Ghost Town

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ghost Town


Tap: Add (1) to your mana pool.

(0): Return Ghost Town to its owner's hand. Play this ability only if it's not your turn.

Guerte on [[Primer v3.6]] - OM_RATH!!! (2021 Update!!!)

1 year ago

VexenX: I’m very happy to see an update from you. I no longer maintain my list here (I do on Moxfield), but I still check here from time to time and compare our lists, as they used to be pretty familiar.

Omrath is still my best deck and the one I maintain and am currently known for in my group, and the LGS two hours away from me. I’ve taken it there for two tournaments, the first I won and went undefeated (and took out all players myself in each pod) and the second I did win first round, but lost out in the remaining rounds to a Captain Sisay deck. I also took it to MagicCon Minneapolis and had a very good showing.

As far as your current decklist goes, here are some of my observations. First up will be the additions:

Conduit of Worlds: At its core, Conduit is just Crucible, which is a strong enough card in our deck. But it allows us to recast our super strong permanents, like Doubling Season and Terror of the Peaks. Hell, even lets you keep recasting Omnath for 7. The one spell a turn isn’t a big deal, especially if we can rebuild and get super good value out of whatever we cast. Redundancy isn’t a bad thing, but I feel like this is a replacement for Crucible, not an addition to.

Burgeoning: I also picked up the pretty copy and through it and Ghost Town back in the deck (not only for nostalgic purposes, but also for a House Rules EDH tournament). Unfortunately, I personally don’t think it’s good enough anymore. It was only really good enough with Ghost Town to take advantage of making tokens during everyone’s turn. But having to rely on lands in hand to take advantage of it makes this a dead card most of the time, at least in my trials.

City on Fire: While it is nice to have a damage tripler, especially one in which you can Convoke out, I’m not sure it’s really necessary. I dropped Emancipation from my list and haven’t missed it at all. It feels just win-more to me.

Gruul Turf: Absolutely yes! This is an awesome card to have, and haven’t regretted adding it in. However, I feel like you are missing out on taking full advantage of it my not having Kodama of the East Tree in your list. Having those two and a token generator like Omnath, Field of the Dead, and Scute Swarm (which is also not in your list and an absolute powerhouse in the deck) you can generate infinite tokens, which gets even better with Terror of the Peaks and Warstorm Surge.

Now, onto the subtractions:

Dire-Strain Rampage: I’m not entirely too sure on this cut. It’s ramp and removal in one spell, but it also has Flashback. Ramp twice, remove things twice, or mix it up. It’s a pretty versatile card.

Rishkar's Expertise: I don’t think I can agree with this cut at all. The deck needs card draw, and this is one of the most powerful for the deck. Most of the time it’s a draw 5 and a free spell. Hell I’ve gotten a free Terror off of it and that meant game.

Finally, onto the cards I think you should be playing:

Tribute to the World Tree: I know you said you were looking for a cut above, but I can’t stress enough how you definitely need to. It’s an awesome card draw enchantment, and also buffs your smaller creatures, even tokens generated from Field and Scute.

Scute Swarm: I like to consider this the secret commander of the deck. It gets out of hand so fast. I’ve gotten a turn 4 win off the back of this little critter.

Kodama of the East Tree: Value engine. Not only does it enable you to make infinite tokens with Turf, just the value you get for dumping extra lands or other free permanents is insane.

Jeweled Lotus: I know it’s an expensive card, and a one-time use, but getting Omnath out earlier is super strong.

Dockside Extortionist/Jeska's Will: Much like Lotus, these guys help get Omnath out super early, but Will also helps ramp into other spells and draws you cards if he’s already out.

Earthcraft: This is probably one of the most powerful cards the deck can have. With as many tokens as we can potentially make, this card can ramp us like no other. I was hesitant to run it at first, but when I finally did, I regretted not doing it sooner.

That’s my two cents. I know it’s a lot to read, but hopefully it’ll give you something to think about!

Tur on Hidden Power - Crop Rotation

1 year ago

Hello everyone! This will be a trial forum post for a "Commander - Hidden Power" series. My goal is to show relatively inexpensive cards which are often overlooked by commander players in semi-competitive and casual play. (This post is not designed for competitive play.) If you enjoy the topic, please provide positive feedback and I will consider creating similar posts.

The powerful card I plan on discussing here is Crop Rotation.

This card under five dollars and is one of the most powerful mono-green tutors. Period. Yes, I'm counting all mono-green tutors. This includes: Worldly Tutor, Finale of Devastation, Green Sun's Zenith, Survival of the Fittest, Chord of Calling, Natural Order, Tooth and Nail, Sylvan Tutor, Time of Need, Scapeshift, Hour of Promise, Tempt with Discovery, Reshape the Earth, Boundless Realms, Traverse the Outlands, Rampant Growth, Harrow, Cultivate, Harvest Season, Explosive Vegetation, etc.

It's one color, one mana, instant, searches for any land, you can sacrifice a tapped land, and puts the land onto the battlefield untapped (unless otherwise specified).

Although, Crop Rotation is often overlooked by players because of the very expensive cards it can search and not being "flashy" enough. Yes, Crop Rotation is ideal with any of the following cards: Gaea's Cradle, Mishra's Workshop, The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale, Serra's Sanctum, Bazaar of Baghdad, and Diamond Valley. However, suppose we don't have a one thousand dollar mana base and cannot play the land cards above. Is Crop Rotation worthless? No. It is still one of the best mono-green tutors. There are so many utility and theme lands which are excellent targets. Ramp lands and color-fixing are also viable options. Here are a few categorized ideas:

Utility Lands:

Theme Lands:

Ramp Lands:

Color-Fixing Lands:

There are many more unlisted cards in each category which could fit your specific deck.

