Stoneforge Mystic

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stoneforge Mystic

Creature — Kor Artificer

When Stoneforge Mystic enters the battlefield, you may search your library for an Equipment card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.

, : You may put an Equipment card from your hand onto the battlefield.

CRKFIEND on Skrelv's Toxic Masculinity

2 weeks ago

Niko9 Thanks for the feedback. I went ahead and streamlined the deck a bit. Most of the 4 drops were a bit too slow. I added a bit of protection, as well as a few smaller creatures, and I think the deck is in a way better place now! What do you think? I added some more spot removal like Witch Enchanter  Flip and Loran of the Third Path, also some evasion with Lost Jitte, Access Tunnel and Rogue's Passage. I added a Stoneforge Mystic since on curve I can reliably fetch the Lost Jitte, Grafted Exoskeleton and Prosthetic Injector

AstroAA on Choosing Equipment-based Card Draw in …

1 month ago

Greetings folks of the forums.

I come to you today asking for opinions in regards to card draw in mono-white. In particular, for my Giada, Font of Hope tribal angel deck found here: [EDH] Giada's Angel Harem

Now, specifically, I'm trying to decide between an equipment-based piece of card draw that is tutorable with Steelshaper's Gift, Open the Armory, and Stoneforge Mystic. Currently my options are Sword of Fire and Ice, Mask of Memory, Rogue's Gloves, and Infiltration Lens. However, if others exist that do similar effects I'd be open to considering them.

I really like Sword of Fire and Ice due to the added protection it gives to whatever creature in two removal-heavy colors. It also gives an added ping which can be useful in taking out hatebears and dorks.

I like Infiltration Lens because we can attach it to large creatures and force our opponents to block. However, at the same time, it's dependent on our opponents actually blocking, and since most of the creatures in this deck have flying I'm not sure how often it'd actually draw us cards.

I like Mask of Memory due to it being able to draw two cards, however, you also lose a card by being forced to discard a card. You cycle through your deck faster, but at the same time you lose a bit of card advantage at the same time since you have to discard.

I like Rogue's Gloves because it's arguably the most simple of them all - deal combat damage to a player, draw a card. However, it's four mana for this effect, and for one more mana Sword of Fire and Ice adds a lot more utility.

Which card should I go with? In addition, what card should I cut?

SpammyV on Modern Horizons 3

2 months ago

Given that you can get Blade with Stoneforge Mystic and Urza's Saga I think the odds are 100% there's a week or two of everyone trying out a GW shell with Basking Broodscale. I've also seen Sadistic Glee pointed out to make it a Pauper player.

zapyourtumor on RW Hammer feat. Kellan

2 months ago

No way Voldaren Thrillseeker is playable in hammer, 3 mana creature with an activitated ability that costs mana

Not running some combination of Ornithopter + Puresteel Paladin also feels like a big mistake here, since puresteel is just generically good and ornithopter allows for t2 combo kills (t1 ornithopter sigarda, t2 double hammer)

Stoneforge Mystic better than Open the Armory, id cut 2 open and 2 Kellan for 4 stoneforge if you can afford it.

Forge Anew is a decent 2 of as well. All in all I'd run less of the fling effects and fling creatures, since those are only good once you have a hammer attached. I'd focus on making the hammer equipping more consistent instead of playing those win more effects

lhetrick13 on Mess with the Cat, Get the Claws

7 months ago

king-saproling - Thank you! The idea is there for the deck and I was really wanting it to stay tribal but my feedback from piloting the deck at my LGS so far has been the the deck needs work. Introducing cards like Stoneforge Mystic and similar equipment themed bombshells would definitely ramp up the deck but would remove the synergy that sticking with only cats provides (Raksha Golden Cub, Regal Caracal, Leonin Warleader, Nacatl War-Pride, etc.). I need reowrk this some and tweek it and I think it will start to purrrr.

IHATENAMES on Building Voltron, in a cave with a box of scraps.

7 months ago

The line between equipment and creatures is a hard thing to get right i think it should always be skewed more towards creatures which i think looks decent here but be careful about this number!

I would encourage you to play more creatures/ equipment that get buffed when you get multiple equipment on it. Ideas being Goblin Gaveleer , Champion of the Flame , Thran Power Suit these may not look impressive but 1+ equipment and they go big. Newer card I have tried Kellan, the Fae-Blooded is probably good but slow.

When building your sideboard i would look at protection/ recursion/ meta based archetype hate. Think Mantle of the Ancients , Blacksmith's Skill , Unlicensed Hearse , Crumble to Dust , maybe look at what other people are playing with a junk sideboard full of removal and graveyard hate for a few times then see what you need from there.

Obligatory simple answer is look at what equipment decks are currently doing good in modern. Stoneblade decks and hammer time. Both use Stoneforge Mystic to find and put in Kaldra Compleat for a quick kill. Stone blade is a midrange tempo shell to support what your doing. The hammer time deck has a plan A combo of putting Colossus Hammer on a creature and swinging for lethal in 1 to 2 turns.

legendofa on Summon Mechanic - Help?

7 months ago

Is this primarily going to be a triggered ability ("Whenever this creature attacks, summon 2"), an activated ability (", : Summon 2"), or something else?

It does basically give all your creatures dash, or act as a more repeatable Sneak Attack. At minimum, I would make it so the summoned creature couldn't attack, making you rely on abilities, and keep X fairly low, generally 3 or less. Even then, it still feels powerful--some creatures just weren't designed to enter the battlefield potentially every turn. Off the top of my head, Burning-Tree Emissary becomes free mana, Stoneforge Mystic becomes "search for an equipment and play it for ", and there's probably better ways to break it I'm not thinking of. And then there's the idea of using more than one Summon ability per turn.

I assume you would build your Commander deck to the power level you want, and this ability is interesting. I'm just concerned some unforeseen interaction could pop up that would break it. It needs some sort of restriction or limiter.

TheMeadiator on Link's Adventure (Galea, Kindler of Hope)

11 months ago

Okay so, first of all let me tell you how happy this deck makes me. The flavor is just SO good and the deck looks like it slaps. I love that you broke down each card and how you'd do the art. Bravo, well done!!

Secondly, I would like to suggest a slight flavor adjustment on one card. Because all your other cards seem to reference OoT or MM, it might make more sense for Stoneforge Mystic to represent the Happy Mask Salesman instead of the old guy who gives you a sword. I love the imagery of the cave guy - so iconic! - but to me it doesn't fit with everything else. That's just my two cents.

Anyway, love the list. Huge OoT fan myself.

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