Slagwoods Bridge

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Slagwoods Bridge

Artifact Land

This enters the battlefield tapped.


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SueMe on Streets of Chicago

2 years ago

Great idea! +1

Great Furnace, Tree of Tales and Slagwoods Bridge make some good back-up ammo.

Speaking of ammo, Sporemound probably goes well with all those lands you got going there!

amicdeep on Destroy Lands? Lands Destroy You: Budget + Swap

2 years ago

i like the list, there are few addons i would recommend

Beast Within solid removal for a creature, land or anything else. (not great as it dose make a 3/3 but i can deal with difficult to answer threats like planswalkers (like wrenn and six) and huge creatures like deathsadow and non titan eldrazi, while still just killing a land to keep up the lock.

Acidic Slime kills a land a leaves you with a body with deathtouch.

Obsidian Charmaw kills a land, can be cheaper, is a big boy dragon to close the game with.

its late in the game. your out of spells, your opponent get a land down and next turn another will follow and the threats will start to be cast. you have Gnottvold Slumbermound or Memorial to War this is no longer an issue (and if its gnottvold you even have a wincon) perosnaly id run 2 copys of one of these.

not directly land destruiction but Bonecrusher Giant is phenomenal value often a 2-1 and will help you beat down after you have a solid advantage while acting as a removal spell in the early game.

Raging Ravine hard to kill wincon. and doesn't really cost a slot personally id run 2

packages that may be worth running

4x Boom / Bust + 4x Slagwoods Bridge 3x Darksteel Citadel this packages give you a way to start destroying lands on turn 2 without ramp. its fast but dose hit you own land, so some indestructible ones to help lessen the chance of you both loosing a land, but also if you do loose a land your much more likely to recover from it as your only loosing one, your opponent is going to continue to loose much more. (big downside is it dose up you tap land count)

3-4 Primal Command + 2 Eternal Witness. primal command is a solid land reset spell (it also stops your opponent drawing gas meaning its a solid stall card. but it also either gains you a ton of life, deals with a problematic graveyard and most importantly tutors a creature. if you tutor witness you can then get back primal command and chain out another witness while bouncing another land, and the the next turn cast command again tutoring out a wincon and bouncing another (but probably the same) land.

lagotripha on Splinter Shell

2 years ago

Tried to get this working in the past with Animate Land/Eradicate back in the day - never really got running well enough to be more than a gimmick.

The artifact land versions were better, and torque really improved them - splinter just felt like a way to strip win conditions out of decks in them, but it hit hard. Magnetic Mine back in the day used to be a casual list like this, but by the time torque was printed it'd morphed into low cmc artifact destruction and animation, with creatures that destroy artifacts to be both win condition and removal.

It needs a specific meta to run properly - the idea is if you are usually sideboarding in Natural State type cards, you can instead put 10 artifact hate cards mainboard alongside coating + torque and auto win some matchups, while still packing reasonable removal for the rest, and freeing up sideboard slots for whatever you feel weak against.

To make this competitive I'd look really hard at Cleansing Wildfire and creatures that can apply pressure and kill artifacts - your Tin Street Hooligans,Reclamation Sages, Outland Liberator  Flips or whatnot to kill key threats.

With Slagwoods Bridge/Sojourner's Companion you can fix to most colours pretty easy if you are prepared to lose a turn, and artifact land access also opens up artifact synergies to get more value from torque/coating.

I tried to get a Scrap Trawler combo line built in alongside the list with the idea that you can use sacrifice + coating to get a lot of value, returning Caustic Caterpillar and what not for a value gameplan, but it never really ran smooth enough because everyone packs ways to exile the graveyard.

A white/green Qasali Pridemage version would get access to various white artifact hate cards, but it never quite ran smooth enough.

Best of luck tinkering, and I hope you find the perfect parts for the list.

multimedia on Atla’s Eggs

2 years ago

Hey, nice version, but the manabase hasn't been as upgraded as much as the rest of the deck, you forgot Command Tower.

Because you have Avacyn, Angel of Hope and Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger do you really need lots of other big creatures? Most creature board wipes are good with Eggs because even if Atla will die to the wipe she will trigger for each Egg that also dies. All your opponents creatures die and you're left with a battlefield of creatures from Eggs. Avacyn and Ulamog have indestructible making them survive board wipes that destroy or do damage.

Vanquish the Horde and Blasphemous Act are powerful creature board wipes in multiplayer Commander because they care about the number of all creatures from all players on the battlefield. Wrath of God and Day of Judgment are the traditional four mana ones and Austere Command is very versatile. Fanatical Devotion is a nice budget sac outlet for Eggs since it can protect Atla from most board wipes.

Consider more ramps sources especially two drop or less ramp that's not creatures can help with Atla?

The manabase here has a few good lands (Mesa, Orchard, Glade, Shrine, Panorama), but most are subpar for much lower budget decks. Temple of the False God is a not a good land; my advice is cut it from all your decks even decks with green which have land ramp. Needing five lands just for Temple to be able to make mana isn't worth it. The Life lands such as Blossoming Sands, etc. are lackluster since 1 life gain is not worth the land always ETB tapped. If you're on a budget for lands then consider these for upgrades?

Some cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

eyes2sky on Gattison

2 years ago

if you have 1x Chatterstorm and 1x Slagwoods Bridge plz and thx!

Have (1) reikitavi
Want (1) freshie9000