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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Polluted Mire
Polluted Mire enters the battlefield tapped.
: Add .
Cycling (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)
DatShepTho on Gitrog landfall in construction
7 months ago
Some land suggestions: Combos with Kodama + Scute: Arid Archway, Golgari Rot Farm, Guildless Commons
Two mana sac: Ebon Stronghold, Havenwood Battleground
Cycling: Barren Moor, Tranquil Thicket, Polluted Mire, Slippery Karst, Desert of the Glorified, Desert of the Indomitable
Fetch: Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, Fabled Passage, Myriad Landscape, Blighted Woodland, Riveteers Overlook
Other: Ghost Quarter, Lotus Field, Nurturing Peatland, Bojuka Bog, Emergence Zone, Field of the Dead
EpicBox75 on
3 years ago
Hi. I love UB control archetype so I would like to give my 2 cents. So I'll hope that this helps/gives new ideas ^_^
I think your deck at the moment has unnecessary tap lands. Halimar Depths Vivid Marsh and Polluted Mire and Lonely Sandbar. I would recommend trying Mystic Sanctuary, Sunken Ruins, Field of Ruin, Fabled Passage or Castle Vantress. Karakas is also viable option even though it acts like colorless land in UB.
I also need to recommend Search for Azcanta Flip because it can win control mirrors almost by itself. Shark Typhoon and Omen of the Sea are my personal additions usually because both of them are 2 for 1 effects.
For sorcerys I have not been impressed with Yahenni's Expertise and I have played Shadows' Verdict and/or Dead of Winter instead of it. Also Bloodchief's Thirst and Baleful Mastery are cards that I can't stop recommending because they are just that good, the ability to get rid of an creature or planeswalker while being cheap removal if needed is just so good.
For creatures I will recommand Murderous Rider it is another hero's downfall with 2 for 1 thanks to adventure, I have never been impressed by Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir because he usually doesn't do enough for 5 mana. For planeswalkers if your meta has decks that have creatures Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is surprisingly effective and talking about Ashiok Ashiok, Nightmare Muse is a real game closer because both +1 and -3 are extremely good and an army of 2/3 will win the game at some point.
For instants I will just write recommendations because there are so many: Archmage's Charm just does everything you would want, Commence the Endgame uncounterable threath + card draw and is especially good mirror breaker, Cryptic Command it also does everything, Disallow the stiffle can save games sometimes (like countering planeswalker "ultimate"), Erebos's Intervention I personally like this card very much because it can buy so much time against aggro decks, Hieroglyphic Illumination works as early game can trip and mid/late game divination, Spell Snare on draw this is amazing and usually the best cards are 2-3 costed so this usually hits something important and last but not least Force of Negation because it is another force. I would recommend little bit more targeted removal because edict effects are worse against decks that play mana elfs or other low impact 1 drops.
I personally wouldn't play your artifact package but because I haven't played with artifact package I won't say anything about that because I don't know how good it is.
These are just my recommendations and these aren't absolutes. Here is also list if you would like to compare different building choices
I hope that you found this helpful ^_^
abby315 on Shattergang Brothers - Sacrifice Control
3 years ago
I would suggest going up to 38 lands. You're only running a few mana dorks, and having 34 lands in EDH is like running 20 lands in a Standard deck - something only the most low-to-the-ground mono-color decks would do. Here's a really helpful article for thinking about manabases in EDH. (The article actually suggests around 40 lands for a midrange deck, but I think that's a little excessive...)
While we're at it, I would also cut Temple of the False God . It's not a good card and it's especially bad in a 3-color deck!
Even though it sucks to make cuts for lands, you can add utility lands that either cycle or do something in the lategame to make sure you don't get flooded. Here are 5 lands I might consider adding (after cutting Temple) that are not expensive:
Sheltered Thicket
Canyon Slough
Bala Ged Recovery
Polluted Mire
Barren Moor
And the cards I might cut to make room:
Temple of the False God
Volcanic Geyser
Spine of Ish Sah
Myr Battlesphere
Finally, Attrition would be a great add to the deck - maybe over Vile Requiem if you're looking for some upgrades!
MGlBlaze on Dicktouch
4 years ago
Keeping in mind that this is a casual budget deck, I think there are still a couple of utility lands you could use in place of a few of your basics that you might find useful, and they aren't too expensive.
Rogue's Passage would act as an extra combo piece with Phage the Untouchable
Blighted Woodland would let you grab two basics from your deck and put them on to the battlefield tapped for . Myriad Landscape is similar but needs to grab two of the same basic land.
I notice you have some land destruction in there: Ghost Quarter can be used to take out a a different utility land from another player. Field of Ruin is similar, but targets nonbasics specifically - ditto for Tectonic Edge and Encroaching Wastes
Ice Floe can keep any one creature without flying that might otherwise pose as a problem.
Barren Moor, Tranquil Thicket, Desert of the Indomitable, Desert of the Glorified, Drifting Meadow and Polluted Mire are also some other land options. They're slow since they enter the battlefield tapped, but you can cycle them if you don't need the mana at that time. Ash Barrens might also be interesting.
A number of the suggestions are from this list; others are anything I could think of at the time that could be helpful while being inexpensive.
somedumbjerk on Ayara engines EDH
5 years ago
Vindictive Vampire + Polluted Mire out, Mindcrank + Thornbite Staff in
Gattison on Auratocracy
5 years ago
I would try dropping the 2x Bloodfell Caves in favor of another each of Scoured Barrens and Wind-Scarred Crag . With 50% of your deck being white, you always want or something else. Also, consider losing a Swamp and a mountain in favor of either 2x Secluded Steppe 1x Polluted Mire and 1x Smoldering Crater , because I also think you need some draw.
I feel like a full playset of Impact Tremors should be in this deck, maybe by going down to 3-of on some of your other enchantments. Either that or Hissing Iguanar ... or replace Bogardan Dragonheart and use them both! Which is what I would do. But I love Impact Tremors too much so....
Apostle's Blessing should be in your sideboard, btw.
I know it's not an enchantment, but also consider squeezing in some Altar's Reap s somewhere, because draw.
Deadpoo111 on
5 years ago
I agree with jordanalessi effects like Wanderer's Twig and Traveler's Amulet are great turn one plays that will let you keep up on land drops and stop you from flooding. I also love Ashes to Ashes , it's such efficient removal for budget decks
However, Barren Moor and Polluted Mire are good lands but if the budget can't fit them, they're definitely not worth slotting out non lands. Ghoulcaller's Bell is a must have for sure though.
Have (1) | reikitavi |
Want (1) | metalmagic |