Opulent Palace

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Opulent Palace


Opulent Palace enters the battlefield tapped.

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MTG_Edward on High CMC Matters

7 months ago

It says the deck is not legal for the two Opulent Palace. but cool deck really like the two color commanders wit partner for 4 colors total.

4 years old, could use adventures or prototype if it feels like it can't get to the higher manas, like the use of delve cards.

Head CoIIector on Hedrons

1 year ago

skwyd777 There's a lot more than 1/15 chance of dropping it in the graveyard early. Satyr Wayfinder drops 4 cards, Thought Scour sees 3, and Rotting Rats gets it in the graveyard fast as well. The deck is entirely focused on getting Hedron Alignment in the graveyard fast and rolling from there. In playtesting the biggest weakness I've found this deck to have is it relies heavily on Secret Salvage. Basically I have to mulligan for it or Dark Petition but a deck this niche and budget is gonna have holes, no way around that.

Basically what I'm saying is, between Opulent Palace, Urborg Elf, and Satyr Wayfinder mana/colors is not an issue.

Alesamuel on Jodah Big Spell

1 year ago

I would recommend some of the Eldrazi titans, such as Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger as some big top end bombs. Some ramp creatures wouldn't go amiss either, such as Birds of Paradise, and Dryad of the Ilysian Grove.

In terms of Instants, Sorceries, and Enchantments, getting some more of the Ultimatum cycle (Brilliant Ultimatum, Cruel Ultimatum, Emergent Ultimatum) might be a good idea, and Sunbird's Invocation would be a good idea too if you are casting such big CMC cards.

Another recommended addition would be Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh as it is just a straight up good card for the colour and big mana theme.

I'd recommend replacing the tapped tri-lands (Arcane Sanctum, Crumbling Necropolis, Frontier Bivouac, Jungle Shrine, Mystic Monastery, Nomad Outpost, Opulent Palace, Sandsteppe Citadel, Savage Lands, and Seaside Citadel) with the shock land cycle (Blood Crypt, Breeding Pool, Godless Shrine, Hallowed Fountain, Overgrown Tomb, Sacred Foundry, Steam Vents, Stomping Ground, Temple Garden, and Watery Grave) as they are easier to fetch for or find with ramp spells.

Final notes: Give the deck a little more of a creature focus, having as few as you have right now you'll find there is very little to hit with your reanimation, but other then that, good job on the first draft! looking forward to see how it plays out!

multimedia on Budget Slivers

1 year ago

Hey, nice version so far for well under $100.

40 lands is a lot, consider cutting some for some more low mana cost ramp for five colors to help gameplay?

Manaweft Sliver is the other staple mana dork Sliver. Sol Ring is staple budget mana rock in Commander. On a low budget and playing five colors Commander's Sphere is fine.

Because playing five colors then Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse are better than the New Capenna fetches. Wilds or Expanse can get any type basic land not just one of three types.

Unclaimed Territory is a helpful land when playing so many different colored Slivers and it enters the battlefield untapped.

Some of the Pain lands got reprinted in the newest set Dominaria United and those lands are down to $2 or less each right now. Pain lands enter the battlefield untapped to make colorless or colored mana to speed up gameplay. By replacing some basic lands with more dual lands that can enter the battlefield untapped that can make the color of the basic land it replaced or another color this can improve gameplay as well as color fixing.

The Tango lands are other budget lands that care about basic lands. These lands are good with Farseek, land ramp that can better color fix.

After these land changes, example upgraded budget 36 land five color manabase (20 G, 17 W, 17 R, 15 U, 14 B):

This advice was just about improving the manabase and ramp, if you're interested I offer more advice on other areas. Would you like more advice?

Good luck with your deck.

amarthaler on EDH Jorn, God of Winter

1 year ago


Out: 20 total cards! 1. Time of Ice, 2. Muldrotha, the Gravetide, 3. Iceberg Cancrix, 4. The Tarrasque, 5. Time of Ice, 6. Emergent Ultimatum, 7. Glittering Frost, 8. Boreal Outrider, 9. Faceless Haven, 10. Shimmerdrift Vale, 11. Avalanche Caller, 12. Frostwalk Bastion, 13. Coldsteel Heart, 14. Fabled Passage, 15. Opulent Palace, 16. Tropical Island, 17. Underground Sea, 18. Bayou, 19. Birds of Paradise, 20. Village Rites

In: 20 total cards! 1. Primal Rage, 2. Winged Boots, 3. Darksteel Plate, 4. Panglacial Wurm, 5. Sundial of the Infinite, 6. Diabolic Vision, 7. Inventors' Fair, 8. Thespian's Stage, 9. Boreal Centaur, 10. Hailstorm Valkyrie, 11. Druid Class, 12. Expedition Map, 13. Thing in the Ice  Flip, 14. Glorious Sunrise, and 2x Snow Forest, 3x Snow Island, 1x Snow Swamp

With this new design, we're looking to keep Jorn alive longer and deal more damage. There's also more ways to summon Marit Lage and pump up snow creatures. The mana base is smoothed out with more snow lands, and more card draw / ramp cards. Let me know what you think of the new brew!

