Snow-Covered Forest

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Snow-Covered Forest

Basic Snow Land — Forest

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capwner on EDH Deck Power Level Tools

1 month ago

The stupid cardsrealm thing thought Snow-Covered Forest was a combo card and it gave my mono green lands deck a power 10 for having 26 of them. Move over Rog/Si

mahanhen on Mana Flooding is a good thing?!?!?!

3 months ago

Any thought of taking a few basics out and bring in a few Snow-Covered Island and Snow-Covered Forest in here for Field of the Dead? It’s fractions of a percentage point but I don’t see a downside.

Master_J on All Loot

4 months ago

OUT: Tree of Tales, Seat of the Synod, Great Furnace, Forest, Island, Mountain

IN: 2x Snow-Covered Forest, 2x Snow-Covered Island, 2x Snow-Covered Mountain

I saw the artifact lands on EDHRec and was looking for more land. Didn't realize Loot, the Key to Everything doesn't count types among your lands.

So I got "Rec'ed" and took them out to get a few snow basics in, hopefully to help enable Field of the Dead easier.

markbeloit on Kura

5 months ago

You wrote me an essay Profet93, so I took awhile to respond. Will try and address your question comments one-by-one.

Regarding Null Rod: It was in the prototype of this deck, but Collector Ouphe was cheaper, so I opted for the ouphe.

Regarding Snow-Covered Forests: Would probably be better, but I'd rather not pay the $.

Regarding Elemental Bond/Garruk's Uprising vs Colossal Majesty: In 90% of decks I'd agree with you that those two are better, but in this deck, I think Colossal Majesty might be better. I don't have that many creatures ETBing, and sometimes I have a big creature around for several turns. In those scenarios, I think Colossal Majesty generates more value.

Regarding Hour of Promise: Good, but not sure I need it.

Regarding Pir's Whim: Good, and not a card I knew of. Will have to keep an eye out for something to cut.

Regarding Yavimaya Hollow: Too much $. I don't think I need it enough.

Regarding Miren, the Moaning Well: I don't like Miren very much. True it's a second sac outlet, but I consider it vastly inferior to High Market. I really don't like having to pay . And while I'm in trouble if someone blows up High Market, that hasn't happened yet.

Regarding Castle Garenbrig: Should probably cut a forest for this, and probably will when I get one.

Regarding Mirrorpool: Worth considering. There's only a few instants and sorceries I'd want to sac a land to copy, though, and I have to pay . Also, I'm trying to be a bit careful about how many utility lands I have in the deck, specifically lands that don't make . If you have too many colorless lands you can get screwed.

Regarding Greater Good: Was a card I was seriously considering when building the deck, but saccing Kura to it is not that great. Bottom line, though, I thought for sure Greater Good would get destroyed immediately if I played it, which is why I decided against it.

Regarding Nylea's Intervention: Ok, but not sure I need it.

As always, a problem is what to cut. This deck does fairly well, and when that's the case, I'm always leery of cutting a card unless I see something strictly better.

Regarding Abundance + Sylvan Library: Drawing 3 cards per turn with no down side is fine, though it doesn't happen often :)

Regarding Abundance, it actually has some additional tech to it. In this deck I've been able to put every land in my deck into play once or twice. With Abundance, you put the revealed cards you don't get on the bottom of your library in ANY order, not a random order. So if I Abundance to get a land and don't have any in my deck.... I can rig the order of my deck. At that point your basically tutoring instead of drawing. Doesn't happen often, but is powerful when it does.

You also can't deck yourself if Abundance is in play, though that hasn't come up yet. A fun piece of tech, though not for every deck.

Sorry for taking so long to respond. I put it off since I knew I'd have to write a lot. Thanks for the suggestions, and I'll think of them, though again the problem is what to cut.

lil_cheez on Azusa, Lost but Seeking Cthulu [Primer]

7 months ago

Sweet deck. I like it.

May I suggest a Field of the dead package?

-9 Forests
+1 Field of the Dead
+1 Command Tower
+7 Snow-Covered Forests

Rhadamanthus on Can I have multiple copies …

11 months ago

The "Basic Land" rarity you saw is probably because Kaldheim was one of the expansions where the basic land slot in draft boosters was also used for common multi-lands to help smooth out draft and sealed play.

The key thing to know is that having the "Basic" supertype on the type line is what determines whether a land is a basic land (for full-art/textless cards, you refer to a standard English-language printing to determine the text). Island has this and Snow-Covered Forest does too, but Rimewood Falls doesn't. It isn't a basic land.

wallisface on Rampaging Hydras & Elves Deck

1 year ago

This us the kindof list i’d end up building (again, Green-Blue, but it’d be super-easy to make this mono-green)

eliakimras on Ur dragon, need recommendations

1 year ago

Hello! I saw your deck help tag and wanted to give some insight.

I don't run Miirym as commander, but I do have her in the 99 in Smashing Faces with the Ur-Dragon, and she always pushes me to victory whenever she's allowed to stick on the battlefield.

Some areas you might want to change to improve your consistency:

1 - Ramp

2 - Draw/Haste

3 - Removal/Boardwipes

4 - Protection

5 - Card draw

6 - Better threats

7 - Some utility lands you might want to run

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