Vivid Crag

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vivid Crag


Vivid Crag enters the battlefield tapped with two charge counters on it.

: Gain .

, Remove a charge counter from Vivid Crag: Gain one mana of any colour.

Grind on Five Color Legends

1 year ago

Cool deck!!!
Suggestion: mana base!!
Where is Command Tower?
Other good 5 color lands are Mana Confluence and City of Brass, but they're pricy.
I think all your taplands should be making at least 3 colors, there are lots of 3c taplands. And if you want the vivid lands are totally viable in 5c, Vivid Crag etc. Nothing worse than not being able to play bc youre missing colors. In my 5 color deck i only run 5 basics, and all other lands can make at least 2 colors.
Cheers and have fun!!!

Slashdance on Land of the Lost

1 year ago


Land Removed: Bojuka Bog, Forge of Heroes, Khalni Garden, Mountain

Land Added: Forest, Vivid Crag, Vivid Grove, Vivid Marsh

Creatures Removed: Borderland Explorer, Emissary of Grudges

Creatures Added: The Gitrog Monster, Elvish Rejuvenator

Enchantment Removed: Retreat to Valakut

Sorcery Removed: Worm Harvest

Sorcery Added: Pirate's Pillage, Regrowth

Instant Removed: Fury Storm

Instant Added: Unleash the Inferno

kimosabe on Tiamat

2 years ago

My humble suggestion is to take out your snow lands and replace them with basics and lands like Grand Coliseum, Vivid Grove, Vivid Crag, Frontier Bivouac. While yes you can fetch them with some of your ramp spells I only see 4/100 cards that will accomplish this. Not good odds. Including basics will allow you to run ramp spells such as Cultivate, Migration Path, Rampant Growth, Skyshroud Claim. Try to have 1, or preferably 2, of each basic type. I realize including these ramp spells means you have to cut other cards. I suggest removing artifacts.

Good luck

codesnowman13 on Here, hold this.

3 years ago

Here are some cards I would cut and cards I would put in:


Vivid Crag , Vivid Creek , Vivid Meadow , Mystic Monastery , Khalni Gem , Dispatch , Kazuul's Toll Collector , Kirtar's Wrath


Thriving Bluff , Thriving Isle , Thriving Heath , Raugrin Triome , Dowsing Dagger  Flip, Swords to Plowshares , Balan, Wandering Knight , Dalakos, Crafter of Wonders

I would also cut Sunforger for an Equipment such as Hammer of Nazahn or some other Equipment because with Sunforger , you want a package of Red and White Instants to have it go search for. Currently you only have Dispatch in the deck. If you plan on keeping Sunforger , I'd recommend adding more Red and/or White Instants.

multimedia on Dig Up Her Bones

3 years ago

Hey, good budget version of Gishath.

Congregation at Dawn ($2 at CardKingdom) and Mwonvuli Beast Tracker can search for Dinos/Dino and put them/it on top of your library before you attack with Gishath making sure that you cheat a Dino/Dinos onto the battlefield with the attack. Tracker can get any Dino who has trample and there's quite a few including Quartzwood. Shared Summons can get any two creatures into your hand which includes Forerunner and an enrage Dino.

Garruk's Uprising is a good repeatable draw and trample source with Dinos. Getting both these abilities from a three drop enchantment is helpful especially with Quartzwood. Rhythm of the Wild makes Gishath uncounterable as well as a haste enabler for other Dinos or a +1/+1 counter source to help against Marauding/Forerunner's damage to a creature. Jeska's Will can make ramp to cast a fast Gishath for as low as five mana. Make seven or more red mana with Will then add any one white mana and any one green mana.

Otepec Huntmaster as a ramp source is better than Kinjalli's Caller because Huntmaster is also a haste enabler for a Dino and rarely will you have white mana turn one to cast Caller. Apex Altisaur is a big Dino who's an upgrade for Burning Sun's Avatar repeatable fight with enrage and it fights an opponent's creature when it ETB.

Cinder Glade and Canopy Vista would help color fixing because then Farseek, Skyshroud Claim, Mountain Valley can search for a dual land and Battle lands have interaction with lots of basic lands. Path of Ancestry is a good budget Rainbow land for tribal since repeatable scry is helpful. Mosswort Bridge's hideaway can easily be triggered with Dinos. Some other budget lands are Battlefield Forge, Naya Panorama, Ash Barrens.

Cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

Savage1988 on Nicky B and his Pro-Life Posse

3 years ago


Thanks for looking at the mana. I'm not sure about it since I haven't played yet (and next get together is probably in a month or so), but I think you make a valid case with the tapped lands. I want to try out the new MDFCs and I found out i have the U/R and U/B duals lying around. I've swapped them and Interplanar Beacon for Temple of Deceit, Vivid Crag and Creeping Tar Pit. What others would you recommend cutting for more basics?

Perhaps you're right on the 3cmc artifacts too, even though I'd say commander's sphere is decent because it cycles for free when you don't need it anymore. I might add Rakdos Signet and cut Chromatic Lantern.

Crux of Fate is already in the list, Vandalblast or By Force might be nice instead of the 5th boardwipe though


True that's a combo. I don't think I'll run it beause I don't have the cards currently interesting loop for sure though!

I cut Fuel for the Cause for Daretti, Scrap Savant


That play pattern appeals, so maybe I'll find room for it later. A bit of randomness like that can make games more fun


Beacon is in now :)

In Bolas's Clutches is more of a flavorcard, so are The Eldest Reborn and Cruel Ultimatum. Some or all will probably go after the first couple games, but I like the idea for now.

My idea about Pentad Prism is that it's a nice 2 mana ramp spell that can be proliferated onto for ramp. Throne of Geth is another way to proliferate because i do make some artifacts here and there

The idea with most artifacts is that they either ramp, proliferate or benefit from proliferation (see the section Card by Card). Which other cards do you feel are part of the subtheme but don't contribute?

If you're talking about Saheeli, Tezzeret and (now x2) Daretti: I think the Business Artifacts in the list (the chain veil, contagion clasp/engine and lithoform engine) are worth fetching / copying even just on their own, but maybe your idea is they don't do enough?

Let me know because I'm curious what you think on the topic, if you have suggestions to spice up the artifact theme I'd gladly hear them!

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