Sanctum of the Sun


Azor's Gateway  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sanctum of the Sun

Legendary Land

(Transforms from Azor's Gateway.)

: Add X mana of any one colour where X is your life total.

multimedia on Azor Ramp

5 years ago

Hey, saw your forum topic asking for help.

Ramp with your budget to consider adding:

Mike3zt on Oloro for life

6 years ago

hkhssweiss I think I will stick with Sanctum of the Sun hehe! If to win the game I just need to exile 5 cards, it doesn't seem that much after all.

I have been thinking about AotSS and it still makes me unsure even though I included it in the deck, so I can try it out at leat, it makes me think how often 1 of the other 3 players at the table will counter it and I will have to put it in the graveyard with no added effect and 7 mana lost... Do you really think it's worthy to try? Even if they don't counter it the 1st time, they will definitly be ready for the 2nd time :D

hkhssweiss on Oloro for life

6 years ago


Ooh that's a hard one, currently there is no card like Sanctum of the Sun, it's a one of a kind. The looting while yes it does hurt, it's to dig deeper, but I can see why it hurts. The closest cards to it are quite expensive but definitely worth it if you can get one. Serra's Sanctum is the closest one you can get to it since you are running quite a bit of enchantments, but won't go over like 10 mana per game, but that's still quite the parity breaker. Another one is the old land combo, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Cabal Coffers but it kind of hurts the deck since you are running 3 colors which isn't optimal.

Each of them are quite an investment, Serra's Sanctum last I check was about $100. Both Cabal/Urborg are running around $20-$25.

As always feel free to ask for help, always down to help refine decks :P

chosenone124 on Characteristic modifers vs loss of …

6 years ago

I have March of the Machines and Azor's Gateway  Flip (4 different costs under.

  1. In response to Azor's Gateway  Flip's ability, opponent uses Ovinize on it.

  2. In response to the ability, opponent uses Merfolk Trickster on it.

What are the characteristics of the Sanctum of the Sun that results?

goodair on A non-stax derevi??

6 years ago

Wait till you manage to keep a Sanctum of the Sun alive. Dropping a Mirror Entity or Shalai, Voice of Plenty should be a win with a bunch of utility weenies. Happened to me once and god it felt good as hell!

JoeNathan37 on Life Drain

6 years ago

Personally I feel like I would want Kambal, Consul of Allocation as the commander over Obzedat, Ghost Council. Kambal costs less meaning you can get him out earlier, and his trigger can happen many times in one turn cycle whereas Obzedat can only drain once every turn cycle. Kambal seems to be the better choice to me, but it’s up to you.

Also you may want to have Blood Artist in here. It’s another Zulaport Cutthroat type effect except it happens whenever any creature dies, not just your own creatures.

Exquisite Blood would be a great card here if you ever are looking to expand the budget. It’s pretty expensive but it’s very good, and it makes an infinite combo with Sanguine Bond to immediately win you the game.

Authority of the Consuls could also be a good inclusion since you’ve got Blind Obedience in here already.

You could also use cards such as Necropotence and Phyrexian Arena to get some extra cards off your high life total; both these cards are incredibly strong, especially in decks with some lifegain to mitigate their (relatively small) downside.

Azor's Gateway  Flip (flips to Sanctum of the Sun) could also be a stellar inclusion here. Since you’ll be gaining lots of life you can generate absurd amounts of mana with the Sanctum and then you could use it with Exsanguinate or Debt to the Deathless to finish off the game.

multimedia on Black Sac Engine

6 years ago

Hey, with Hailfire it's helpful to have ways to make a lot of black mana. Being able to pump a large amount of black mana into a Hailfire can win games on the spot. Consider adding Azor's Gateway  Flip and Cabal Stronghold? Gateway flips into Sanctum of the Sun which is a land that can make a lot of black mana. Cabal Stronghold is another very good land for mono black with Hailfire.

Neotrup on Stack Related Questions

6 years ago

1) Once an ability is activated, removing the source of the ability doesn't counter it, but you could still cast Seal Away in response to the activation just to get it off of the field. Also, a mana ability like that of Llanowar Elves can't be responded to, but you could cast Seal Away later in the turn to exile it so it can't be used on subsequent turns.

2) A mana ability is an ability that can add mana to a player's mana pool. In order to be a mana ability it cannot target (not stanadard relevant), and cannot be a planeswalker ability (like Chandra, Torch of Defiance's second ability). It only needs to be able to add mana to a mana pool, not necessarily do so, as such Sanctum of the Sun's ability is a mana ability even if you have 0 or less life.

3) Yes, as long as a spell is blue it can be countered by Jace's Defeat even if it has additional colors.

4) Yes, but as addressed earlier the ability will still resolve, and many abilities do not effect their sources so bouncing it will have little effect most of the time, especially with planeswalker ultimates.

5) This is exactly the sort of situation addressed in 1 and 4, Boros Reckoner would die from the 13 damage well before it's ability resolved, but your opponent would still be dealt the damage.

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