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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Shivan Gorge
Legendary Land
: Add .
, : This deals 1 damage to each opponent.

SufferFromEDHD on
The Embodiment of Fear
4 months ago
Witch's Clinic rare ability for the Izzet tribe
Balduvian Trading Post taps for and the opportunity to deal damage to attackers is a unique ability
Shivan Gorge finally has its moment to shine!
Charisma amazing alongside pinging but I think this deck shoots to kill
Polymorphist's Jest and Vedalken Humiliator additional Mass Diminish effects
Flame Fusillade potential finisher
seshiro_of_the_orochi on
Play Rakdos. Do Crimes.
9 months ago
I recently build my Neheb, the Eternal, and I'm having a blast with it. The latest two cards I added are Kumano Faces Kakkazan Flip and Invasion of Regatha Flip. All three of these look like great additions. What's more, Pestilent Spirit looks powerful with your high density of damage spells. Finally, Shivan Gorge would be nice to have here.
Ammonzy on
Zacama Drama 1.0 [Zacama, Primal Calamity]
1 year ago
TBH 99% of the time I go infinite without having Shivan Gorge, people scoop since I basically can blow up any nonland permanent until the end of time while having infinite life. So they rather give up that endure the drawn-out beating. You can add Warstorm Surge or Impact Tremors-type of cards however I found those cards to really not do anything outside of being a win-con and the deck needs a super high number of cards that provide immediate value.
Its one reason Im super happy with LCI because it gives this deck a bunch of strong ETB creatures that can also beat down. Them being dinosaurs just adds to the flavor lol
enpc on which do you perfer
1 year ago
Zacama + Sanctum of Eternity + turbo land ramp. Throw in a Shivan Gorge and you got a stew going, baby.
In reality, they're completely different decks. If you want ot play tribal dinos, Gishath is the way to go. But run a Maskwood Nexus so you can take advantage of Gishath's ability on the non-dino creeatures.
DreadKhan on
2 years ago
It's not really a great card, but Shivan Gorge can deal some damage to each opponent, which can let you shave mana off of spells for a turn. There is also stuff like Spear Spewer that pings each player, that's a much better way to achieve that goal I suppose. There are also Kessig Flamebreather and Firebrand Archer that can turn any non-creature spell into damage, not sure you have enough stuff to justify them, but felt they were worth a mention. There is also good old Pyrohemia/Pestilence, which can ping each opponent (and it clears out x/1s if tokens are an issue in your area). Not sure if you will be able to get in for damage consistently, but Rite of the Raging Storm tokens usually suck to block, so you might get 5 damage per turn in some metas.
I feel like it's worth throwing in something like Carrion Feeder or Viscera Seer if you want a sac outlet that can clear out lots of bodies and derive value from it, Feeder even works with Pitiless Plunderer (or another 'mana from dead creature' card, Pawn of Ulamog and Bog Initiate will work on a budget) and Gravecrawler to go infinite.
Final point, maybe a few Annihilator creatures that have high MV as their drawback, they tend to be colourless anyways, so can give a full discount and be free sometimes. Artisan of Kozilek and Pathrazer of Ulamog are good examples that aren't too pricey, but Titans are obviously more expensive/powerful, it's worth noting you'll always get cast triggers, even if you're casting them for nothing/very little. Some of these can also let you run cards that care about high MV, like Protection Racket and Timesifter, both are very strong in some metas. Heck, I think I'd just run Protection Racket either way now that I think about it, I'm not sure there is a drawback to that card in this deck, it's big drawback is that it's bad in combo decks because people won't give you combo pieces, but in a deck that isn't attached to any one card you can run it safely. There is also Meteor Golem, Platinum Emperion and even Platinum Angel to offer some value if stuff like Darksteel Colossus or Blightsteel Colossus are over the budget, and there are big old utility beaters like Tsabo Tavoc that are worth a look, you can shave 5 mana off still.
Rakdos is a pretty nifty Commander, hope you're having fun with him!
QuirkyQU33FER on
2 years ago
Sword of the Chosen, Flagstones of Trokair, Path of Mettle Flip, Kher Keep, Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance, Mikokoro, Center of the Sea, Hall of Heliod's Generosity, Shivan Gorge, Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper, Legion's Landing Flip, Shadowspear, Ashling the Pilgrim, Grenzo, Havoc Raiser, Adeline, Resplendent Cathar, Arni Brokenbrow, Birgi, God of Storytelling Flip, Jeska, Thrice Reborn, Mangara of Corondor, Wyleth, Soul of Steel, Rionya, Fire Dancer, Sword of the Animist
DreadKhan on
Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph [Gunslinger]
2 years ago
Not sure if they're worth bothering with due to their slowness, but you can get a ton of damage out of Arc Mage and Inferno Titan if you're adding 2 to each ping for 1. Electrickery is pretty good value with your Commander in metas where people run smaller creatures, not sure how common that is, Electrickery also removes bigger stuff if you've got Deathtouch. For Arc and Electrickery I would replace a variation of Prodigal Sorcerer, and for the Titan I would think about switching out the Frostwielder. Inferno Titan is a crazy card with your Commander, 9 extra damage whenever you swing is pretty silly for one card and your Commander.
It's also slow and clunky (and you can't cast it atm), but Endbringer's ability to untap itself is pretty sick even if you don't have much colourless, the ability to ping on each turn is not nothing. This would be a card to look at if you decide to run a bunch of utility lands that make colourless, a good first one to consider that makes colourless is Shivan Gorge, which can ping each opponent. Tower of the Magistrate can do weird things, you can target an opponent's creature too fwiw, removing equipment and messing with targeted effects. There is also the odd dual that can make colourless you could sneak in, Shivan Reef or Cascade Bluffs are good examples that enter untapped. There are also some good colourless mana rocks, Talisman of Creativity or Mind Stone or Thought Vessel, but I do appreciate that your deck is designed atm to play low MV spells (which don't need ramp as much), but ramp can be very good. The lands and ramp you could probably remove basics for, though I wouldn't lower your land count very much, I feel like 36 is a bit high for a deck with an average MV well under 3 but hardly absurd for a deck without much ramp. I'm still a bit blown away that I actually suggested Shivan Gorge. If you decide to run a bunch of colourless stuff, I could probably figure out something to pull for Endbringer.
Love this deck idea, hope some of ithese were helpful!
SufferFromEDHD on
2 years ago
What does Warren Instigator do for this deck? Am I missing the goblin theme? Gibbering Fiend is a machine gun.
Fiery Islet more card draw.
Shivan Gorge This card finally found a home! Does serious work in this list. Balduvian Trading Post is old, neat and similar. Just something to consider if you want more Ghryson triggers.
Blasting Station similar type of engine as Intruder Alarm.
Caltrops this might be another suicide suggestion but I'm thinking this will act like an on theme Propaganda while you ignore the tax because your creatures are pingers.
Walking Ballista your deck doesn't have a counter theme or generate big mana but this robot is a colorless engine that will do work early/mid/late game.
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