Teetering Peaks

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Teetering Peaks


Teetering Peaks enters the battlefield tapped.

When Teetering Peaks enters the battlefield, target creature gets +2/+0 until end of turn.

: Add to your mana pool.

GutterbonesMan on Axonil [Budget]: Most You Ever Lost On A Coin Toss

5 months ago

Thank you for the recs SufferFromEDHD!

I thought about Death Spark but wasn’t sure since this deck isn’t very creature heavy, might still try it out.

Release the Ants similar reason, relatively low CMC of this deck, might be worth considering though.

Lava Dart I like, just so hard to cut stuff at this point!

For Looming Spires and Teetering Peaks I avoid lands that come into play tapped, I also like that this deck is just all Mountains.

Akoum Hellkite is too expensive to play unfortunately for what I’m going for.

Cinder Pyromancer is another good maybe!

I had Defiler of Instinct originally but it mostly ended up sitting in my hand so I cut it.

Keldon Marauders is cool but I’m trying to keep more towards instants and sorceries.

Thanks again!

SufferFromEDHD on Axonil [Budget]: Most You Ever Lost On A Coin Toss

6 months ago

Death Spark finally found a home! Made for this God.

Release the Ants built in Buyback.

Lava Dart Gutshot #2

Looming Spires and Teetering Peaks to squeeze out a few extra points of damage.

Akoum Hellkite budget version of Valakut.

Cinder Pyromancer Budget version of Goblin Sharpshooter

Defiler of Instinct ramp and consistent damage.

Keldon Marauders a lot of damage for very little.

Snowmen1 on Building a deck around Wayward …

3 years ago

I think its not a very intuitive idea, and not in line with how many people would typically play magic. I am not thinking of utilizing Wayward Guide-Beast as a turn 1 play though. I dont think any decks can really support that.

The plan is to get it out on turns 3, 4, or 5 play to give you mid to late game card selection and a clock. Something else to keep in mind is that when compared with other delver cards like Nimble Obstructionist and Vendilion Clique (which would probably get played more if it werent for Lava Dart, Wrenn and Six, and other ping cards), they put out the same amount of damage within three turns of when theyre played. Basically the clock is on par, though a lack of evasion is worrying. Being one mana also makes playing it less of a risk/commitment to cast than normal threats though.

One thing to note though is that the clock gets a lot faster when you are bouncing and replaying certain lands that the deck might play, like Teetering Peaks.

The only thing is that it is a trade-off. This synergy may just be only ok, since you are essentially limiting yourself to 3 or 4 mana per turn. Definately should be tested though in my opinion.

Other ideas I forgot to mention was locking up mana with Quicksilver Fountain. This is probably just bad compared to bloodmoon, but notably this card allows you to have your landfall synergies and also can help fix your mana. Also all the lands stay as islands after the fountain dies, so thats funny.

There's a lot of ways that you could use Wayward Guide-Beast, but in landfall zoo I think Id rather play 4 Elvish Reclaimer before the first Wayward Guide-Beast first because Elvish Reclaimer can help make multiple landfall triggers every turn, its bigger, and you can get a land toolbox kind if thing going with the card where the guide beast doesnt really scale well unless youre keeping the board clear (why Im interested in trying delver). But idk. Its all speculation.

Anyways, Im going to make a test list and just see how or if it even works. Lots of testing to do.

Thanks for the comment.

Zoli00Hun on Mono Goblin Deck for Commander

4 years ago

Thanks for your tip Secretmeat!

So what do you think would be best? Just put in a mountain instead of Fabled Passage, Forgotten Cave, and Teetering Peaks?

Or do you have any other recommendations for lands in a mono-red deck? The price limit for a single card would be 6 dollars for me.

Secretmeat on Mono Goblin Deck for Commander

4 years ago

Given that you're in Mono Red, I'd pull at least Fabled Passage out of the deck (swap in a mountain) and save it for a deck that needs it. I'm not sure if you already own it or intend to buy it, but if budget matters spend it on something else. Depending on your meta, Forgotten Cave and Teetering Peaks may not be worth the enters tapped for the small bonuses they give. Goblin tribal needs to be fast and that will slow you down.

zephyr_chang on Blood Moon Werewolves

4 years ago

I don't think you can ever cast a Jaws of Stone in a game of Modern, so maybe cut that for some other hate cards (you are currently missing graveyard hate in the sideboard).

There is probably a better utility land than Teetering Peaks for this deck, one that does not sacrifice tempo for burst. Maybe Castle Embereth?

Kazierts on Red/Green

4 years ago

Well, if you never had any problems with Kiln Fiend then keep it. There's no reason to change what has been working out fine. Just as a thought provoker, you can have Monastery Swiftspear to think about.

Maybe just bad wasn't the best thing to say about Rakdos Shred-Freak . It's just that it offers basically nothing more than haste. You have cards like Hellspark Elemental , as you mentioned, but also:

  1. Earthshaker Khenra - Makes it easier to get to your opponent while also being reusable from the grave in the late game, and even bigger than before.

  2. Ash Zealot - More of a Siboard card, but still, 2 mana for first strike, haste and punishes your opponent for playing cards from your graveyard.

  3. Vexing Devil - Dont't know if you could fit this guy in your budget, but it's amazing. It's either a one mana 4/3 that your opponent will have to waste a removal spell or a one mana 4 damage spell.

However, the real reason I said Rakdos Shred-Freak is bad is because of...

Thunderkin Awakener - It can reanimate all of your (elemental) suicide bombers while attacking. So for only two mana, you can from 4 damage on board, with Thunderkin Awakener and Spark Elemental , to up to 8 damage with the Firecat. You could also put other cards in for him, like Lightning Skelemental and Spark Trooper , but those would require you to adjust the manabase.

Also, since you're playing these cheap suicide bombers you could use Unearth to reanimate them again and hit for a bunch. However, I'm not sure that splashing to black would appeal to you.

Another suicide bomber could be Impetuous Devils , though I don't have much to say about it. You can basically take out one of your opponent's creature by forcing them to block. Just here as an option for you.

Cards like Thud , Fling and Flesh / Blood (the blood half only) should prove themselves more useful than Soul's Fire . Since most of your creatures are dying anyway, there should be no problem in sacrificing them.

Manabasewise, if really want to keep Reality Smasher you can add lands that have a better utility than Rogue's Passage as most of your creatures have trample anyway, so your opponent will regardless always have trouble preventing damage.

I've been writing a lot today, so right now I won't go on too much detail about these "utility" lands. I'll just list some here and you can say if you liked any or none and I'll glady discuss about it.

Just as a curiosty, I've written so many cards in this comment that TappedOut won't let me mark more suggestions, while most not even appearing for me to suggest.

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