Treasure Map


Treasure Cove  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Treasure Map


, : Scry 1. Put a landmark counter on Treasure Map. Then if there are three or more landmark counters on it, remove those counters, transform Treasure Map, and create three colorless Treasure artifact tokens with ", Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any colour."

atingtdm on grenzo

1 year ago


ruusuv on Phylactery lich: a Rule 0 …

1 year ago

The transforming doublefaced artifacts could work. Put a Phylactery counter on something like Treasure Map  Flip or Thaumatic Compass  Flip and transform them into more difficult to remove lands.

amarthaler on EDH Ganax, Astral Hunter & Tavern Brawler

1 year ago


In: Treasure Map  Flip and Inventors' Fair

Out: Arch of Orazca and 1x Mountain

I made a mistake with the previous update - Arch wasn't supposed to go in but Treasure Map was. Also added Inventors' Fair, one of my favorite lands! It's going to help us tutor up Gauntlets of Might, Extraplanar Lens, Dragon's Hoard... all the goodies!

SirHipHopHippo on The Maraxus Molotov

2 years ago


I sold a bunch of old Pokémon cards today and bought some upgrades and made some changes based on your deck.

Thanks for the help with this deck :), safe to say this deck is not budget anymore.

I squeezed in Anger since the deck definitely needs a haste enabler, it’s also a perfect discard option with cards like Big Score, Pirate's Pillage, Seize the Spoils, and Unexpected Windfall

Added Treasure Map  Flip for some extra treasure making, utility, and card draw.

Added Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip I hadn’t seen this card until your deck. I dig it, makes treasures early and can copy creatures late game. I wish it was like Delina, Wild Mage and could copy Maraxus, but oh well. It’s still strong!

Added Two-Handed Axe This card feels so perfect for this deck, an easier way to pump Maraxus with out the mana spend.

Added Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle had to pick up this mono red staple. Just great for getting opponents within fling range or handling certain threatening creatures.

Added War Room just a little extra draw

Added Shadowspear, just too good of a card to not include. The more life link in this deck the easier it will be to win off of Rupture without killing myself in the process.

Added Champion's Helm, there’s not a lot of hexproof equipment out there. Decided to replace the Mask with Helm, equip 1 beats equip 3

Added Swashbuckler Extraordinaire potential win con card, sac a few treasures give Maraxus and a few cards double strike until end of turn and boom!

Now lastly I really want to add Goblin Engineer Adding Goblin Engineer would make it so I could discard 3 CMC or less artifacts to Big Score, Pirate's Pillage, Seize the Spoils, and Unexpected Windfall if engineer is on board already or in hand.

I’m not sure what to cut for Goblin Engineer and I would love your advice!

Thanks again IHATENAMES

The_Fallen_Duke on No Pain No Lifegain

2 years ago

Most of the folks in the comments above have already proposed a lot of good cards.

In terms of ramps, some that I use in my mono-white angel tribal deck that also focus on lifegain are:

  • Arcane Signet (thank you, captain obvious)
  • Marble Diamond is a reliable 2CMC rock producing . It enters tapped, but it still the best you can get for cheap.
  • Tooth of Ramos is helpful if you need to accelerate one turn.
  • Heraldic Banner I find great in decks that are focusing on attacking, which is something your commander wants.
  • Mind Stone only produces , but for mono white the card draw ability is a precious plus.
  • Pearl Medallion is not the cheapest card to acquire, but the discount on casting cost is incredibly useful, especially later in the game
  • Wayfarer's Bauble is still land rampt that can be used in white.

Other cards I found useful in my deck and I could recommend:

  • Treasure Map  Flip: the card selection ability can be useful to optimize your draw, then it becomes and additional land that gives you either extra ramp or card draw with the treasures.
  • Oath of Lieges is a simmetrical effect, but in mono white you'll be likely to benefit from it the most, especially if there are greedy Green and Simic players at the table.

In terms of win conditions other than combat, in my deck I used an older card called Test of Endurance, an alternative of which could be Felidar Sovereign. The big problem is that they are very much telegraphed, so you'd have to be able to protect both them and your life total until the following turn. Since you will be playing a lot of spells and gaining a lot of life, an unoriginal card that could help you close the game is of course Aetherflux Reservoir.

Dete on Borborygmos Enraged EDH

2 years ago

le podria Field of the Dead cambiando una basica o Cinder Glade por q no tiene tantas basicas.

si le ponemos Vesuva podriai ponerle tmb Dark Depths+ otra pa copiar Thespian's Stage, en volada pa hacer mas mana rapido ponerle tierras locus.

The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale en volada pa mantener al resto mas piola.

Ash Barrens, Crop Rotation, Expedition Map, Elvish Reclaimer, Evolution Charm, Realms Uncharted son todos buenos pa el enfoque en tierras y 4 son buenos pa buscar las de arriba.

Druid Class, Khalni Heart Expedition,, Azusa's Many Journeys  Flip, Rites of Flourishing, Summer Bloom, cualquiera es buena pa esto.

ponerle otra copia del kruphix podria estar weno Augur of Autumn/Wayward Swordtooth

Scute Swarm hmm es muy weno jajaja,Tireless Provisioner, Veteran Explorer en volada son buenos tmb. Splendid Reclamation+ScapeshiftThe Mending of Dominaria, dependiendo q tanrapido lo queri hacer.

Dosan the Falling Leaf/Vexing Shusher/City of Solitude/Defense Grid pa tener un poco de defensa contra counters y otras cosas.

en mi opinion sacaria: Glint-Horn Buccaneer (mas q nada por q no me gusta mucho noma),Living Twister, sacaria 1 o 2 de cualquiera de los encantamientos q cuestan 5/6, Bag of Holding en volada tmb, Dragon Mage, Krosan Grip y/o java

podrias poner cartas con cycling o retrace, tmb Rites of Spring esta wena pa ponerla y Treasure Map  Flip le puede dar un poco de mas seleccion de cartas. hmmm le dejaria igual Mulch y añadiria Winding Way por lo mismo.

RNR_Gaming on If I'm flyin I'm scryin

2 years ago

+1 because the name is catchy. Also, you may want to add more hubs to this so more eyes can get on it.

Also, Preordain, Hakka, Whispering Raven, Cavalier of Gales, Diviner's Portent, Faerie Seer, Hedron Alignment, Mazemind Tome, Marit Lage's Slumber (swapping to Snow-Covered Island of course), Retreat to Coralhelm, Silver Raven, Thassa, God of the Sea, and Treasure Map  Flip would be good additions.

I never realized how much support a scry commander could have - If they ever add cards that create material; creatures, treasures, clues, ect. I can see this being a powerhouse in those mid-optimized games.

Wolffang988 on Galazeth, Magitech Beam Cannon *Primer*

2 years ago

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor Keeping the deck fun and staying away from stax or other oppressive gameplay was definitely the goal, I used to have an Urza deck that ran stax and it was just zero fun to play or for people to play against. I don’t know how I missed Xorn for this deck, I literally run one over in my Korvold deck lol, good catch. I also like the Plundering Barbarian and Treasure Map  Flip, great suggestions!

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