Gavony Township

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gavony Township


: Add .

, : Put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.

Demon-Quiller on EDH - Yenna

6 months ago

Have you considered some lands with token synergies, since you're packing the token doublers? I have a few more on my possible list, but I'm weary of sacrificing too many lands, or ones that ETB tapped.

  1. Drannith Ruins
  2. Field of the Dead
  3. Gavony Township
  4. Gingerbread Cabin
  5. Idyllic Grange
  6. Karn's Bastion
  7. Mage-Ring Network
  8. Mirrex
  9. Saltcrusted Steppe
  10. Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree
  11. Castle Ardenvale
  12. Springjack Pasture
  13. The Shire
  14. Urza's Factory

forneyt on Leinore, The Counter Queen

1 year ago

Hardened Scales and Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider are pretty dope for counter decks like this one!

Hamza, Guardian of Arashin can make your big creatures cheap, and Gavony Township is a decent mana-sink if you end up top-decking.

Kodama of the West Tree, Bramblewood Paragon, Gnarlid Colony, Trollbred Guardian, and Tuskguard Captain each give your creatures with counters on them trample (Kodama being the best one).

Abzan Falconer gives them flying instead.

Basri's Lieutenant is a fun card since it can repopulate your board after a board wipe and can block a lot of problematic creatures like multicolored commanders.

bushido_man96 on Atraxa's Private Guarden

1 year ago

I like what I see here for the most part, but I've got some ideas for you.

Mana base: Since you're in four colors, lose as many lands that produce only colorless mana as possible. Keep Karn's Bastion, but consider cutting Gavony Township, Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree, Opal Palace, Reliquary Tower (unless you draw a metric ton of cards here, which I don't see), and Temple of the False God. Possibly cut Unclaimed Territory, too. I see why you have it, but it can't help you cast your commander. Replace all of these with either basics or some other dual-type lands, preferably those that don't come into play tapped. Basics would probably work fine.

I don't think I like Door of Destinies here. You probably have to choose Fungus as your creature type, which doesn't help your saprolings. And you can't choose saprolings, because you don't "play" the saprolings. Cut it for another ramp spell, which you sorely need.

As I mentioned elsewhere, I'm not sure I like Resourceful Defense either. I do understand why you've included it, but it just doesn't seem to me that you'll get much use out of it, and it's activated ability is pretty costly. But if you like it, and it does a lot of work for you, then ignore my advice.

You are sorely lacking in card draw, too. You need to look at some slots to open up for more card draw spells. Black offers lots of great one-off spells, like Read the Bones, Night's Whisper, Ambition's Cost, and others.

That's all I got for now. I'll compare our lists more closely and let you know if I think of anything else.

thefiresoflurve on Naya Populate True

1 year ago

Welcome to big board state club! (I used to run G/W populate back in the day).

Disclaimer: not sure what your budget is for recommendations, so I'm going to go by what I see here (Dockside, Smothering Tithe, Parallel Lives level of cost for individual recommendations).

I think Ghired, Conclave Exile would make a better commander here than Palladia-Mors, unless you're tied to the latter for sentimentality/flavor/etc.

Next, land base. The single best thing I did for my Esper deck was upgrading my land base. You don't have to go super hard here to see results, but I would put together a list like: 1x Cabaretti Courtyard 1x Command Tower 1x Jungle Shrine 1x Sungrass Prairie 1x Rockfall Vale 1x Branchloft Pathway  Flip 1x Needleverge Pathway  Flip 1x Rogue's Passage 1x Kessig Wolf Run 1x Gavony Township. If you like this route, there are even more cheaper dual lands you can add in like the Temple of Triumph and friends.

There are a few cuts or substitutions that I think the main deck could make really easily:

Ultramarines Honour Guard -> Caller of the Pack. If Ghired attacks with a creature that has Myriad, he can populate the token that Myriad creates, but the Populated token forgets about the exile clause. Thus, you can end up with a theoretically infinite horde of creatures. It's fantastic. :D

Going off that last bit... Wayfaring Temple -> Treasure. Basically a great card in commander anyway, here it's a free win if you manage to clone it.

Growing Ranks is an easy cut. It's way too slow for EDH (compare it to Parallel Lives...) Could replace it with a Talisman of Conviction or friends to help you ramp faster.

I would replace Momentous Fall with Teferi's Protection or Akroma's Will or Grand Crescendo - some extra source of board wipe dodging. I don't think your creatures are really big enough to warrant a momentous fall.

I would also replace Druid's Deliverance with one of the aforementioned board wipe dodges. There are also some cheaper options like Your Temple is Under Attack, Unbreakable Formation, Make a Stand. Reasoning being: you should have enough board state to block things that want to hurt you, as long as you keep your board alive.

As far as making tokens sooner: well, if you want to do that, you're going to have to run some cheaper creatures.... or ramp faster. I'd probably opt for ramping faster, TBH, since your creatures are really cool. If you add the entire Gruul Signet and friends, along with the Talismans I mentioned earlier, that should get you to the minimum ramp package in tricolor EDH to make sure you can play quickly.

Naya Charm -> Artifact Mutation can help make some earlier tokens.

Brindle Shoat and Call of the Conclave are some decent options for turn 3 tokens you might consider, as well. But adding those would also require cutting other stuff.... horrible choice I don't envy you : P

Sorry for the wall of text...Hope that helps, and happy building!

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

Happy Halloween!


Each player creates a number of Food tokens equal to the number of creatures on the battlefield.

Vault of the Archangel and Gavony Township are among my favorites.

Archangel of Life and Death

Creature - Angel Nightmare

Flying, lifelink, deathtouch

, : Put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.



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