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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Karoo enters the battlefield tapped.

When Karoo enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you return an untapped Plains you control to its owner's hand.

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DWM024 on Poggers

11 months ago

Being able to run Emeria, the Sky Ruin is one of the few perks of mono-white, you should try to increase the number of plains you have to be able to consistently get emeria active. you can prolly just replace these with basics

  • Terrain Generator - you dont really have the card draw to support this
  • Command Tower - effectively just a plains that doesnt count towards emeria, replace with basic
  • Kabira Crossroads - slow tapland that isnt worth its effect, replace with basic
  • Karoo - This land sucks, replace with a basic
  • New Benalia - a one off scry trigger is iffy for the slow land, rely more on repeatable effects like Path of Ancestry
  • Reliquary Tower - I'm not sure mono white has the card draw to justify this slot
  • Roadside Reliquary - colorless sac land for a one off draw can really fuck you over early in the game

random stuff

nuperokaso on Orzhov Sacrifice Clerics

1 year ago

Don't play Karoo, Sunlit Marsh, Goldmire Bridge and The Fair Basilica.

Instead play Shambling Vent, Isolated Chapel, Caves of Koilos, Silverquill Campus, Shineshadow Snarl, Orzhov Basilica, Brightclimb Pathway  Flip, Fetid Heath.

Shaile, Dean of Radiance  Flip has no real synergy with your deck. Replace it with Bygone Bishop, which is a good Cleric

This type of decks is usually called "Aristocrats". If you really want to be a sacrifice deck, you should add additional cards that trigger whenever a creature dies, such as Sanguinary Priest, Rotlung Reanimator, Blood Artist or Cruel Celebrant.

Max_Hammer on I’m Rick Grimes, Bitch 2.0

1 year ago

Howdy, I think your mana base could use some work-shopping. As for what you have right now, it's good. You don't need to remove anything, nothing here is hurting you. However, there might be something you missed. The only reason I can see for having this number of basics is for Emeria, but I think you could get even more value elsewhere. For the record, I'm not saying to include all of these, but I am giving you some choices as to what you might wanna include. I suggested the ones that seemed like the best choices.


For removal, we have a few choices. Scavenger Grounds is graveyard hate, which is fine because we only have one piece of recursion and it's Emeria. Blast Zone is pretty solid removal, just in case. Field of Ruin can get rid of someone else's Emeria or other problem land. Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire can be removal when you need it, and a land when you don't. And lastly, Kabira Takedown  Flip in a token deck takes down pretty much anything without hexproof.


Your stuff is important! Keep it safe with these cards. Eiganjo Castle is nice for anyone especially important, as can Karakas, if you can swallow the high pricetag. Sejiri Shelter  Flip can keep a creature safe once, assuming you don't need the mana. Nephalia Academy is fun when playing against specific deck strategies. Now, for a lot of them all at once, Kor Haven, Mystifying Maze, and Labyrinth of Skophos (With a shoutout to Maze of Ith) all prevent people from bonking you too hard.


Everything else that wasn't in those two categories. Windbrisk Heights can play you a free Mass Calcify when you need it, just for swinging with 3 tokens. Reliquary Tower because this is Commander. War Room, depending on how much draw you need. Idyllic Grange may as well replace a Plains if you plan to keep focusing on Emeria. Arcane Lighthouse is just another Detection Tower effect. And for the final one, Karoo. I dig the bouncelands. They're perfect turn 2 plays and might help you ramp a little bit extra.

And one more thing aside from all of this! Caged Sun is, in my opinion, better than Gauntlet of Power. One extra mana for blocking out my opponents feels worth it.

multimedia on trelassara, the stomper

1 year ago

Hey, impressive version on a budget, you've put a lot of thought into your deck.

An excellent compact infinite combo for life is Staff of Domination + Accomplished Alchemist by gaining five or more life on a turn. What makes this combo compact is it's two cards and Staff can draw which is helpful when you make infinite mana to draw your wincon in this case Aetherflux Reservoir. Staff can be a mana sink for any other infinite mana combos you play. Heronblade Elite is an overlooked mana dork who can get out of hand quick when playing counters as well as other Humans. With 5 or more power it also infinite combos with Staff of Domination.

To improve gameplay use cards that are part of combos, but are good without combos? Cards that do other things such as ramp or gain life and can be used in more than one combo. Try to limit the combos to two cards to make it easier to assemble.

