Combos Browse all Suggest
Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Cloak of Feathers
Target creature gains flying until end of turn. Draw a card.

![Forced Fruition feature for Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief [EDH]](http://static.tappedout.net/mtg-cards-2/lorwyn/forced-fruition/forced-fruition-cropped.jpg)

zap1000x on
Magecrafter Nephilim
2 years ago
Love the deck, thanks for sharing.
How are Leap, Cloak of Feathers, and Shadow Rift working out for you? I found they generally ended with me in the same state I was (since everything could block, same as before).
Silence is a good idea I hadn't considered. I might reconfigure some things to make room for it. I can see it allowing for a late-game recovery.
If you want, you can browse my Ink-Treader deck, I've put all the cards I've considered in the Maybe-board. Might be some new ideas.
Milesfuzz on
3 years ago
Beamsplitter Mage acts as a mini Zada/Mirrorwing Dragon. Makes all of your targeted cantrips pretty good!
Also there's a few extra cantrips to consider. - Leap - Cloak of Feathers - Cerulean Wisps - Renegade Tactics - Thermal Flux
Bad cantrips that are just good for triggering Zada/Magecraft/Mirrorwing - Twisted Image - Chilling Trap - Fleeting Distraction - Stream of Unconsciousness
TheMillKid on
The Cinder Wind
6 years ago
Lightning Bolt is strictly better than Shock , so that's an easy upgrade.
Although Zada, Hedron Grinder isn't a Wizard, I think she works well in supporting your overall goal. By targeting Zada with any of your cheap cantrips, you draw cards equal to the number of creatures you control. The copies aren't cast, but it could also work well with Eye of the Storm. An optimistic example:
You control Zada, Laboratory Maniac , and four creatures; Eye of the Storm has Leap and Expedite currently exiled. You cast Slip Through Space targeting Zada. Have Zada's trigger resolve first, so Slip targets LabMan and the four others (draw 5). Then, your eye trigger resolves. Target Zada with Leap, Expedite, and the newly exiled Slip. Zada copies those to each other creature you control as well, so you each of your three (3) cantrips would target your six (Zada +LabMan + 4 other) creatures, drawing you 18 cards (23 total, counting the first 5 you drew).
If you're looking for more cantrips, there are some functional reprints of cards you're currently playing, namely Cloak of Feathers and Crimson Wisps . Cards such as Renegade Tactics , Cerulean Wisps , and Twisted Image might also prove useful.
Happy brewing!
sylvannos on First deck you Built
7 years ago
Mine was built out of the Portal Starter Deck and some booster packs.
6x Plains
6x Mountain
6x Forest
6x Swamp
6x Island
1x Armageddon
1x Ebon Dragon
1x Defiant Stand
1x Devoted Hero
1x Armored Pegasus
1x Regal Unicorn
1x Sacred Nectar
1x Deja Vu
1x Spotted Griffin
1x Venerable Monk
1x Warrior's Charge
1x Anaconda
1x Gorilla Warrior
1x Grizzly Bears
1x Untamed Wilds
2x Blaze
1x Fire Imp
2x Hill Giant
1x Hulking Goblin
2x Lava Axe
1x Lizard Warrior
3x Raging Goblin
1x Volcanic Hammer
1x Craven Knight
1x Feral Shadow
1x Gravedigger
1x Hand of Death
1x Mind Rot
1x Muck Rats
1x Summer Bloom
1x Thing from the Deep
4x Natural Spring
1x Skeletal Crocodile
1x Vampiric Touch
1x Cloak of Feathers
1x Command of Unsummoning
1x Coral Eel
1x Ingenious Thief
1x Snapping Drake
1x Storm Crow
3x Time Ebb
1x Touch of Brilliance
1x Elite Cat Warrior
2x Monstrous Growth
1x Panther Warriors
2x Rowan Treefolk
sonnet666 on
[List] The MTG Weapons Arsenal
7 years ago
Don't stop now. I believe in you!
- Celestial Sword
- Flaming Sword
- Runesword
- Sword of Body and Mind
- Sword of Feast and Famine
- Sword of Fire and Ice
- Sword of Kaldra
- Sword of Light and Shadow
- Sword of the Ages
- Sword of the Animist
- Sword of the Chosen
- Sword of the Meek
- Sword of the Paruns
- Sword of War and Peace
- Wall of Swords (Might not count)
- Zelyon Sword
- Neglected Heirloom Flip
- Banshee's Blade
- Blade of Selves
- Blade of the Bloodchief
- Pennon Blade
- Deathrender
- Ensouled Scimitar
- Dancing Scimitar
- Leonin Scimitar
- Honed Khopesh
- Mage Slayer
- Armory of Iroas (Also Spears and Shields!)
- No-Dachi
- Oathkeeper, Takeno's Daisho
- O-Naginata
- Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang
- Veteran's Armaments (Also some Armor)
- Worldslayer
- Horn of Deafening
- Horn of Greed & Horn of Plenty (More like eating/drinking vessels, but eh.)
- Revelsong Horn
- Shriekhorn
- Moonsilver Spear
- Scorching Spear
- Searing Spear
- Wall of Spears (Might not count either.)
