Turntimber, Serpentine Wood


Turntimber Symbiosis  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Turntimber, Serpentine Wood


As Turntimber, Serpentine Wood enters the battlefield, you may pay 3 life. If you don't it enters the battlefield tapped.

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Profet93 on Samut, Vizier of Naktamun

3 months ago

SufferFromEDHD +1 because of you, interesting deck.

Dualcaster Mage - For the combo potential with hit shimmer and twinflame, as well as general utility.

At the risk of being winmore, Alhammarret's Archive?

What is the point of squee, synergy with survival of the fittest? Reminds me of when I used to run Genesis for a similar interaction.

Skullclamp - Draw, or is it not needed?

Do you have enough mountains to trigger valakut? I feel the slot would be better utilized with a Castle Garenbrig?

Command Tower/Cragcrown Pathway  Flip - Color fixing

Turntimber, Serpentine Wood  Flip - Utility

War Room - Draw

Have you considered adding some extra combat step cards to trigger your commander's ability and deal additional damage such as Karlach, Fury of Avernus, Relentless Assault, Seize the Day, Scourge of the Throne, World at War, Breath of Fury, Combat Celebrant or my personal favorite Aggravated Assault?

RufusTheGrufus on Mono Green Stompy

3 months ago

Profet93, thank you for taking the time to check out the list and offer your suggestions!

I'm going to try my best to articulate my opinions of said suggestions:

-Rishkar's Expertise: I do enjoy this card quite a bit, and did originally have it in the list. It eventually got cut because the floor was too low for a 6 mana card; and I opted for a similar effect in Return of the Wildspeaker because it's one mana cheaper and has extra utility since it can help push through alpha strikes. I do feel like this deck could benefit from a bit more card advantage though.

-Pir's Whim: I actually completely forgot this card exists, I think this is a perfect swap suggestion, thank you!

-Traverse the Outlands: I totally get why you're suggesting this card, I think I personally just tend to shy away from more conditional ramp, removal, and card advantage; since typically if I'm desperately needing one of those effects I don't want to have to rely on satisfying an extra condition in order to achieve it. I think otherwise Traverse the Outlands could totally find a home in this kind of deck.

-Collector Ouphe, Manglehorn, Reclamation Sage: Collector Ouphe and Manglehorn are definitely great cards to include in this deck. My main hesitation with including them is because this decklist was made with the intent of having it be a bit more casual and less "feel bad" for when my playgroup wants to play with lower powered/more casually oriented decks. I love the idea of including them though and am adding them to the Maybeboard for further consideration! In terms of Reclamation Sage, it was in the decklist initially but ultimately got cut over more flexible pieces such as Krosan Grip, Beast Within and Return to Nature as I typically feel the need to have some options for instant speed removal; and I have a few pieces of creature-based artifact/enchantment removal that can target multiple things.

-Nissa's Pilgrimage: This is just an objectively better card than Cultivate in a mono-green deck, thank you!

-Yavimaya Hollow: Intriguing card, I'm definitely interested in testing it out!

-Turntimber, Serpentine Wood  Flip: I generally have an aversion to these flip lands. I totally get the arguments for playing them, I've just never felt inclined to play a majority of them. I'd be willing to give this one a shot in the list though to see if it exceeds my expectations; especially since it's so on-theme!

-Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma: I completely forgot about this guy, I'm interested in testing him out and am swapping him in over Giant Adephage; which was really just in the deck as a 'fun' pet card anyways.

-Shaman of Forgotten Ways, Somberwald Sage: I don't know how I forgot about Shaman of Forgotten Ways. Thank you for such a great suggestion, I slotted it in instead of Llanowar Tribe for now. Somberwald Sage I'm less sure of including at this point in time. I'll put it in the Maybeboard and keep thinking on it.

-Siege Behemoth: An interesting suggestion, I'm not sure if I'll find a home for it in the deck just yet but I'm adding it to the Maybeboard to consider!

-Berserk: This would be an incredibly fun include, I just need to find something to cut. It'll have to live in the Maybeboard for now.

-Life's Legacy, Greater Good: Since I'm truly a Golgari player at heart, and love playing around with sacrifice and my graveyard, these cards were definitely in consideration when I initially built this deck. I eventually opted for just Momentous Fall and not Life's Legacy because Momentous Fall can be cast at instant speed which allows it to be used in response to removal to help with rebuilding. If I had more synergy with sacrificing creatures baked into the deck, and/or more ways to utilize my own graveyard, I would definitely be including Greater Good. I'm adding them to the Maybeboard for now, especially since Greater Good may just be too much card advantage to turn down.

Thank you again for such considerate suggestions and for taking the time to look over the list!

Profet93 on Mono Green Stompy

4 months ago

RufusTheGrufus +1

I actually completely disagree with the above GoldBerserkDragon, (GBD) both personally and professionally. 37 lands is actually my favorite # in EDH. While yes, you could it isn't optimal, especially in a build whose avg cmc is above 4.5. Now to actually provide you with suggestions unlike GBD. Some of these might be better than others, let me know what you think of each....