Staff of Domination, Accomplished Alchemist, Ivy Lane Denizen, Spike Feeder, Cleric Class, Heronblade Elite, Scurry Oak are combo cards that are also good outside of combos. In contrast Sorcerer's Wand, Lurking Roper, Famished Paladin, Krosan Restorer, Presence of Gond are subpar cards that are only here because of combos or are only part of one combo. I'm not suggesting to cut all these cards, just to think about what other uses do they have here besides a combo and are they really needed because of that?

For example, Illusionist's Bracers is an expensive price card here that's only in one combo with one card, Krosan Restorer. Consider cutting Bracers and Restorer? Doing this change would also let you cut some of the lesser Bounce lands, Karoo and Jungle Basin because only playing them for Restorer combo. For a budget manabase Canopy Vista and Fortified Village could replace those lands. By adding Canopy Vista then you have a Selesnya dual land that Three Visits can get.

Many of the combos here require an equipment or an aura, Open the Armory can tutor for either one.

Some changes to consider:

Good luck with your deck.

zachz on Tap 'em Out!

2 years ago

You mentioned running dry on mana, as well as not having defenses. With your concerns in mind, I have a couple more cards to suggest. For start, a few more reimbursable defensive spells that give you back land taps after you cast them. Additionally, more dual-mana lands. Dual mana lands, once out, can be untapped for 2 mana, making them greatly beneficial for the reimburse spells.

  • Instants:
  • Rewind (Counterspell)
  • Snap (Creature Control)
  • Geistlight Snare (Cheaper counterspell with Spirits, Enchantments)
  • Lands:
  • Coral Atoll
  • Karoo
  • Guildless Commons is colorless but having numerous 3 CMC cards means you don't need all colored mana.
  • Path of Ancestry is very useful to Scry in your deck, as most of your creatures are Human/Soldier/Spirit.
  • Creature:
  • Cloud of Faeries is a reimburse flying creature that also has cycling. Many options for you there.

Excited to see how this deck works for you, and where you take it!

plakjekaas on Weakest Mono Color

2 years ago

Sram, Senior Edificer, Puresteel Paladin, Mesa Enchantress, Mentor of the Meek, Welcoming Vampire, Land Tax, Endless Horizons, all the equipment tutors for Sword of Fire and Ice or Mask of Memory, if your only draw in white is cantrips, you're playing white wrong too.

White also has a lot of catch-up ramp like Knight of the White Orchid and Archaeomancer's Map and such, which white is uniquely equipped to profit from with stuff like Karoo, Path to Exile, Winds of Abandon and many more. On top of that, fetchlands + Sun Titan are a powerful engine to not fall behind in spendable mana.

And of course there's tons of Colorless stuff to help you out, but that would help other colors as well, so no real need to mention them.

You'll have to work a bit harder for white than for other colors, but the past 3 years have equipped white well enough to close out the gaps that started the 'white is bad'-meme. You'll lean more on synergy than power, which is why it falls behind competitively, yet the most powerful preemptive answers are in white, which is why many competitive decks will include it, but not be mono colored. Drannith Magistrate, Rest in Peace, Rule of Law, Aven Mindcensor and Stony Silence on the board together will prevent almost every deck from winning.

Tl;dr: white is the worst mono color, but not weak by any stretch. For the best results, combine it with other colors.

DreadKhan on

2 years ago

If you plan to make use of effects that want you to have a low land count, I recommend you look at Lotus Field maybe Karoo or Guildless Commons, if high budget Lotus Vale Scorched Ruins. You can consider Dust Bowl to get you and 1 opponent down a land, potentially leaving another guy still ahead for your effects. Field of Ruin is cheap and technically gets rid of a problem land while putting 2 players ahead 1. If you have the mana rocks to support it, Kjeldoran Outpost costs you a land and can make a token for only 1W, so if nobody else is doing anything you can still be swinging away. Weathered Wayfarer is a fun choice for another pay off for having less lands. Archaeomancer's Map is another one I can think of readily, there are some others I think.

DreadKhan on Knight deck

3 years ago

If you wish to lean into payoffs like Knight of the White Orchid , you could throw in some bounce lands Selesnya Sanctuary , or Karoo lands in order to lower your land count. You can even consider something like Lotus Field eventually, which is hexproof and can't be Sinkholed or Wastelanded, and lets your pay offs work better.

Rebuff the Wicked has gone down a lot in price, it's a nice protection spell if you find your guys removed a lot.

Bow of Nylea is probably super-good in here, with lots of First Strike creatures that just love having Deathtouch. Ohran Frostfang would be a bomb, but a big clunky slow one. Either of these will solve the problem of your knights being too small.

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