Overgrown Farmland

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Overgrown Farmland


Overgrown Farmland enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or more other lands.

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Arrzarrina on Roon Shenanigans

1 year ago

19/01/2023 changes: There have been a few rounds of changes. Removed counterspells to attempt to make the deck to make more fun to play against, sold the Mox Diamond because it's become worth a mint in the last 7 years, added more draw and refocused the deck on creature ETB based interaction instead of something like Oblivion Ring. It's a good card but I don't get the value that I could get out of a Fiend Hunter. You know where I'm going with this. I've also added more mana fixing to the land base and adjusted colours for the new balance.



Grind on satsuki living lore

1 year ago

Cool deck!!!
This looks like a ton of fun to play.
Have you considered Sterling Grove, Restoration Specialist, Canopy Vista, or Krosan Verge?
Sunpetal Grove and Overgrown Farmland are also good.

Balaam__ on Nature's return

1 year ago

The ones emboldened in red are illegal in the format, but there are better alternatives anyway. Consider Botanical Plaza as a replacement for the lands, or even Overgrown Farmland if budget is less of a concern for you.

Andramalech on Shrines R us

2 years ago

I noticed you said land value was a concern, so I had some thoughts:

Some ways to keep your utility game strong could include the cycle lands like Tranquil Thicket and Forgotten Cave. Those provide draw when otherwise you don't need the colors.

Bojuka Bog, Temple of the False God, and Crumbling Vestige are other noteworthy utility lands that various people enjoy.

Check lands, like the more recent Overgrown Farmland and Rockfall Vale are (somewhat) cheaper ways to get your value on.

Burn lands like Shivan Reef and Yavimaya Coast are great ways to provide yourself with more options to do the thing without breaking the bank.

I'd recommend using something like Chromatic Lantern to help cover color needs. I know you said budget was a concern so maybe stuff like Utopia Sprawl or Trace of Abundance over things like Bloom Tender.

Considering how (most) WUBRG builds rely on green to do the heavy lifting, if you could spring for a copy of Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth it could really help a lot.

If you consider Bounce Lands (Gruul Turf, Simic Growth Chamber), you'd get more value back out of your cycle lands. Again, I'm unsure what the budget is but I wanted to provide a few interesting options to get you the colors you're in need of!

I hope this helps a bit! Best of luck!

legendofa on How do you, personally, balance …

2 years ago

Pip percentages all the way. I start off with "5-color basics" in play testing; I use tokens or off-color lands or other generic cards to fill land slots and pretend they enter untapped and tap for any color, no downside. So play testing with perfect mana. All nonland ramp and fixing should be in place at this point. Lands are the last thing I work on.

Once I get the main deck in a good spot and start looking at color balancing, I count the total pips and pips of each color, and divide them proportionally into basic lands, including hybrids as full pips. Let's say I'm putting together a EDH deck and have landed on 38 land slots. I count the green pips and get 50, blue pips are at 66, and white pips are at 45, for a total of 161 pips. I want at least 50/161 of my mana base to be green, 66/161 to be blue, and 45/161 to be white. That's 31% green, 41% blue, and 28% white.

The next step is to put that into the 38 land slots. I start with basic lands to ensure the balance. Using the percentage above, that's 12 Forests, 16 Islands, and 11 Plains, for a total of 39 lands. Cut one from the highest (rounding error), dropping Islands to 15. Next, check if any colors are overrepresented at mana value 1-2, and take 1-2 from the highest and give it to that color. In this example, let's say I loaded up on low MV green cards for ramp, so cut one more Island for a Forest. Final basic land totals are 13 Forest, 14 Island, and 11 Plains.

Finally, because I want multicolor lands in there, I switch basics out for nonbasics, keeping the colors as proportional as possible. So I'll take out a Forest and and Island for a Breeding Pool and Yavimaya Coast, a Forest and a Plains for Bountiful Promenade and Overgrown Farmland, a Plains and an Island for Port Town and Nimbus Maze, one of each for Seaside Citadel, Treva's Ruins, and Spara's Headquarters, and so on. Fetchlands are treated as lands that can add mana of the colors it searches for, and single-color lands like Eiganjo Castle are switched out one for one with their basic lands.

I always try to keep enough basic lands to cast any spell in the deck off basic lands alone. If I have cards that cost and in the deck, I will keep at least five basic lands. At least two of those will be Islands, and at least one will be a Forest and a Plains each. You never know when a Back to Basics or Ruination will come by to mess up your day.

Finally, colorless lands. I add these on a case by case basis, usually skimming from the color I have the most sources for.

So it's a process, but I've found it to be very reliable in the long run.

philosopher on Acorns of Death

2 years ago

Hello kwazygloo,

When designing a deck, it is best to have the % card mana symbols match the % lands with that mana symbol and, that is found in the pie chart in the top right hand corner, so, looking at the pie chart in the top right hand corner, you require more white sources because you have more white mana symbols within your cards than green mana symbols.

Tappedout is weird for the dual faced lands, so to properly show the white source in the bar chart, i recommend you change its name to Boulderloft Pathway  Flip, so that the white source is taken into account in the pie chart.

Also, you are missing the best GW dual land in pioneer: Temple Garden, as this always comes into play untapped, whereas Overgrown Farmland is conditional based on the number of lands that you have.

Finally, about your land count, based on the below link and analysis, the average mana value for your deck is 2.23, meaning, to reach your 3 and 4 drops, it is recommended that you play 23 lands. I see that you have the most cards in the two drop slot, so you could run 22 lands so that you have a 99.2% of drawing two lands by turn 2.


Suggested land amount 23

Avg mana value 2.08-2.40

deck description: Aggro deck – You need 3 lands on turn 3 in most games (86.8%); 4 lands by turn 4 (67.7%) is nice but not necessary.

I hope this helps, as the goal of your deck is sound, so fixing the land types and land quantities will allow you a more consistent path to victory.

Please provide with me your thoughts on my suggestions.



Eloniel on Nobody has the intention of building a Wall

2 years ago

Hey K4m4r0,

So I come back to the mana base with the slow lands:

Overgrown Farmland

Deserted Beach

Dreamroot Cascade

I don't suggest boseiju, because I think we have enough removals/counterspells.

hcmen1 on haha, deck flip over

2 years ago

I see your playing temples, I find that the scry is not worth the lands entering tapped, I prefer the new slow lands Overgrown Farmland, Rockfall Vale, Sundown Pass, but if you like the scry keep them.

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