi nichts, also aufjedenfall mit bestellen.
rekkim on
2 years ago
Changelog v2.0:
- Changed Lagonna-Band Trailblazer to Simic Initiate and quantity from three to four. ・It's functional and also frees up a slot for basic land by replacing a Llanowar Reborn.
- Reduced Phalanx Leader to two copies. ・Strictly better than the generic heroic effect, but it costs WW, and waiting on that can gimp an entire match. On top of that, all of my combat tricks're green, so having access to say, one of those per turn is going to slow down what you got out of it, anyway.
- Increased Ainok Bond-Kin to three. ・Deck is otherwise lacking in things that enter the field with proportional size to their cost, and, first strike aside, it has a lax 1W casting cost.
- Increased Akroan Skyguard to three. ・Easy-to-achieve casting cost for reliable creature, assuming you can get it to grow.
- Reworked mana: dropped vivid lands, reduced Llanowar Reborn to three, added Fortified Village, added five forests and reduced plains by one. ・Much better without waiting a turn. I guess you can use the vivid stuff for a poor man's five-color deck.
Have (1) | metalmagic |
Want (3) | freshie9000 , beesaurs , C0LDE |