Sunpetal Grove

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sunpetal Grove


This enters the battlefield tapped unless you control a Forest or a Plains.

: Add or .

Master_J on Laser Beams

2 months ago

OUT: Sungrass Prairie, Mossfire Valley, 2x Forest, 2x Plains

IN: Temple Garden, Sunpetal Grove, Stomping Ground, Rootbound Crag, Sacred Foundry, Clifftop Retreat

Taking out some of the sub-par lands for more variety and generally better lands overall. Even though there's very little red in this deck, a few of those red cards have double pips in their cost, so trying to bring up my red base a little.

thegoldentoast on Chain Pump Tribal

2 months ago

I would consider Sunpetal Grove and maybe Fortified Village to open up the option to pay for Yotian Frontliner's unearth cost.

They are pretty cheap and they work well in decks that run a lot of basic lands.

TMMadsen on Wolves of Armageddon

3 months ago

What do you think about possiably adding Weaver of Blossoms  Flip to the deck and cutting down or out lambholt elder?

I think Weaver of Blossoms  Flip is a bit costly on the mana-side. With Birds of Paradise, Scorned Villager  Flip and Krallenhorde Howler  Flip I'm doing pretty good for mana, so adding another mana-producer might be over the top. Lambholt Elder  Flip packs quite a punch, and lets me draw cards which is awesome. I think, I'll try experimenting with replacing Birds of Paradise instead. They're missing the werewolf subtype, but they contibute with a lot of speed. The Weaver of Blossoms  Flip however can be used in combat. Thank you for pointing me to this card!

Branchloft Pathway  Flip for mana versitility.

I recently ordered a playset of Sunpetal Grove to improve mana versitility. I looked at Branchloft Pathway  Flip, but they're quite costly where I live, and decided to go with Sunpetal Grove instead.

Thank you for the feedback.

amarthaler on EDH Arcades, the Strategist

1 year ago


Out: Glacial Fortress... Sunpetal Grove... Hinterland Harbor

In: Mystic Gate... Flooded Grove... Wooded Bastion

Not sure why it took me this long to smooth out the land base, but I replaced all the check lands with my favorite filter lands from Shadowmoor and Eventide.

DemonDragonJ on Don't Blink, or You'll Miss It!

1 year ago

I have replaced Glacial Fortress and Sunpetal Grove with Canopy Vista and Prairie Stream, because Wood Elves can find Canopy Vista, and Prairie Stream is simply to be part of the same cycle, and, if WotC ever does print enemy-colored versions of those lands, I definitely shall put the blue/green one into this deck.

Grind on satsuki living lore

1 year ago

Cool deck!!!
This looks like a ton of fun to play.
Have you considered Sterling Grove, Restoration Specialist, Canopy Vista, or Krosan Verge?
Sunpetal Grove and Overgrown Farmland are also good.

Drestlin on G/W +1/+1 counters exile

2 years ago

Chasmolinker the Panglacial Wurm seems great, since you don't even have to draw it, you'd need one or two at the most. i'll probably keep it in mind if i ever try to build this weird ramp counter deck we are discussing about now ahah

lhetrick13 what you found is what i suspected - unfortunately, cards should come next week so i won't be trying much apart from maybe very small changes - i don't want to print more proxies :D

i'll let you know as soon as i try out the new version.

or maybe i'll get around to print the few cards and will be able to try it tomorrow.

FYI, this is what i put together for next try:

Creatures - 4 Conclave Mentor - 3 Duskshell Crawler - 2 Hopeful Initiate - 2 Iron Apprentice - 2 Lion Sash - 2 Oran-Rief Ooze - 2 Savior of Ollenbock - 2 Scavenging Ooze - 4 Servant of the Scale - 3 Willow Geist

Lands - 4 Forest - 1 Karn's Bastion - 2 Llanowar Reborn - 3 Oran-Rief, the Vastwood - 3 Plains - 4 Razorverge Thicket - 2 Sunpetal Grove

//Enchants/Sorc/Instants - 2 Dromoka's Command - 3 Enter the Unknown - 4 Hardened Scales - 3 Swallow Whole - 3 Tezzeret's Gambit

//Sideboard - 2 Gaea's Blessing - 2 Gleeful Sabotage - 3 Mistcutter Hydra - 2 Predator Ooze - 4 Savage Summoning - 2 Wildwood Scourge

lmk if you have any comment on this one

RNR_Gaming on New secret lair Alert!