Rishkar's Expertise - It's draw + tempo. While it is a bit risky if you have one creature, the risk is mitigated if you have several creatures on board.

Pir's Whim > Tempt Discovery - Tempt is best if you have cradle or another high mana producing land to immediately use untapped. I used to run it but my playgroup would either not take the bait, or would just tutor for strip mine and destroy whatever land I got. Pir's whim is political and removal, all at the same time.

Traverse the Outlands - Mass land ramp

Collector Ouphe - Null rod the creature. It only stops 2 of your cards but since artifacts are huge in EDH, it's definitely worth considering. If not, then perhaps a Manglehorn or a Reclamation Sage

Since you run momentous fall, perhaps a Life's Legacy? Better yet, Greater Good!

Nissa's Pilgrimage > Cultivate

Yavimaya Hollow - Regen / politics

Turntimber, Serpentine Wood  Flip - Spell or land, you decide!

Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma - Ramp + Trample

Shaman of Forgotten Ways/Somberwald Sage - With the former as an alt wincon

Siege Behemoth - Push damage through

Berserk - Super fun! I once used this on an opponents (Op1) commander to kill Op2 via commander damage and Op1 lost his commander making him easier to kill. Usually used to close things out. It's also fun to use on Selvala as psuedo ramp. Not needed, but nice.

JoosetheMuice on Janky Leviathans

1 year ago

After more reflection on the game and how quickly you ramp up, Stroke of Genius, Pull from Tomorrow and ofcourse Blue Sun's Zenith could help keep you from running out of steam. Turntimber, Serpentine Wood  Flip could work well for you land base, and Apex Devastator could be a fun win-con.

Ammonzy on Managorger Dragons

2 years ago

Awesome deck although I'd prefer to run more lands for my personal taste since making land drops are so crucial for decks with a high curve. I like running Crucible of Worlds in decks where I hate missing land drops so I can reuse fetchlands so that can be a thought. Would also allow you to play Shatterskull, the Hammer Pass  Flip, Turntimber, Serpentine Wood  Flip, Valakut Stoneforge  Flip and Bala Ged Recovery  Flip as lands after you cast them. Plus you can reuse Haven of the Spirit Dragon if you'd like.

Profet93 on Xenagos, God of Revels that xtra combat is good

3 years ago


I have not updated my Xenagos since exactly a year ago, so some of these suggestions do not take into account cards that have been released since then such as Jeska(i?)s will and battle mammoth which should find their way into this deck. Now onto my specific suggestions....

Beast Within - Instant speed permanent removal

Berserk - Yes, block Malignus with your 1/1, let's see how that turns out. Also to be used for politics as you can target an opponent's creature (such as their commander) who is attacking another opponent. This would be to replace Temur Battle rage IMO

Deflecting Swat - I'll say it once, I'll say it again. In Xenagos, your biggest issue is removal. You spend 5+ mana per beater in the hopes that they don't save removal. Most of your draw like hunters insight, return of the wildspeaker, momentous fall (although to a lesser extent) is based on the fact that you need a creature to target and if they remove your creature, you are shit out of luck. By adding swat, you can bluff while tapped out, protecting your creature allowing it to most likely survive to your next turn in order to cast one of the above mentioned draw spells. Moreover, this counters counterspells and redirects targeted removal, targeted draw, targeted extra turns, etc.... so much utility in 1 card. This is perhaps the second/third most powerful card in a Xenagos deck IMO

Heroic Intervention - Protection

Greater Good - THE MOST POWERFUL CARD IN ANY XENAGOS DECK. IF YOU DO NOT ADD THIS, THERE IS NOTHING MORE TO DISCUSS. THE SHEER VALUE OF THIS ALONE IS ASTRONOMICAL. Imagine casting a 6/6 beater, Xenagos doubles it to 12, they attempt to remove it, since it was going to die anyways, you sacrifice it to the "greater good" in order to draw 12 and discard 3. This doesn't include the fact that you can berserk your own creature prior to sacrificing it as well

Rancor - Nice to have, not necessary. Makes your 1/1 dorks 6 power with Xenagos, makes your beaters better. Hell, enchant it on an opponent's creature for politics

Sylvan Library - Nice to have, not necessary, but in Xenagos, it pays to have draw that isn't creature reliant.

Decimate - Can target Xenagos if there is no other enchantment. In EDH, you will always have targets. 4 for 1 is value, also note Hull Breach , it's little brother

Green Sun's Zenith - Tutor to the battlefield, yes please! While limited to green, it still is worth it. Getting what you need, when you need it.

Harmonize - Draw not based on creatures is nice to have

Life's Legacy - Similar to momentous fall, although easier to cast on the same turn as a beater. Do note that it suffers from the same issue as momentous fall, sacrificing as an additional cost to cast means be wary of the blue player. I like it, but some don't

Nissa's Pilgrimage - Ramp, more Turn 3 ramp enables a more consistent Turn 4 Xenagos. While we would love a Turn 3 Xenagos, the choice is between consistency or early on advantage, I choose consistency, but to each their own.

