Arcane Lighthouse

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Arcane Lighthouse


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, : Until end of turn, creatures your opponents control lose hexproof and shroud and can't have hexproof or shroud.

Crivaro on Hinata Target Practice

8 months ago

Arcane Lighthouse is in there for the same reason without taking up a slot, but your suggestion of Glaring Spotlight is very valid and I'll test it out, thanks! =)

Hey Dana, I'll add them to the consider-list and play a few games to see how they feel. Thanks for the love!

Toonces on Critical Mass Slivers

9 months ago

Thanks for the note. I don't think there is any deck that can destroy every EDH commander deck. But, having played this specific deck for a couple of years, it will quickly get out of hand of left unchecked. That's just the nature of slivers; I love it.

As for power level, I don't know how competitive this deck is in a cEDH format. I would suspect that lacking duel lands and mox rocks would make the deck too slow.

I also am thinking of removing shadowsphere. It doesn't seem relevant in many games, and I already have Arcane Lighthouse for Hexproof.

IEatChildren on Webs From All the Spiders…

1 year ago

carpecanum, thank you for the awesome advice, no clue how I missed Isochron Scepter, because even I know it’s popular in commander. Blood Artist and Zulaport Cutthroat are there specifically for the cheeky combo with one of them, Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, and one other non-human creature. Upon review, I will likely be removing Blood Artist as he’ll kill me before multiple opponents. I will definitely take Arcane Lighthouse because otherwise some strategies shut down the turning men into food degeneracy. I’ll also try and make room for the Rabid Bite and similar cards, as well as some board wipe protection. Thank you again!

carpecanum on Webs From All the Spiders…

1 year ago

Without a ton of tokens I'm not sure cards like Blood Artist and Zulaport Cutthroat will really help a lot. If you want to focus more on tokens maybe get Tend the Pests, Second Harvest, Chatterfang, Squirrel General etc.

If you want a couple burly spiders Chameleon Colossus and Changeling Titan are useful.

I think you should get a few (or a lot) of cards like Rabid Bite that allow Shelob to just murder somebody and make a token. There are several (Instants and Sorceries, mostly green) and they tend to have a CMC low enough to fit inside a Isochron Scepter and so would all but one of the Instants you already have. I see your two artifact pingers there, those are a great start. Arcane Lighthouse would help with spells that target like that. A lot of creatures have abilities that will carry over in Artifact form and I really like some of the possibilities there.

You don't seem shy about money so maybe Heroic Intervention and, cheaper, Wrap in Vigor, to survive a board wipe intact.

Crow_Umbra on Salty Commanders!

1 year ago

Hi grumbledore, I've noticed that quite a few of the following cards are uncategorized, and figured they could fit into some of the following categories you have on site:

This is not an exhaustive list, but some of the ones I noticed from looking at my own deck categories.

slasherturtle on Gimme That!

1 year ago

I fucking adore this deck, I don't have too many notes.

Arcane Lighthouse would be nice to take control of creatures with Hexproof or Shroud.

Something like Phyrexian Tower, Viscera Seer, or Yawgmoth, Thran Physician might be nice so you can sacrifice the creatures you steal for free if you can't untap Merieke, or if you use something other than Merieke to steal it.

Exsanguinate/Torment of Hailfire and maybe even Sphinx's Revelation would both make good use of your infinite mana combo, since there aren't too many payoffs for it. Without a few decent X spells you might find it doesn't do a lot for you.

Max_Hammer on I’m Rick Grimes, Bitch 2.0

1 year ago

Howdy, I think your mana base could use some work-shopping. As for what you have right now, it's good. You don't need to remove anything, nothing here is hurting you. However, there might be something you missed. The only reason I can see for having this number of basics is for Emeria, but I think you could get even more value elsewhere. For the record, I'm not saying to include all of these, but I am giving you some choices as to what you might wanna include. I suggested the ones that seemed like the best choices.


For removal, we have a few choices. Scavenger Grounds is graveyard hate, which is fine because we only have one piece of recursion and it's Emeria. Blast Zone is pretty solid removal, just in case. Field of Ruin can get rid of someone else's Emeria or other problem land. Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire can be removal when you need it, and a land when you don't. And lastly, Kabira Takedown  Flip in a token deck takes down pretty much anything without hexproof.


Your stuff is important! Keep it safe with these cards. Eiganjo Castle is nice for anyone especially important, as can Karakas, if you can swallow the high pricetag. Sejiri Shelter  Flip can keep a creature safe once, assuming you don't need the mana. Nephalia Academy is fun when playing against specific deck strategies. Now, for a lot of them all at once, Kor Haven, Mystifying Maze, and Labyrinth of Skophos (With a shoutout to Maze of Ith) all prevent people from bonking you too hard.


Everything else that wasn't in those two categories. Windbrisk Heights can play you a free Mass Calcify when you need it, just for swinging with 3 tokens. Reliquary Tower because this is Commander. War Room, depending on how much draw you need. Idyllic Grange may as well replace a Plains if you plan to keep focusing on Emeria. Arcane Lighthouse is just another Detection Tower effect. And for the final one, Karoo. I dig the bouncelands. They're perfect turn 2 plays and might help you ramp a little bit extra.

And one more thing aside from all of this! Caged Sun is, in my opinion, better than Gauntlet of Power. One extra mana for blocking out my opponents feels worth it.

carpecanum on

1 year ago

I'd throw in a Mimic Vat and maybe Callidus Assassin, Rite of Replication and Evil Twin. Copies of their creatures counts as their creatures right?

Verduran Enchantress maybe? Mark of Eviction and Contempt can be cast over and over.

Arcane Lighthouse and Detection Tower so you can steal creatures with hexproof.

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