Raging Ravine

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Raging Ravine


This enters the battlefield tapped.

: Add or .

: Until end of turn, this becomes a 3/3 red and green Elemental creature with "Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature." This is still a land.

Profet93 on Beats by Xenagos ( Xenagos, God of Revels )

3 months ago

MattMan1982 I'm gonna throw a bunch of ideas at you, some are better than others, just wanna see if anything interests you. I'm not gonna provide any creature suggestions yet. Yours are always solid and I want your thoughts on these cards first.

None of these are needed but definitely are helpful assuming you can fit them into the mana base

Bonders' Enclave - Draw

Cragcrown Pathway  Flip/Spire Garden - Color Fixing

Blighted Woodland/Myriad Landscape - "Ramp"

Raging Ravine/Dread Statuary - Manlands. Nice to use with Greater Good or if you run out of creatures. The Dread Statuary is a personal favorite of mine for that reason

Rancor - Reuseable buff, trample enabler. I like using rancor on selvala and buff with commander for lots of mana should need be

Sylvan Library - Great to set up your draw and ensure you get your land drops. Given you only run 34 lands, that can potentially be an issue, especially given the relatively high avg cmc of the deck.

Skullclamp - Should you ever find yourself needing more draw, this can be an option. It's nice because if they want to use spot removal, they need to do so prior to combat, as you equip it. So if they do, you can pump a different creature and target that opponent.

Momentous Fall - Draw, used in response to removal to gain value. Beware of the blue player though

Return of the Wildspeaker > Garruk PW - Can be used in response to removal so you don't get 2 for 1ed. It's easier to cast and has an additional mode. While the PW has the option to make a token should you need a creature, I don't believe it's impactful enough

Berserk - Super fun! Politics, finisher, all for 1 mana. seriously underrated.

Green Sun's Zenith - Tutor

Decimate - 4 for 1. I see no way for you to deal with a maze of ith. Strip mine can be also used.

Profet93 on King Stranger, Make Me Strong! *PRIMER*

5 months ago


First and foremost, I enjoyed reading your description. Do Note that Sword of Feast and Famine means your commander cannot target it to increase it's stats due to the "pro green."

Greater Good - THE MOST IMPORTANT CARD IN XENAGOS, HANDS DOWN. IF YOU LISTEN TO ANYTHING, THIS IS THE ONE SUGGESTION. Used in response to removal or equip activation, or just in a pinch. This card forces them to use removal lest they die to your overwhelming card advantage. DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS CARD.

Harmonize - Simple draw

Momentous Fall/Life's Legacy - While weak against blue, could warrant an inclusion depending on how much draw you want in the deck. The former is used in response to removal and the lifegain is icing on the cake.

Rishkar's Expertise - I'm normally against cards like this but in Xenagos, there is way too much of an upside to ignore. Used post combat most of the time, allows you to draw without missing out on tempo.

Skullclamp - Cut little idea to use on mana dorks, or force interaction pre-commander ability/combat.

Return of the Wildspeaker - Used in response to removal. Overrun option is nice as well

Elemental Bond - Draw, also see Guardian Project (although they can remove ur creature in response to the trigger to deny you a card)

Ancient Tomb - Ramp

Raging Ravine - Manland that can get bigger.

Dread Statuary - Manland that can get to 8 power with Xenagos. I usually use manlands as fodder for one of the draw spells listed above. Worth considering

Castle Garenbrig - Simple ramp

Cragcrown Pathway  Flip - Red or green, whichever you need.

Elder Gargaroth - Draw, lifegain or token production

Somberwald Sage - Ramp

Berserk - Super fun! Use before the damage step. Or better yet, use on your opponent attacking another opponent and force op 1 to lose a creature while op 2 takes lots of damage. Fun fact, I killed an animar this was (lol). You can also use it on Selvala for extra ramp!