2 years ago

Anyways with that whole kickstarter thing going on I noticed that the professor hasn't made a video so in case anyone was wondering

Some regular guys non-foil/foil

Void Winnower - 16.07/20.46

Vengevine - 10.71/12.95

Collector Ouphe - 5.63/33.07

Goblin Settler - 48.71/N/a

Non foil: 81.12 Foil: 115.19

Foil: B / non-foil: C+

There's a good bit of value with this secret lair. Goblin settlers getting its' first foil printing is definitely noteworthy. Also, if you're into the Adventure Time art style you'll like be picking this up anyways.

Showcase: Streets of New Capenna

Atraxa, Praetors' Voice - 30.77/35.53

Breya, Etherium Shaper - 7.98/9.84

Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder - N/A/8.84

Non-foil: 47.59 foil: 54.21

Non-foil - D foil: C-

This grade pains me because I REALLY think the art on these is beautiful and they'll likely include a Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis in the same style as a bonus card but putting personal preferance and speculation aside the value just is not here.

Special Guest: Matt Jukes Foil Edition

Glacial Fortress - 3.71/11.25

Drowned Catacomb - 7.28/17.46

Dragonskull Summit - 3.79/6.96

Rootbound Crag - 3.81/6.55

Sunpetal Grove - 3.89/5.96

Non-foil: 22.48 foil: 48.18

Non-foil - F foil - D-

The value in these really speaks for itself.

Artist Series: Magali Villeneuve

Mother of Runes - 4.91/Varies

Death's Shadow - 6.12/10.19

Elvish Mystic - .45/9.97

Forest - N/A

Non-foil - 11.48 Foil: N/A

Non-foil - F Foil - D-

The biggest thing out of this lair is the foil Mother of Runes the prices fluctuates so much with the older foils it's hard to set an exact price to obtain a foil one; if we look at the previous secret lairs those versions of Mother of Runes are sitting at about 6-10 a piece.

Artist Series: Sidharth Chaturvedi

Concordant Crossroads - 46.87/N/A

Nomad Outpost - 1.06/5.74

Ghost Quarter - 1.12/16.90

Island - N/A

Non-foil: 49.05 foil: 69.51

Non-foil: D- foil: C

Essentially this lair is being carried by the fact that Concordant Crossroads only has 1 printing and has never had a foil printing. If you need one or would like to get a foil one knows your chance but outside of that its just some bulky cards with nice art.

Artist Series: Wayne Reynolds

Sram, Senior Edificer - .25/6.09

Torbran, Thane of Red Fell - .95/1.89

Depala, Pilot Exemplar - .23/1.65

Balthor the Defiled - 10.95/59.61

Non-foil: 12.38 Foil: 69.24

Non-foil - F Foil - C

This lair is also being carried by 1 card that has only 1 printing the rest is bulk.

Finally! Left-Handed Magic Cards

Sisay, Weatherlight Captain - .98/6.02

Empress Galina - 18.31/206.82

Geralf's Messenger - 9.89/34.48

Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh - .26/.41

Garruk, Caller of Beasts - 8.20/23.41

Non-foil: 37.64 foil; 271.14

Non-foil - C Foil: A

While Empress Galina is definitely the chase card out of this; it still has value in the other slots too outside of Roger - but even Roger is still highly playable.

Anyways, after doing all the math and putting this all together I appreciate the professor doing this and compiling it a video format. Also, which secret lairs if any are you planning to get?

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