Skyshroud Claim - Gets 2 forests (note some cards are both forests and mountains) and brings them in untapped, so it helps with tempo, something Xenagos decks greatly lack. Would add this over nissa's pilgramage, although I like both if you can fit them

War Room - Not needed, but a maybe

Ancient Tomb - Ramp

Blighted Woodland / Myriad Landscape - Ramp

Bonders' Enclave - Draw

Raging Ravine / Dread Statuary - Manlands are useful because you can target your draw spells on them if you don't have any other creatures

Cragcrown Pathway  Flip - Forest or mountain, you decide!

Turntimber, Serpentine Wood - Land when you need it, a potential creature when you don't. I like the flexibility for 3 life

Yavimaya Hollow - Most useful but most expensive, protecting your creature from removal is what this deck needs.

Creatures are mostly preference, you have most of the good ones. Here are some others I think would fit nicely...

Elder Gargaroth - Will almost always be draw, but I love the utility

Inferno Titan - Removal

Kogla, the Titan Ape - Removal + Utility, although you only have 2 humans, Eternal Witness might be worth including, but thats personal preference

I couldn't suggest more than what's allowed by tappedout, but let me know what you think of each suggestion. If you want ideas for cuts, lmk

Profet93 on Revel Up

3 years ago


Heroic Intervention - Protection

Beast Within - Removal

Bonders' Enclave - Draw

Dread Statuary - Manland to be used as a fuel for a mass draw spell or blocker in a pinch

Turntimber, Serpentine Wood - Creature when you need it, land when you don't

The Great Henge - Draw, lifegain, ramp

Three Visits > Rampant growth

Green Sun's Zenith - Tutor

Harmonize - Not needed but nice to have, Xenagos decks struggle with card draw and this helps mitigate that weakness.

Eternal Witness - Recursion

Farhaven Elf/Wood Elves - Ramp T4 Xenagos

Kogla, the Titan Ape - Removal, utility with E-Wit and others

Shaman of Forgotten Ways - Ramp + Potential wincon

Elder Gargaroth - Really good, fav 5 drop beater in Xenagos hands down

Profet93 on A bunch of crap that makes a Gruul deck

3 years ago

There are other cuts to consider as well, but I feel these are the more noteworthy ones....

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild - No direct synergy with Xenagos, you want a beater with evasion or protection

Beast Whisperer - Better in decks that are lower to the ground that can better use it's ability

Brash Taunter - "No synergy with Xenagos"

God-Eternal Rhonas - Better in decks that go wide, this gets easily chump blocked. You rarely have more than 1 creature out at a time

Klothys, God of Destiny - "No synergy with Xenagos"

Leyline Tyrant - Better in red decks, while not recomending it, glorybringer would be better IMO as it acts as removal as well

Phylath, World Sculptor - No synergy with....

Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger - Not enough ramp to hard cast, no cheating effects (which wont even give you a cast trigger)

Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre - See above

Shadowspear - Meta call? Better to have creatures with trample or more ramp and card draw in this slow

Triumph of the Hordes - Hit or miss. Playing a beater, hoping it survives, casting this next turn and hoping they dont have removal. Ignoring the feelbad of infect

Berserkers' Onslaught - Winmore

Vernal Bloom - Symmetrical ramp which you can't even take full advantage of

Nissa, Who Shakes the World - This is ok, I like the vigilance and getting essentially a 6/6. Rather have something more impactful.

Atarka, World Render - Beater with evasion

Balefire Dragon - Beater with evasion that also destroys decks that go wide

Carnage Tyrant - Beater with protection, evasion and anti-blue. Nice to use a mass draw spell knowing they can't remove the creature in response

Etali, Primal Storm - Not needed, but fun! Lots of value, doesn't require combat damage

Farhaven Elf - Ramp for T4 Xenagos

Fierce Empath - Tutor

Inferno Titan - Removal

Kogla, the Titan Ape - Removal

Malignus - GG target player

Savage Ventmaw - Beater with evasion and helps build tempo

Scourge of the Throne - Destroy people's lifetotal

Shaman of Forgotten Ways - Ramp and potential wincon

Siege Behemoth - Beater with evasion

Somberwald Sage - Ramp

Springbloom Druid - Ramp for T4 Xenagos

Yavimaya Hollow - Protection

Turntimber, Serpentine Wood - Land when you need it, beater when you don't

Dread Statuary - Manland to be used as potential beater or for draw spell

Rishkar's Expertise - Draw + Tempo. Powerful!

Life's Legacy - Draw

Momentous Fall - Similar to above, to be used in response to removal

Berserk - Use on selvala, malignus or even an opposing creature attacking one of your opponents!

Sylvan Library - Nice but not needed

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