Scoured Barrens

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scoured Barrens


Scoured Barrens enters the battlefield tapped.

When Scoured Barrens enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.

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TheRoaringRegisaur on Ajani's Pride

1 day ago

Also, since it's a modern deck, I'd add some Soul Sisters (Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant). I also like Lunarch Veteran  Flip, but he's not as good. With all these Clerics/Angles, consider Righteous Valkyrie. Daxos, Blessed by the Sun is another worthy consideration. ... Instead of Revoke Existence, I really like Banishing Slash, even if you don't get the token from it. From the same set, Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire is a great land with good utility. Also, if you wanna drop Scoured Barrens/Blossoming Sands entirely, I'd look at Kabira Crossroads. And although it's not actually out yet, you'll want Essence Channeler from Bloomburrow.

TheRoaringRegisaur on Ajani's Pride

1 day ago

If you want a land that has you gain life, I'd do Blossoming Sands instead of Scoured Barrens because you actually have a card (Shalai, Voice of Plenty) that could potentially use it. It's extremely you'd have the two green mana, but it's better than nothing. I also wouldn't run 4 Shadowspears because they're legendary... you can only have one out at a time and since they're artifacts they're more likely to stay on the battlefield than a creature.

Angel_Zero on Ally Do Is Win

4 months ago

Bone Shards is a good upgrade to Bone Splinters, I'd run 4 Scoured Barrens to better fix mana and trigger Cliffhaven more. 4 Shambling Vent could also be worth throwing in.

Rasaru on Zombies 2.0

6 months ago

Do you want to the deck to stay within a certain budget? How much money are you okay with spending to upgrade? $25, $50, UNLIMITED?! :)

My first thought is to fix up your mana base. You have a LOT of lands that come in tapped no matter what your board state or hand looks like. That's going to slow your game plan down quite a bit. Let's make these simple swaps to start. Then, we I have a better idea of what your budget looks like, I can recommend additional swaps.

Vivid Marsh -> Takenuma, Abandoned Mire Utility lands are excellent because you don't have to play them as lands if your mana flooded AND it doesn't come in tapped

Vivid Creek -> Otawara, Soaring City Same as above

Scoured Barrens -> Godless Shrine Same colors, just has the option of coming in untapped and satisfies your other land requirements you're playing, like Shineshadow Snarl

Dismal Backwater -> Morphic Pool Same colors, comes in untapped 90% of the time in EDH

Jwar Isle Refuge -> Drowned Catacomb Same colors and at least has the opportunity to come in tapped vs ALWAYS coming in tapped

Reliquary Tower -> Raffine's Tower Land comes in tapped, but produces all three colors and can be cycled to draw a card if you're mana flooded.

If those options are too expensive, you could easily justify just swapping them all out for basics. :)

eliakimras on Equipped Samurai

1 year ago

Since your deck is a fast one, consider running lands that don't enter the battlefield tapped:

You might also want to run some utility lands:

Also, since speed is the name of the game for Voltron decks, consider those swaps in your ramp package:

DemonDragonJ on 100 Shades of Gray

1 year ago

I have replaced Scoured Barrens with Caves of Koilos, since having a dual land enter the battlefield untapped is more important than is gaining life, and the entire theme of this deck is gaining life, so the life loss from that land should not be a problem.

multimedia on Scoured Barrens or Tainted Field?

1 year ago

Tainted Field enters the battlefield untapped for that reason it's a better land than Scoured Barrens. Caves of Koilos is better than both of them and Liesa gains life.

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