pie chart

CMD Lands by Color Identity

Commander / EDH*


Colorless (142)

Azorius (WU) (37)

Gruul (RG) (35)

Orzhov (WB) (27)

Simic (GU) (25)

Abzan/Indatha (GWB) (3)

Mardu/Savai (BRW) (3)

Sultai/Zagoth (UBG) (2)

Any Color (74)

Red (42)

White (40)

Selesnya (GW) (37)

Rakdos (BR) (35)

Boros (RW) (26)

Grixis/Maestros (UBR) (6)

Esper/Obscura (WUB) (5)

Naya/Cabaretti (RGW) (5)

Jeskai/Raugrin (WUR) (2)

No Mana (46)

Black (44)

Green (41)

Blue (38)

Dimir (UB) (36)

Golgari (BG) (27)

Izzet (UR) (25)

Bant/Brokers (GWU) (5)

Jund/Riveteers (BRG) (5)

All Colors (3)

Temur/Ketria (RGU) (2)

Complete list of Commander legal lands. Cards that transform into lands and MDFC's that have spells on the front face of the card were not included.

Check out my lists of Commander legal mana creatures and mana rocks by color ID as well:

Mana Creatures: CMD Mana Creatures by Color Identity

Mana Rocks: CMD Non-Creature Mana Rocks by Color Identity

Last Update: 2023/04/28

Latest Set: March of the Machine


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Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Card costs (outer) Land mana (inner)
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Abzan/Indatha_(GWB)Abzan/Indatha_(GWB)All_ColorsAll_ColorsAny_ColorAny_ColorAzorius_(WU)Azorius_(WU)Bant/Brokers_(GWU)Bant/Brokers_(GWU)BlackBlackBlueBlueBoros_(RW)Boros_(RW)ColorlessColorlessDimir_(UB)Dimir_(UB)Esper/Obscura_(WUB)Esper/Obscura_(WUB)Golgari_(BG)Golgari_(BG)GreenGreenGrixis/Maestros_(UBR)Grixis/Maestros_(UBR)Gruul_(RG)Gruul_(RG)Izzet_(UR)Izzet_(UR)Jeskai/Raugrin_(WUR)Jeskai/Raugrin_(WUR)Jund/Riveteers_(BRG)Jund/Riveteers_(BRG)Mardu/Savai_(BRW)Mardu/Savai_(BRW)Naya/Cabaretti_(RGW)Naya/Cabaretti_(RGW)No_ManaNo_ManaOrzhov_(WB)Orzhov_(WB)OtherOtherRakdos_(BR)Rakdos_(BR)RedRedSelesnya_(GW)Selesnya_(GW)Simic_(GU)Simic_(GU)Sultai/Zagoth_(UBG)Sultai/Zagoth_(UBG)Temur/Ketria_(RGU)Temur/Ketria_(RGU)WhiteWhite
Created with Highcharts 9.3.3Converted mana costMana-curve33.3%33.3%66.7%66.7%001234