Diamond Valley

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Diamond Valley


Tap, Sacrifice a creature: You gain life equal to the sacrificed creature's toughness.

Tur on Hidden Power - Crop Rotation

1 year ago


Thank you for noticing my intention, that is the key point of this argument!! Newer and casual players tend to disregard or ignore Crop Rotation, because they only see it for very expensive cards such as: Gaea's Cradle, Mishra's Workshop, The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale, Serra's Sanctum, Bazaar of Baghdad, and Diamond Valley. (I.e. sacrifice a Forest and get Gaea's Cradle.)

In fact, I own all of these cards and in only one single case is Gaea's Cradle the first priority for Crop Rotation. Here are a few examples using commander decks: (These do not include utility lands, such as Bojuka Bog, Cavern of Souls, nor Homeward Path.)

Commander: Lord Windgrace

Lotus Field is great for ramping with Lord Windgrace minus three ability. Cabal Coffers is fantastic for ramp. Field of the Dead provides a win condition and blockers.

Commander: Mina and Denn, Wildborn

Because of Fiery Emancipation, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle became ridiculously overpowered. Nine damage every time a mountain enters the battlefield. Furthermore, the Scapeshift combo causes you to win the game.

Commander: The Gitrog Monster

Dakmor Salvage is the combo engine for The Gitrog Monster. Therefore searching for it, the sacrificing it to The Gitrog Monster is crucial for the deck.

Commander: Gargos, Vicious Watcher

Hall of the Bandit Lord provides haste to the hydra tribal. Reliquary Tower is necessary for cards such as Soul's Majesty and Greater Good. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is pretty nice with the triple green devotion from Gargos, Vicious Watcher.

Commander: Carth the Lion

Field of the Dead is way too good in Carth the Lion, because Garruk, Cursed Huntsman emblems immediately with Carth the Lion. Making at least one 5/5 zombie with trample every turn is very strong.

Commander: Maelstrom Wanderer

Sanctum of Eternity allows you to put Maelstrom Wanderer back into your hand, allowing for the on-cast trigger to happen again. High Market not only taps for mana, but allows you to send Maelstrom Wanderer back to the command zone.

Commander: Sythis, Harvest's Hand

Unfortunately, for this deck Serra's Sanctum is the best target for Crop Rotation, however Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is a close second best target. With Sythis, Harvest's Hand you have to commit heavily to the board, so your devotion is going to be high. Field of the Dead gives blockers before you can stabilize with Sphere of Safety, Solitary Confinement, and Ghostly Prison.

Commander: Marwyn, the Nurturer

Unfortunately, for this deck Gaea's Cradle is the best target for Crop Rotation, however Wirewood Lodge is a close second best target for untapping Marwyn, the Nurturer. In fact, I found myself frequently choosing Wirewood Lodge over Gaea's Cradle because it does not draw as much threat for Strip Mine effects. Wizards of the Coast is frightfully aware of this fact and has made many cards to compensate by using creatures and enchantments: Priest of Titania, Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun, Elvish Archdruid, and Circle of Dreams Druid.

Hope this helps clarify my stance!

Tur on Hidden Power - Crop Rotation

1 year ago

Hello everyone! This will be a trial forum post for a "Commander - Hidden Power" series. My goal is to show relatively inexpensive cards which are often overlooked by commander players in semi-competitive and casual play. (This post is not designed for competitive play.) If you enjoy the topic, please provide positive feedback and I will consider creating similar posts.

The powerful card I plan on discussing here is Crop Rotation.

This card under five dollars and is one of the most powerful mono-green tutors. Period. Yes, I'm counting all mono-green tutors. This includes: Worldly Tutor, Finale of Devastation, Green Sun's Zenith, Survival of the Fittest, Chord of Calling, Natural Order, Tooth and Nail, Sylvan Tutor, Time of Need, Scapeshift, Hour of Promise, Tempt with Discovery, Reshape the Earth, Boundless Realms, Traverse the Outlands, Rampant Growth, Harrow, Cultivate, Harvest Season, Explosive Vegetation, etc.

It's one color, one mana, instant, searches for any land, you can sacrifice a tapped land, and puts the land onto the battlefield untapped (unless otherwise specified).

Although, Crop Rotation is often overlooked by players because of the very expensive cards it can search and not being "flashy" enough. Yes, Crop Rotation is ideal with any of the following cards: Gaea's Cradle, Mishra's Workshop, The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale, Serra's Sanctum, Bazaar of Baghdad, and Diamond Valley. However, suppose we don't have a one thousand dollar mana base and cannot play the land cards above. Is Crop Rotation worthless? No. It is still one of the best mono-green tutors. There are so many utility and theme lands which are excellent targets. Ramp lands and color-fixing are also viable options. Here are a few categorized ideas:

Utility Lands:

Theme Lands:

Ramp Lands:

Color-Fixing Lands:

There are many more unlisted cards in each category which could fit your specific deck.

Some of the cards listed above have some pretty cool synergies with Crop Rotation here are a few:Urza's Saga, you can let the saga get to chapter III, then with the ability on the stack sacrifice it to Crop Rotation to get both the artifact and land. Field of the Dead is ideal in every two or three color commander deck with a sufficient mana base (in fact some of my win conditions are given by Field of the Dead). You can also use Field of the Dead as a combat trick. Scavenger Grounds and Bojuka Bog are fantastic for graveyard combo disruption. Maze of Ith and Glacial Chasm will hurt your lands, but sometimes it is needed to stay alive.