Stardragon on Dracotopia

2 years ago

Great first deck but i fear you may not have the mana you need to make it work i would cut some lands like for some more basic lands and get a few more land ramps

Crucible of the Spirit Dragon for a Basic Mountain, Crucible is fine but slow as it only taps for colorless and you have to pay mana to get colored mana, this is the biggest maybe I've never like storage lands personally.

Gateway Plaza, Archway Commons and Rupture Spire one or two of these can be cut for another mountain and a Darigaaz's Caldera

I would also trade Opulent Palace for Savage Lands since Jund () are your main colors

I would also rearrange some of your basic land numbers try 5x Mountains, 4x Forests, 3x Swamps and 2x Plains and Islands and i would cut Underdark Rift, Treasure Vault, Rogue's Passage and Prismari Campus for the basic lands

Would also try to get some cheap basic ramp cards like Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Farseek and Sword of the Animist for basic land ramp and things like Hour of Promise, Tempt with Discovery, Pir's Whim, Explore and Growth Spiral for non basic ramp.

Now that I told my thoughts on your mana here are some other cards to help your dragons not sure your budget so i categized them. These price are based off of TCGplayer.

0.1-$4.99-Favorable Winds0.40, Teneb, the Harvester$3, Lathliss, Dragon Queen $3.50, Silumgar, the Drifting Death 0.70, Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury 0.70, Eerie Ultimatum $3, Ruinous Ultimatum $5, Genesis Ultimatum $1.00,

$5-$9.99-Dragon Tempest$5, Scion of the Ur-Dragon $7, Drakuseth, Maw of Flames $5, Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund $3.50, Mirari's Wake $6, Rhythm of the Wild $6

$10-$19.99- Scalelord Reckoner $13, Vanquisher's Banner $12, Sarkhan Unbroken $15,Sarkhan, Fireblood $11,

$20 and over-Terror of the Peaks $25, Dragonlord Dromoka $25, Balefire Dragon $30, The Great Henge $50, Urza's Incubator $40, Sarkhan, Dragonsoul $27, Chromatic Orrery $20

multimedia on No don’t kill my Slivers.

2 years ago

Hey, well done on a budget while having Overlord, First, Legion and Hivelord. The area of your deck that needs the most improvements is the manabase and lands are my first budget suggestions to consider.

Exotic Orchard, Unclaimed Territory and Path of Ancestry are three more Rainbow lands. The five Battle lands have good interaction with lots of basic lands: Canopy Vista, Cinder Glade, Sunken Hollow, Prairie Stream and Smoldering Marsh. You're better off playing more Tri lands than the Thriving lands: Jungle Shrine, Savage Lands, Seaside Citadel, Crumbling Necropolis, Opulent Palace, etc.

A Tri land gives you three choices of colors, not two, which is better when playing five colors. Being able to choose the second color with a Thriving land is nice, but with five colors not as good as having three choices. If you have the Pathways then that's good, but if not they're too expensive price for lands for five colors since you can only choose one color of mana with them. The Battle lands could replace them.

Cloudshredder Sliver is a two drop Sliver that gives flying and haste, it's one of the best Slivers. Shifting Sliver makes all Sliver unblockable unless an opponent controls some Slivers. Quick Sliver lets you cast Slivers at instant speed during your opponents turns or at any point of the game. Flash is excellent with The First Sliver getting to cascade at instant speed is powerful because the card you cast from cascade doesn't have timing restrictions meaning you can cast any card.

Crypt Sliver can protect Slivers from most board wipes, from removal that destroys, from dying in combat from damage and interacts well with vigilance from Sentinel Sliver. Hibernation Sliver can protect from all board wipes, other removal most importantly exile for the cost of 2 life each Sliver.

Hibernation interacts well with The First Sliver by bouncing it as well as other Slivers to cast again and cascade again. Dormant Sliver has nice interaction with Hibernation because Dormant can draw a ton of cards and when you want to attack with Slivers bounce Dormant with Hibernation.

Diffusion Sliver helps to protect Slivers from targeted removal, making an opponent have to pay two more mana to target a Sliver. Striking Sliver is another one drop Sliver and first strike is nice to have when attacking.

Amoeboid Changeling is a Sliver because Changelings are all creature types even when in your hand, library or graveyard. Amoebiod has really good interaction with Sliver Overlord because Overlord can gain control of a Sliver. Amoeboid can make any opponent's creature who you can target a Sliver and then Overlord can gain control of that creature permanently. This is especially powerful to gain control of opponents Commanders. These two combine to gain control of all your opponents creatures over a course of many turns. Because Amoeboid is a Silver while in your library then Overlord can tutor for it.

If interested I offer more advice including cuts to consider. Good luck with your deck.

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