Hammer of Ruin

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hammer of Ruin

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +2/+0.

Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, you may destroy target Equipment that player controls.

Equip {{2}}

RangersGuild on DeathTouch Pingers ( I NEED HELP Please !!)

4 years ago

I just went through your deck real quickly and tried to pick out some cards I thought didn't quite fit with the theme of the deck. Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, Liliana's Reaver, Hammer of Ruin, Lobe Lobber, Manriki-Gusari, Mirror Shield, Sharpened Pitchfork, Umbral Mantle, Wolfhunter's Quiver, The equip cost is way to high. Terminate, You shouldn't need this card with all your deathtouch. Inferno Titan, Agent of the Fates,

Here are a couple cards that I think will be some of your best cards in your deck. Shriveling Rot, Thornbite Staff, Magus of the Wheel

I saw a lot of cards that would give creatures first strike or double strike. I don't think you need so many. Try cutting some of them out. Also it might be a better idea to focus a bit more on getting -1/-1 counters on creature for the card draw from you commander. Murderous Redcap would probably be able to drawing a couple cards for you. And you might want to look at the persist ability.

Here is a link to a deck I made that is a death touch tribal kind of idea. It's not perfect but it might help you with some ideas. And the commander might work in the 99 of your deck. https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/they-said-it-would-never-work/

CounterSpiel on Hammertime

6 years ago

Gonna add Hammer of Ruin , and leave out Spark Jolt .

clayperce on Hammertime

6 years ago

Hammer of Ruin , maybe?

Also, though it falls absolutely flat on the art, the Flavor text on Spark Jolt is kinda neat.

Suns_Champion on Full Equip

7 years ago

Some things I like:

I'm glad you have a lot of the key pieces already. Stoneforge Mystic, Sigarda's Aid, and Steelshaper's Gift and such.

I also like the fact that this deck seems like it can function very well without the commander.

Some suggestions to put in:

Dowsing Dagger - just a good equipment that, ya'know, turns into a black lotus later.

Sram, Senior Edificer - you desperately need card draw my friend.

Puresteel Paladin - I see him in the maybe board. Put him in.

Stonehewer Giant - never underestimate tutors.

Leonin Shikari - two words: combat tricks.

Dispatch - good removal.

Swiftfoot Boots - protection, haste.

Sword of the Animist - you'll be attacking a lot, this will ramp you a lot.

Open the Armory - yayyy more tutors.

Hammer of Nazahn - auto equip.

Sun Titan - omg dude. 60% can be recurred by this guy. SO worth it.

Foundry Inspector - discounted artifacts.

Sculpting Steel - copy all your best stuff.

O-Naginata - double strike is useless without trample.

Inspiring Statuary - all of your equipment are now mana rocks for your creatures.

Some things to take out:

Grappling Hook - too expensive.

Hammer of Ruin - to limited in what it does, to conditional.

Empyrial Plate - you'll never have enough cards in hand to make this worth it. Better options out there.

Bonesplitter - just a weak equipment.

Cranial Plating - Illegal in a Balan ddeck because of the activated ability

White Knight - lackluster.

Paladin en-Vec - focus on equipment creatures. Stick to the plan!

Hope some of this helps friend!

sonnet666 on [List] The MTG Weapons Arsenal

7 years ago

Don't stop now. I believe in you!

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