Torbran, Thane of Red Fell
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Torbran, Thane of Red Fell

Legendary Creature — Dwarf Noble

If a red source you control would deal damage to an opponent or a permanent an opponent controls, it deals that much damage plus 2 instead.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Heart Wolf
Akki Lavarunner
Underworld Fires
Sulfuric Vapors
Flummoxed Cyclops

AwesomeDude7113 on How do damage changers work …

4 weeks ago

I am wondering about cards like Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, City on Fire, and Solphim, Mayhem Dominus. Do they like all work together or is it only one?

Gidgetimer on How do damage reductions and …

9 months ago

Second Oracle ruling on Torbran, Thane of Red Fell:

If another effect modifies how much damage your red source would deal, including preventing some of it, the player being dealt damage or the controller of the permanent being dealt damage chooses an order in which to apply those effects. If all of the damage is prevented, Torbran's effect no longer applies.

To expand it to the more general case- the affected player or the affected object's controller chooses the order in which to apply replacement effects. Earlier applied replacement effects may change an event sufficiently that other effects may no longer apply to the event.

616.1. If two or more replacement and/or prevention effects are attempting to modify the way an event affects an object or player, the affected object’s controller (or its owner if it has no controller) or the affected player chooses one to apply, following the steps listed below. If two or more players have to make these choices at the same time, choices are made in APNAP order (see rule 101.4).

616.1a If any of the replacement and/or prevention effects are self-replacement effects (see rule 614.15), one of them must be chosen. If not, proceed to rule 616.1b.

616.1b If any of the replacement and/or prevention effects would modify under whose control an object would enter the battlefield, one of them must be chosen. If not, proceed to rule 616.1c.

616.1c If any of the replacement and/or prevention effects would cause an object to become a copy of another object as it enters the battlefield, one of them must be chosen. If not, proceed to rule 616.1d.

616.1d If any of the replacement and/or prevention effects would cause a card to enter the battlefield with its back face up, one of them must be chosen (See rule 701.28, “Transform,” and rule 701.50, “Convert.”). If not, proceed to 616.1e.

616.1e Any of the applicable replacement and/or prevention effects may be chosen.

616.1f Once the chosen effect has been applied, this process is repeated (taking into account only replacement or prevention effects that would now be applicable) until there are no more left to apply.

meecht on How do damage reductions and …

9 months ago

If I control Benevolent Unicorn and my opponent casts Flame Jab while controlling Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, how much damage is dealt?

Current Oracle text for the Unicorn is "If a spell would deal damage to a permanent or player, it deals that much damage minus 1 to that permanent or player instead."

Squidcod on

1 year ago

Interesting read given my nekusar deck. Drawing Cards Friendly Like

Mine is a bit more symetrical than yours, but there are a few bits that might be handy. Jaya, Venerated Firemage or Torbran, Thane of Red Fell will basically be lightning rods as they double/triple your damage output.

Also in my Combo category is a bunch of creatures that benefit a ton from card draw. Chasm Skulker Ominous Seas Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim and The Locust God could be beneficial if you don't find yourself fielding enough creatures to block/swing when someone is open.

Gidgetimer on Who decides the order of …

1 year ago

With triggers the player who controls the triggers decides what order they are put on the stack. In this scenario both abilities are triggers and you would put them on the stack in the order of your choosing.

With replacement effects (such as on Furnace of Rath and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell) the affected player or the affected object's controller chooses the order they are applied. This is often the source of confusion.

lespaul977 on FNM - First Time Playing …

1 year ago

Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all an update on how things went at FNM. I lost all of my games against my first two opponents (the first played a Necrotic Ooze infinite combo deck, and the other played an Izzy aggro deck). However, most of those games were very close. I ended up winning two out of three against my last opponent (who was playing a Boros aggro) and was able to chalk up a win.

Everyone was really friendly and had excellent suggestions for improving. One of the main critiques I got was that mono-red aggro decks need to have all their spells cost less than 3, and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell plays too slow for Modern. I got some good card recommendations, and I had so much fun I might go back for more!

Thank you all for your suggestions and advice! It was a big help, and I’m grateful that you all helped prep me for the event. Cheers!

DemonDragonJ on Why Does Damage Increasing Work …

1 year ago

Since I am building an EDH deck with Gisela, Blade of Goldnight as the general, I read the rulings for her, and the rulings stated that, if multiple effects modify how much damage is dealt, such as Gisela combined with Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, the player receiving the damage chooses how to apply those effects, which does not make any sense, since, in most other situations in which multiple replacement effects apply, the controller of the effects chooses how to apply them (such as a player controlling both Progenitus and Rest in Peace). I also am not pleased to know that, since the player receiving the damage will always apply the effects in a way that minimizes how much damage they receive, whereas the controller of the modifying effects will want to apply the effects in a way that maximizes the damage; for example, the player dealing the damage would want to apply Torbran's ability first and Gisela's ability second, but the player receiving the damage would want to apply Gisela's ability first and Torbran's ability second.

What does everyone else say about this? Why does the player being dealt damage, rather than the player dealing the damage, choose how to apply modifying effects?

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