- Armory of Iroas (Also Swords and Shields!)
- Runechanter's Pike
- Kaervek's Torch
- Wall of Torches (They'll make walls out of anything these days...)
- Cathar's Shield
- Briar Shield
- Delaying Shield
- Kite Shield
- Pariah's Shield
- Dispersal Shield
- Ephemeral Shields
- Faith's Shield
- Floating Shield
- Kry Shield
- Mourner's Shield
- Rhystic Shield
- Shield of Kaldra
- Shield of the Avatar
- Shield of the Oversoul
- Shield of the Righteous
- Vanguard's Shield
- Shield of the Ages
- Shield of Duty and Reason
- Shield Sphere
- Shield Wall (Sort of?)
- Wall of Shields (I guess?)
- Spirit Shield
- Spectral Shield
- Angelic Armaments (Also a Hammer!)
- Armory of Iroas (Also Swords and Spears!)
- Horned Helm
- Vorrac Battlehorns
- Champion's Helm
- Coral Helm
- Helm of Awakening
- Helm of Chatzuk
- Helm of Kaldra
- Helm of Obedience
- Helm of Possession
- Helm of the Ghastlord
- Prowler's Helm
- Inventor's Goggles
- Ancestral Mask
- Bone Mask
- Dragon Mask
- Farsight Mask
- Illusionary Mask
- Imperial Mask
- Ivory Mask
- Jester's Mask
- Mask of Intolerance
- Mask of Law and Grace
- Mask of Memory
- Mask of Riddles
- Mask of the Mimic
- Mistform Mask
- Nemesis Mask
- Peregrine Mask
- Uba Mask
- Specter's Shroud
- Cranial Plating
- Grafted Skullcap
- Jester's Cap
- Crown of Ascension
- Crown of Awe
- Crown of Convergence
- Crown of Doom
- Crown of Empires
- Crown of Flames
- Crown of Fury
- Crown of Suspicion
- Crown of the Ages
- Crown of Vigor
- Mindstorm Crown
- Oblivion Crown
- Skullclamp
- Executioner's Hood
- General's Kabuto
- Healer's Headdress
- Amulet of Kroog
- Amulet of Quoz
- Amulet of Unmaking
- Amulet of Vigor
- Avarice Amulet
- Forethought Amulet
- Jeweled Amulet
- Veilstone Amulet
- Sigil of Distinction
- Sigil of the Nayan Gods
- Sigil of Valor
- Tainted Sigil
- Mox Diamond
- Chrome Mox
- Mox Lotus
- Mox Pearl
- Mox Emerald
- Mox Jet
- Mox Ruby
- Mox Sapphire
- Emerald Medallion
- Jet Medallion
- Ruby Medallion
- Sapphire Medallion
- Pearl Medallion
- Ashnod's Battle Gear
- Riot Gear
- Vulshok Battlegear
- Bladed Pinions
- Shielding Plax
- Argentum Armor
- Belbe's Armor
- Armor of Faith
- Armor of Thorns
- Blanchwood Armor
- Chromatic Armor
- Empyrial Armor
- Ethereal Armor
- Exoskeletal Armor
- Grafted Exoskeleton
- Flowstone Armor
- Holy Armor
- Illusionary Armor
- Improvised Armor
- Kithkin Armor
- Living Armor
- Magebane Armor
- Power Armor
- Silverskin Armor
- Slagwurm Armor
- Spidersilk Armor
- Urza's Armor
- Viscerid Armor
- Darksteel Plate
- Empyrial Plate
- Haunted Plate Mail
- Slayer's Plate
- Demonmail Hauberk
- Assault Suit
- Copper Carapace
- Neurok Stealthsuit
- Veteran's Armaments (Also some Armor)
- Celestial Mantle
- Dragon Mantle
- Farrel's Mantle
- Fiery Mantle
- Holy Mantle
- Keldon Mantle
- Lunarch Mantle
- Mantle of Leadership
- Mantle of Webs
- Nim Deathmantle
- Paradise Mantle
- Spirit Mantle
- Umbral Mantle
- Alexi's Cloak
- Armadillo Cloak
- Burning Cloak
- Chitinous Cloak
- Cloak and Dagger (Also a Dagger!)
- Cloak of Confusion
- Cloak of Feathers
- Cloak of Invisibility
- Cloak of Mists
- Haunted Cloak
- Moldervine Cloak
- Spectral Cloak
- Traveler's Cloak
- Whispersilk Cloak
- Lantern of Insight
- Reito Lantern
- Surveyor's Scope
- Courier's Capsule
- Dispeller's Capsule
- Executioner's Capsule
- Infiltration Lens
- Gorgon's Head
- Grappling Hook
- Cobbled Wings
- Hot Soup
- Kitesail
- Distorting Lens
- Lens of Clarity
- Prismatic Lens
- Thran Lens
- Urza's Contact Lenses
- Arcane Spyglass
- Glasses of Urza
- Infinite Hourglass
- Magnifying Glass
- Scrying Glass
- Sunglasses of Urza
- Twinning Glass
- Neurok Hoversail
- Wind Sail
- Skeleton Key
- Spidersilk Net
- Cloud Key
- Galvanic Key
- Key to the City
- Voltaic Key
- Spy Kit
- Stormrider Rig
- Strider Harness
- Witches' Eye
- True-Faith Censer
- Skinwing
- Thornbite Staff
- Nine-Ringed Bo
- Cultist's Staff
- Chimeric Staff
- Dingus Staff
- Proteus Staff
- Skyblinder Staff
- Staff of Domination
- Staff of Nin
- Staff of the Ages
- Staff of the Death Magus
- Staff of the Flame Magus
- Staff of the Mind Magus
- Staff of the Sun Magus
- Staff of the Wild Magus
- Staff of Zegon
- Sylvok Lifestaff
- Thunderstaff
- Voyager Staff
- Spellbinder
- Battering Ram
- Heavy Ballista
- Walking Ballista
- Ballista Charger (Also a Vehicle!)
