Barren Moor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Barren Moor


This enters the battlefield tapped.

: Add .

Cycling (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

thesilentpyro on Korvold - Treasures Without Borders

1 year ago

With the resurgence of the lands theme in the deck, I feel like I want one or two more utility lands. Options:

  • Crystal Vein
    Extra land drops + Crucible effects is a situation that the deck may get into pretty often.

  • Wasteland
    Strip Mine backup. Never not good.

  • Thespian's Stage
    Not as good as Thespian's Stage, but that doesn't make it bad.

  • Dryad Arbor
    Fetchable creature that can be sac'd to creature outlets and used with creature recursion.

  • Blast Zone
    Removal, albeit slow.

  • Cabal Pit/Barbarian Ring
    Creature removal. Random burn to the face with Ring if you have spare mana and land drops with nothing else to do with them.

  • Argoth, Sanctum of Nature  Meld
    Token maker, feeds recursion. But it's very slow and the ETB untap condition isn't reliable. It makes me consider Titania, Voice of Gaea  Meld so I can tutor for one when I have the other (and Titania's lifegain on its own isn't the worst either), but that's probably too many slots for an unreliable effect. The meld not happening until your own upkeep sucks too.

  • Tranquil Thicket/Barren Moor
    Go nuts with Loam, turn Wrenn and Six into a draw engine.

  • Kessig Wolf Run
    Wincon on a land. Though Korvold usually grows quickly enough on his own to do the job.

Helgrind on Slimefoot saproling cycle

1 year ago

Ik zou de Piranha Marsh inwisselen voor een Barren Moor of een basic. Je kunt ook evt een Desert of the Glorified kunnen toevoegen en ik zou sws een Ash Barrens en een Myriad Landscape erin stoppen.

Je kunt makkelijk naar ong 40 lands, ik zou de ruimte die daarmee vrij komt vullen met removal/draw, zoals Tear Asunder, Putrefy, Harmonize, Binding the Old Gods en Casualties of War

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on Graveyard Maverick - My Tortex Brew

1 year ago

Made some adjustments to the deck to modernize a little; classic toolbox Golgari-style Tortex seems to have fallen slightly out of favor for Abzan aggro, but we don’t need no white mana!

+2 Eccentric Farmer, +2 Kitchen Imp, +1 Writhing Necromass

-1 Stinkweed Imp, -1 Perilous Myr, -1 Thoughtpicker Witch, -1 Barren Moor, -1 Tranquil Thicket

Eccentric Farmer does double duty filling our graveyard and recurring lands to meet our drops, so traded out one Stinkweed Imp and a Thoughtpicker Witch (who I’ve almost never needed to use in playing this list). With Farmer helping us meet our land drops better, dropped the two cycling lands to make room for a pair of Kitchen Imps to push early game aggro. Lastly, ditched the Perilous Myr for a big beatstick in Writhing Necromass to contend against the likes of Gurmag Angler or potentially even bigger creatures.

Metroid_Hybrid on Lucky 13

1 year ago

I co-sign almost everything ldvatwa said, but I'm here to take it a step further..

I agree on cutting Leaden Myr, Tree of Perdition, Triskaidekaphobia, and Skeletal Vampire. I'm also wondering why Sever the Bloodline is here; do your friends play a lot of tokens too?

Adding Bontu's Monument is a good idea, but have you also thought about Mycosynth Wellspring & Ichor Wellspring as well?

You lack only one of the upkeep token generators in Mono-, that is Dreadhorde Invasion. Despite that, you otherwise have all the token generation in the world for . A couple of stax pieces like a Contamination & Smokestack, etc., could easily slide into here without changing very much at all..

Speaking of Mono-, is there any particular reason you are not running Necropotence and/or Bolas's Citadel?

Finally your land situation. I think you will want to cut down on your non-basic utility lands. Even though you are running Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, you will want to maximize your Swamp-count to consistently get the most out of Cabal Coffers (and goes triple for Cabal Stronghold), or if you even want to consistently play your Everglades & Lake of the Dead!

I would cut Barren Moor, Hagra Broodpit  Flip, Malakir Mire  Flip, Phyrexian Tower, and Vesuva; all for basic Snow-Covered Swamps... and maybe a Karn's Bastion since you are running several Planeswalkers..

TheOfficialCreator on Historic Mono-Black Help

1 year ago

Delphen7 I feel like Castle Locthwain is a good addition, but Barren Moor feels just a tad too slow for my tastes. I'll add the latter to the maybeboard for now and run a few castles to see how it pans out. Thank you!!

Delphen7 on Historic Mono-Black Help

1 year ago

I personally like Castle Locthwain and Barren Moor in my mono black list, though it plays a more controlly game than yours.

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