Simply having the ability to greatly effect the board state using a one-mana instant speed spell is impressive: life gain, damage prevention, removing steal effects, getting around blockers, denying counterspells, combo stoppers, unlimited hand size, sacrifice engines, haste, recursion, ramp, creating token blockers. The list goes on-and-on-and-on. If fact, if you're playing 3-4 of the lands listed above you should really consider Crop Rotation in the ninety-nine.

All in all, I'm always surprised the number of deck lists which do not play Crop Rotation. This is a fantastic card and one of the best mono-green tutors. It has so much hidden power. Ask yourself if there is a nonbasic land which you are playing (or would play) that would do well with Crop Rotation.

Cowmmunist on I'm the reason people hate Child of Alara

2 years ago

borneuw thank you so much for the comment!

After looking over the 3 cards, I am not going to consider Glaring Spotlight because I don't really think it has a place in the deck. I agree that of the 3 it is the weakest.

Shadowspear and Arcane Lighthouse are really strong options. I love that Arcane Lighthouse enter's untapped and has good utility. I could very easily throw this card into the deck. Shadowspear makes me think about how I can utilize the card's effect more than once If I really have to. Since it will be destroyed by Child's death trigger, it feels like a tough sell compared to Arcane Lighthouse. Now, that being said I do think that Shadowspear is the best of the bunch because of it's ability to hit hexproof and indestructible at the same time while also providing some sustaining lifegain. Which can be incredibly important if we were behind in getting Child on the board. This in combination with Diamond Valley can net us a huge buffer when our opponents begin to see us as a threat. Not to mention just how brutal 7 commander damage is for our opponents.

I think at this point either card could easily replace maybe one of the neon dynasty lands with channel like Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire. I'm gonna add both to my maybe list to keep in mind if I find that I need more tech in that department.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

I don't believe the "land creature" idea works at all, because you don't cast lands... it's why Dryad Arbor has no mana value (she's played as a land, and is a creature with no mana value) and why Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle is only a land under specific conditions, but is still cast as a creature.

These Gods would still be creatures in all non-battlefield zones, such as your library and hand, as well as on the stack. They would also be lands, meaning these are lands you cast - which isn't something you do.

Furthermore, being lands, they have no land-related abilities. Now it is true that not all lands in MTG tap for mana, but to be called a land that also taps for or does nothing is a little... strange. For example, one land that doesn't tap for mana is Dark Depths, Glacial Chasm, Diamond Valley and Bazaar of Baghdad.

JimmyInferno on How to Be a Kwain-ker

3 years ago

I just saw this post cPute so sorry for the late reply!

At the moment I am unsure on how else other than Slash the Ranks we would self-sacrifice the Academy Rector but if you have any ideas I am certainly open to them.

I love the suggestions and I am looking for space to add them now, the only issue with Back to Basics is it really affects my deck as I run minimum basic lands. If you are running a deck that can suit it more by all means make your opponents cry (then tell me all about it mwahaha).

What I am considering is adding in High Market , Diamond Valley and Smokestack as these cards still synergise with our plan to pace, pretend to make political friends (for those who play politics - who would hurt a bunny) and also stax stax stax!

Honourable mentions to Claws of Gix and Martyr's Cause as it would protect Kwain.

BrassLord on

3 years ago

Interesting take on Bird Wizard! Not sure what your budget is, but Earthcraft would fit right in with your theme, leveraging advantage from token producers and provide an infinite combo with Squirrel Nest . Also Intruder Alarm works really well, as you can flash in your commander consistently and get more value from your tapping creatures and such!

Land suggestion would be something like High Market or if the group is ok with proxies Diamond Valley . Being able to block, then sac your commander and play it again at instant speed over and over is a consistent utility to help grind to the end game when you can overwhelm with your token producers.

A fun option for the deck could also be Mirrormade , doubling down on your powerhouse enchantments and artifacts.

Faeburrow Elder is another cheap Bloom Tender

If you're wanting a more spikey sort of game, something like Armageddon or Stasis fits in. You can really take advantage of your commander's untap ability, as you can continue to pay for the mana cost by attacking with your commander. Timed with a token producer or your mana rocks, you can grind out the game, swinging your commander and slowly building up tokens.

Jalverastegui on Opinion on best Collection Purchase

3 years ago

Thanks brothers, I will not play with these cards, I have a full play set of MD from Iconic Masters to play with plus a Legends one in my collection = )

I went with the Hazezon.

Brothers what do you think would be a Best Buy (in this case from Botha a Gameplay and a Value perspective) between an Arabian Nights Diamond Valley and an Antiquities Candelabra of Tawnos ?

Goblin_Guide on Black/Green/Blue Deck

3 years ago

I might suggest some sacrifice outlets (Phyrexian Tower, High Market, Diamond Valley if you have it) so that you can put Brokkos into your graveyard in response to an exile or other effect and not have to pay commander tax. I probably wouldn't put in anything for this outside lands just because it might not be a situation that comes up very often, but it might be nice to have for when it does.

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