- Gate Smasher
- Auriok Siege Sled
UnleashedHavok on
Leaves on the Wind (Concept)
8 years ago
You're welcome! So I was looking at your list and I had another suggestion, it's something I'm looking at for my Shu deck. Why not swap out Cloak of Feathers for Shimmering Wings? I know it doesn't have the card draw, but I think it could be a better option since it sticks on the field. Also, I finished a budget list for what will eventually be a Shu monk tribal and I'd like your input Beware The Monk!
OlahZep on
The Danger Noodle
8 years ago
Fun idea for a pauper general! I never thought of using Lorescale Coatl. Mystic Remora could be a good draw engine for a little while. A few more ways to make Lorescale evasive or have trample might not hurt. Leap or Cloak of Feathers are some other cantrip evasion spells. Aqueous Form, Cloak of Mists, or even Traveler's Cloak could be considered too. Reckless Scholar is another solid looter. Lignify is a good creature answer, which Simic lacks, especially in pauper. Wow, I put down more cards than I thought I would. Hope it sparks some ideas!
Tetravirulence on
Vela's Unblockable Ninjas
8 years ago
You have a lot of weenies. This works well with unblockable but you may want to consider wipes and cards like Night of Souls' Betrayal or Elesh Norn being played early via some graveyard manipulation.
Also consider that they have blockers for your blockable creatures and removal for your unblockable ones. What is your gameplan then? If your blockable creatures aren't threatening to your opponent's creatures as well as the opponent, you may get stalled.
Consider some stronger creature options. Your low CMC is good for a faster clock, but can hinder you when the faster clock results in a slower gameplan.
- Wind Dancer Simply too slow.
- Vampire Interloper Simply awful.
- Stealer of Secrets, Scroll Thief very overcosted, not a bad effect
- Surveilling Sprite, Palace Familiar again not a bad effect on a weak body
- Owl Familiar (keep it if you want)
- Memnite I like the speed, but...
- Dimir Cutpurse
- Bearer of Silence and Shriekmaw are both removal that is overpriced. You will rarely use their other abilities, I think.
- Basilica Screecher
- Thalakos Seer
- Dauthi Horror
- Dauthi Ghoul
- Neurok Invisimancer
- Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar swap for Notion Thief (Tomorrow is better in it's own deck)
- Vault Skirge meh
- Updraft / Wind Sail / Cloak of Feathers Effects like this probably won't be very beneficial. I'd rather run removal, or a permanent, reusable source of flying (think - Equipment)
You are running 10 mana rocks which is quite a bit actually. I'd suggest cutting some, or swapping them. Try Worn Powerstone or Mind Stone for the Keyrune. Maybe work in an equipment subtheme?
Debate keeping wrexial.
- Cranial Plating You are running a bunch of artifacts. Slap this on an unblockable creature and watch your opponents scramble for removal.
- Vapor Snag type effects (light bounce, can be used defensively)
- Doom Blade There's probably more ninja-like removal out there.
- Go for the Throat
- Dismember
- Distortion Strike
Ninjas sometimes have a subtheme of equipment. Just figured I'd recommend a few if you go this route.
- Mask of Riddles - Whispersilk pt.2
- Skeleton Key - Whispersilk pt.3
- Quietus Spike - I have a thing for this card (Scytheclaw too)
- Fireshrieker
- Inquisitor's Flail
- Grafted Exoskeleton
- Shuriken maximum flavor
- Ronin Warclub Works incredibly well with ninjas
- Sai of the Shinobi likewise
- Worldslayer 'troll' option
- Swords of X and Y ($$$$$)
You'll want to avoid wipes since you rely on creatures a lot yourself, beyond things like Cyclonic Rift. If you find wipes to be troublesome, try something like Living Death or a mass return-to-hand-from-grave spell.
A draw package is optional. Ponder Preordain Brainstorm are the big three everyone loves to run. I don't know if they really fit this list though.
Lands to consider:
Here is an odd idea which might be appealing. Steal their creatures, attack, and ninjutsu your own in, bouncing their creature and putting yours into play.
If you want to go this way, I can suggest some big ones:
- Keiga, the Tide Star (in Kamigawa theme)
- Reins of Power
- Dominate (meh)
- Sower of Temptation
- Gilded Drake ($$$)