Xenagos decks typically go one of 2 ways. Either lots of dorks and some land ramp like your deck to bring threats out more quickly, or to forgo dorks and focus solely on land ramp. Your deck is the former while mine is the latter. Do note that even with the dork route, Xenagos decks go tall, not wide. So there are some creature choices that I do not believe are as efficient as other choices could be and would love to discuss them with you if you're up for it. Xenagos decks are like snipers, usually one big creature at a time, sometimes more if you have the right set up. They also fold to spot removal as spending 5+ mana on a creature just to have it removed by 1 - 3 mana removal spell really sucks. I know you're against bolt bend/deflecting swat (despite them being my favorite type of spells) but perhaps something like Vines of Vastwood or another spell might potentially warrant an inclusion to save an important creature. At the very least, having more than 2 instants, only 1 of which acts as protection, could be used as a bluff and keep opponents guessing.

Fluggleshmuggits on Cube Eternal

1 year ago

Changelog 12/10/22

Original Dual lands are in
2 color man lands are in
upgrades in every color and almost every guild pair



plakjekaas on Pattern Recognition #244 - Lands …

2 years ago

There's also the corner cases of Raging Ravine and Den of the Bugbear, where, if you activate them multiple times, their triggered abilities will stack. If you activate Den of the Bugbear twice and stack with it, it will two times become a 3/2 goblin creature that brings a token when it attacks, therefor you will create two attacking tokens.

legendofa on Harsh Mentor and tapping lands

2 years ago
  1. Anything with a : colon is an activated ability. Lands with basic land types don't always have the rules text written out, but they inherently have ": Add (color)."

  2. Any activated ability that generates mana is a mana ability, including that of lands. Birds of Paradise and Dimir Signet are non-lands with mana abilities.

Final answer: Harsh Mentor won't deal damage if your opponent taps land to add mana. If they activate an ability of the land that isn't a mana ability (for example, Raging Ravine's creature ability or Castle Ardenvale's token creation), H.Mentor would deal its damage.

amicdeep on Destroy Lands? Lands Destroy You: Budget + Swap

2 years ago

i like the list, there are few addons i would recommend

Beast Within solid removal for a creature, land or anything else. (not great as it dose make a 3/3 but i can deal with difficult to answer threats like planswalkers (like wrenn and six) and huge creatures like deathsadow and non titan eldrazi, while still just killing a land to keep up the lock.

Acidic Slime kills a land a leaves you with a body with deathtouch.

Obsidian Charmaw kills a land, can be cheaper, is a big boy dragon to close the game with.

its late in the game. your out of spells, your opponent get a land down and next turn another will follow and the threats will start to be cast. you have Gnottvold Slumbermound or Memorial to War this is no longer an issue (and if its gnottvold you even have a wincon) perosnaly id run 2 copys of one of these.

not directly land destruiction but Bonecrusher Giant is phenomenal value often a 2-1 and will help you beat down after you have a solid advantage while acting as a removal spell in the early game.

Raging Ravine hard to kill wincon. and doesn't really cost a slot personally id run 2

packages that may be worth running

4x Boom / Bust + 4x Slagwoods Bridge 3x Darksteel Citadel this packages give you a way to start destroying lands on turn 2 without ramp. its fast but dose hit you own land, so some indestructible ones to help lessen the chance of you both loosing a land, but also if you do loose a land your much more likely to recover from it as your only loosing one, your opponent is going to continue to loose much more. (big downside is it dose up you tap land count)

3-4 Primal Command + 2 Eternal Witness. primal command is a solid land reset spell (it also stops your opponent drawing gas meaning its a solid stall card. but it also either gains you a ton of life, deals with a problematic graveyard and most importantly tutors a creature. if you tutor witness you can then get back primal command and chain out another witness while bouncing another land, and the the next turn cast command again tutoring out a wincon and bouncing another (but probably the same) land.

RambIe on Blue players

3 years ago

Nice DarkMagician!!
Kessig Wolf Run & Raging Ravine punch teferi then any destroy artifact

superrawmatthe on The Impossible Deck

3 years ago

Thank you amicdeep . Dropped Damnation , switched out Domri Rade for Domri, Anarch of Bolas and Davriel Cane for Liliana, Waker of the Dead . Added an extra 2 utility lands on top of the Raging Ravine i already had. Also added the Nissa of Shadowed Boughs , had played with that card on arena and forgot how good it actually was if you can protect it. Will have a think on some other options for removal...

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