Temple of the False God

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Temple of the False God


: Add . Activate this ability only if you control five or more lands.

legendofa on Discard Mono Black

1 month ago

Welcome to the club, Floop-The-Pig!

My first thought here is Chain of Smog. On top of being another discard spell, you can repeatedly target yourself with Professor Onyx out to get a full life drain from all your opponents.

Doom Blade doesn't excite me, unless you know your opponents won't be running black. I've never used Temple of the False God, but it has kind of a reputation as a trap, that looks better than it is. Bojuka Bog is another graveyard exile effect that I recommend.

Also consider adding some more mass removal. Something like Black Sun's Zenith or Toxic Deluge would help clean up all the creatures that get through your discard effects.

Wesinator69 on Imma Baddie I Do What I Please

2 months ago

I know you hate tapped lands so I would suggest the following:

Also I hate Temple of the False God it should stop being included in precons. Plus 37 lands is a bit much. There are a couple other cards that don't seem to do enough for the mana cost. So I would also suggest the following:

DreadKhan on Trample Under Foot

4 months ago

Neat idea, I love seeing people making Gruul work in Legacy!

I would run two more Utopia Sprawls over Rampant Growth, they aren't all that pricey anymore (ymmv of course). I'd even run a worse Utopia Sprawl like Blighted Burgeoning or Fertile Ground, either has it's own upsides, and both work very well with your Arbor Elf.

I think with x4 Arboreal Grazer you might consider at least a couple lands, Grazer feels awful when you're short of lands. I'm not sure how much you'd need, but 1 or 2 would be helpful IMHO.

Randomly, Gruul got one of the all time great ramp effects back in Ice Age, Orcish Lumberjack is epic ramp, great if you need to hit a Hulk several turns early. You might want something to prevent your Hulk from getting countered, maybe Rhythm of the Wild? The haste is also VERY good with Lumberjack, letting you drop it and tap it for 3 (though you do sacrifice the Forest) right away, dodging removal potentially. I personally love using Orcish Lumberjack with Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, this way you can effectively Sinkhole people in Gruul, and technically you'd have 1 mana left, even on turn 2. Some people don't fear land destruction and will keep a 1 land hand so it can work sometimes fwiw, and the cost is negligible (it's even a ramp spell if you hard cast it without Lumberjack).

How often do you end up with a decent land count? If you find you can actually hit 5 lands in a lot of games, you could throw in Crop Rotation and Temple of the False God x1, if you aren't ready for a Temple yet you can tutor up a Red source I guess, or a Wolf Run. I'd guess if you pull those Rampant Growths Temple x1 isn't worth bothering with. You could always do that trick with x1 Ancient Tomb, but those aren't as cheap!

zegmoth on Sliver DADA

5 months ago

coucou j'adore ton deck ! J'ajouterai bien un Descendants' Path, Commander's Sphere, les temples et thriving. Temple of the False God je suis pas fan dans 5C.

Des bisous de charente, 16000

Attention ! Dormant Sliver tu vas pas rire ;)

TheForsakenOne on Fae Domain Expansion

5 months ago
  1. Cut Temple of the False God, as always it's a trap. A basic would be better

  2. Why's Sorin Markov here? Besides immediately setting someone to 10 health he doesn't get to do much unless you sink in a lot of faires to be chump blockers. Don't tell me it's because he's the closest you could get to Gojo

  3. Why cut Alela, Cunning Conqueror? With all the counterspells you added and the heavier focus on control she's actually better in this than the original precon.

Master_J on Laser Beams

9 months ago

OUT:Temple of the False God, Alharu, Solemn Ritualist, Path of the Pyromancer, Ichor Elixir, Fractured Powerstone

IN: Karn's Bastion, Grumgully, the Generous, Ozolith, the Shattered Spire, Kami of Whispered Hopes, Kodama of the West Tree

Starting with a first round of generally obvious upgrades. Planechase is used so sparingly that any card that is generally only useful during Planechase comes out. As well as budget lands like Temple, and over costed bodies for little gain.

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