Some of the cards listed above have some pretty cool synergies with Crop Rotation here are a few:Urza's Saga, you can let the saga get to chapter III, then with the ability on the stack sacrifice it to Crop Rotation to get both the artifact and land. Field of the Dead is ideal in every two or three color commander deck with a sufficient mana base (in fact some of my win conditions are given by Field of the Dead). You can also use Field of the Dead as a combat trick. Scavenger Grounds and Bojuka Bog are fantastic for graveyard combo disruption. Maze of Ith and Glacial Chasm will hurt your lands, but sometimes it is needed to stay alive.

Simply having the ability to greatly effect the board state using a one-mana instant speed spell is impressive: life gain, damage prevention, removing steal effects, getting around blockers, denying counterspells, combo stoppers, unlimited hand size, sacrifice engines, haste, recursion, ramp, creating token blockers. The list goes on-and-on-and-on. If fact, if you're playing 3-4 of the lands listed above you should really consider Crop Rotation in the ninety-nine.

All in all, I'm always surprised the number of deck lists which do not play Crop Rotation. This is a fantastic card and one of the best mono-green tutors. It has so much hidden power. Ask yourself if there is a nonbasic land which you are playing (or would play) that would do well with Crop Rotation.

DreadKhan on Balaam__

2 years ago

I had a reply explaining things, then I realized the issue, Political Trickery doesn't have giving your opponent a land worded as a cost to cast the spell, you just target one of yours and one of theirs on casting. It's not like Raze, if that helps. Anyways, I'll leave the rest up in case, but I'm sure you're aware how the stack works!

AFAIK, the plan is that you play Political Trickery and you announce the targets (both of them) upon casting, at which point it goes on the stack. Then, you retain priority and use the Wasteland you targeted to blow up a land you didn't target for theft, at which point Political Trickery will then resolve if they don't have any interaction, because it still has a legal target to affect, meaning you'll steal their land.

The way Ghost Town works with Vedalken Plotter is that I use Nephalia Smuggler to flicker my Plotter on my opponent's turn, at which point I put the Plotter's trigger on the stack, having targeted Ghost Town and another land. I then use Ghost Town's ability to return it to my hand, and the Plotter's trigger resolves because it still has a legal target to affect, netting me a land.

Balaam__ on Balaam__

2 years ago

@DreadKhan I was looking at your cycled deck and wanted to post this here rather than on your deck’s page. I’m all for unique decks that have odd playstyles, but I have a question regarding something in your description.

You mention trading lands with your opponent and ‘giving them a Wasteland you immediately sac’—unless I’m missing a specific interaction with another card, I’m not certain that’s possible. As I understand it (and I could be wrong), if you sacrificed Wasteland to presumably destroy target nonbasic land, there is no time in between the sacrifice trigger and the resolution to do anything (this is also why a player can’t sacrifice a permanent to fulfill a cost and then try to ‘save’ that permanent by, say, blinking it).

And once you exchange control of Wasteland, you cannot use it as you normally would meaning you can’t choose to sacrifice it for the second ability either (it isn’t under your control).

That said, I’m not exactly sure how Ghost Town functions in relation to how you stated you wanted to use it, so I can’t comment on that.

MrHuffle on KonoSuba: Crimson Magic of Explosion (Omnath)

2 years ago

Hey Profet93!

Thanks for the +1 and the awesome comment!

Field of the Dead - A fantastic card and while it is a bit out of budget, the main reason I don't play it is because it doesn't make elementals. Although, it will make the maybe board for my Omnath, Locus of Creation build.

Nylea's Intervention - I mainly it use for grabbing fetches and Homeward Path, but your suggestion of Realms Uncharted will probably replace it the next time I order cards :)

Tempt of Discovery/Vengeance - My playgroup is pretty greedy when it comes to lands so usually they tutor, especially in the early game. And even though opponents usually don't choose tokens, it's still worth having for me alone.

Abundance - Funny enough I added this card two days ago, so I haven't had the chance to test it out yet unfortunately, so I'll have to find out.

Blighted Woodland - Is good but I just took it out for Ghost Town. Usually, I have more efficient ways of getting lands than a 2 for 4 rate.

Castle Garenbrig - More ramp, I like

Cryptic Caves - Wish I thought of this earlier, going in

Sol Ring - Again a great card that would improve the deck, but artifact ramp just isn't on theme.

Life from the Loam - Definitely an eventually addition.

Thanks again for checking out the deck!

comradeclemency on Azusa, Bureau of Land Management

2 years ago


Thanks for the new recommendations. That is a good call on Regal Force's wording. Maybe I could switch him out for Greenwarden and see about pulling off this combo you speak of! I will definitely swap out Rampant Growth for Nature's Lore. I will think about cutting one of the non-basic lands you mentioned and replacing it with High Market for a sac outlet. Ghost Town has a fun interaction with land ETB triggers, like Horn of Greed. Emergence Zone hasn't paid off as much as I would like. I recently added eldrazi and want to test out Shrine of the Foretaken Gods in hopes that it helps me cast them faster.

I think the way I have been looking at this deck recently is to prioritize "do something now" cards.

bushido_man96 on Landfall Counters

2 years ago

You've got some cards that just seem out of place here. Daxos, Blessed by the Sun isn't on-theme at all. Kazandu Stomper is clunky; you'd be better off with more land tutor spells like Circuitous Route or Rampant Growth, or better yet, run Ghost Town. Hunter's Edge looks like sorcery speed single target removal at 4 mana...which is boardwipe territory. There are better permanents that can help you accumulate counters.

You have several things here that gain you life, but I wonder why? Lifegain doesn't seem like anything this deck wants to do, and although incidental lifegain can be helpful, it's taking away from the landfall theme of the deck.

You've got lots of slots here that you can tighten up and really focus the deck in.

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