Sun Titan

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sun Titan

Creature — Giant


Whenever this enters the battlefield or attacks, you may return target permanent card with converted mana cost/mana value 3 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield.

DemonDragonJ on Which Card(s) Should Replace the …

3 months ago

I used to have copies of The Immortal Sun in most of my EDH decks, but I have been replacing those copies with cards that better suit the themes of those decks, so I wish to ask for advice for specific decks.

First, I am wondering about my Sen Triplets EDH deck; that deck is a very controlling deck, so one card that I am considering is Myrel, Shield of Argive, since she is a more powerful version of Grand Abolisher, although I certainly would be willing to hear other suggestions, as well. I was also considering replacing the sun with Esper Sentinel, but I am not certain if I actually need that card in that deck, with all the other sources of card advantage that that deck has.

Second, I am seeking a replacement for the sun in my Teneb, the Harvester EDH deck, but this shall be a more challenging replacement, as there are numerous cards that would work well with that deck. My first choice was Karador, Ghost Chieftain, as this is the only deck in which he would fit, and, with his inherent cost-reducing ability, he would usually cost less then 8 mana to summon, but, as good as he is, he is merely a 3/4 that allows me to cast a creature spell from my graveyard once per turn. I then considered Sepulchral Primordial, but I do not wish to raise the mana curve of this deck, and that creature is only a 5/4 for seven mana. I also am considering either Sun Titan or Angel of Indemnity, as they clearly work with the theme of this deck, but the restrictions on their abilities may limit their utility in this deck, although the encore ability of the angel is nice, as I can sacrifice the tokens that it generates before they sacrifice themselves. Then, I am considering Grave Titan, since it can easily send creatures to my opponents' graveyards, for me to steal, as well as generating tokens for me to sacrifice, so I have numerous options for that deck.

What does everyone else say about this? What cards should I use to replace The Immortal Sun in my decks?

DemonDragonJ on Don't Blink, or You'll Miss It!

3 months ago

I have replaced Sun Titan with Angel of Indemnity, since the angel's ability can return a greater range of permanents to the battlefield, and I shall not be attacking very often with this deck, anyway, so the angel is clearly a better choice for this deck.

DemonDragonJ on Don't Blink, or You'll Miss It!

3 months ago

Angel of indemnity from Outlaws of Thunder Junction shall be a nice replacement for Sun Titan, because its ability is more flexible; the angel's ability does not trigger upon attacking, but this deck very rarely cares about combat, anyway (I put Craterhoof Behemoth in it, just in case combat is my only option for winning).

Angel_Zero on UW Soulherder

4 months ago

I've played a similar deck! it is indeed fun. Idk if you want any suggestions but here's some cards to consider if you haven't already:

Reflector Mage Alirios, Enraptured Sun Titan and Flickerwisp

Those are all budget too, highly recommend flickerwisp if you want to take this to fnm. I have used it to beat Titan decks by keeping them off green mana for their pacts lol.

king-saproling on enchant me enchant you

4 months ago

It's not a bad list at all, but if you want to go with vampires plus lifegain subtheme there are better choices of commanders (Astarion, the Decadent, Amalia Benavides Aguirre, Vona, Butcher of Magan, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, and Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher are solid options. There are tons of other good options too).

If you're heart-set on Athreos, I would drop the vampire/lifegain themes and go with creatures that have sac effects (e.g. Westfold Rider, Cathar Commando, Bounty Agent, Priest of Fell Rites, Stronghold Assassin, Necrotic Sliver, Burnished Hart, Dauthi Voidwalker) plus cards with reanimation abilities (e.g. Bishop of Rebirth, Celestine, the Living Saint, Custodi Soulcaller, Redemption Choir, Sun Titan, Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher, Athreos, Shroud-Veiled, Breathkeeper Seraph, Court of Ardenvale, Gift of Immortality).

indieinside on Grumpy Old Man Syndrome

4 months ago

Profet93... I'm not really a fan on the double sided merge cards. As for Sun Titan, I have a combo with him in another deck. Because he is a deck staple in that one I am not interested in adding him here. Karn, the Great Creator seams right up the alley. I need help with card draw.

I am thinking about swapping out two lands for Authority of the Consuls and Trouble in Pairs.

But I need card draw. But I don't know how much.

Profet93 on Grumpy Old Man Syndrome

4 months ago

indieinside -I'm glad I was able to provide you with meaningful feedback for your colorless deck. While this deck is not in my wheelhouse, I hope I can help

In your draw section, none of that is actually draw. You desperately need more draw IMO. You have a decent amount of anti-synergy with your artifacts and creatures. I like your nullrod, perhaps a Karn, the Great Creator for redundancy should you wish? Or even swap out null for karn to allow you to run artifact ramp yourself and not use a dork like Birds of paradise?

Regarding maximizing your commander's ability, I recommend the following....

survival of the fittest - Tutor (for...)

Gisela, the Broken Blade  Meld - Throw into the grave with survival and tutor for....

Bruna, the Fading Light  Meld - Which you cast to bring gisela which merges into...

Brisela, Voice of Nightmares  Meld  Meld - Which in conjunction with your commander severely limit's their abilities to play spells.

Should you go the above route, a potential inclusion would be Loyal Retainers - Toss expensive creature in grave with survival, use retainers to recur.

Sun Titan - Recursion (works with fetchlands too)

Final thoughts - You need to buckle down and observe what your meta's primary cards are. For mine, it was ETB's more than activated abilities and built my control/hatebears/stax decks as such. Some anti-synergy is fine but from my limited perspective, it's too much. You really need more draw as well, especially given your low avg CMC. Hope these suggestions helped. Looking forward to your response.

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