Sram, Senior Edificer
Start Commander Deck

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sram, Senior Edificer

Legendary Creature — Dwarf Advisor

Whenever you cast an Aura, Equipment or Vehicle spell, draw a card.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Strength of Isolation
Green Scarab
Green Ward
Red Scarab
White Scarab

Ripgardian on Incorrect Subtype for Sram

2 weeks ago

Bug I believe - When I look at my deck with Sram, Senior Edificer using Subtype it lists it as Dwarf Artificer instead of Dwarf Advisor. Hope this is the right place to report this kind of thing. I am new to the site, but think it is wonderful.

DreadKhan on Increase dwarf enegry to maximum!

1 month ago

Not sure if I'm missing something, but Sram, Senior Edificer seems good in here. Battlemage's Bracers can double your Commander's ability, Haste might come up idk. Lae'zel, Vlaakith's Champion can add an extra counter each time you add a counter. Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain will probably draw you some cards if you resolve her. Shorikai, Genesis Engine is more card draw to consider, it also makes pilots that can drive your vehicles if you're desperate.

If you can find anything that lets you put -1/-1 counters on opponent's stuff it would be very useful with your Proliferate abilities, Contagion Engine is a good example of what I mean, this starts small but fairly quickly will wipe out everything your opponents control. Choking Fumes could be an interesting surprise, especially if you can proliferate a few times after the spell resolves, possibly turning an attack against you into a bloodbath. Retribution would normally be pretty bad, but here you for sure kill one of the two creatures right away, and the other one will die quickly enough due to Proliferate.

It's a bit 'weird', but if you get out Nin, the Pain Artist out with your Commander you can pay 2UR to ping your Commander for 2 (which won't kill them) and draw 2 cards, that seems like an interesting floor. In a pinch you can remove a creature an opponent controls. If you have a bigger creature you can draw more, the price is surprisingly low since it can cost you no other resources.

I always love decks with Dwarves, such an underappreciated tribe! I have a soft spot for Dwarven Miner and Dwarven Blastminer, two very similar cards that can cripple some decks, I have essentially eliminated an otherwise problematic player by just resolving a Dwarf and locking them out of non-Basics for a measly 2R per turn.

Cool deck!

BarfQuackers on Bug Report: Sword of the …

5 months ago

Decided to add Sword of the Realms  Flip to my deck. After adding it, it switches my Commander Sram, Senior Edificer to the main board giving me two copies, 101 cards and Sword of the Realms  Flip doesn't show in the list. When I remove the additional Sram, it completely removes my commander, sets it to 99 cards and SotR still doesn't appear. Works fine in the playtester but as far as the list goes it's completely borked.

Here's the list You are Over-Encumbered

IHATENAMES on Political Powerhouse

6 months ago

I might be out of my element building this niche morph commander but regardless the only insights i can offer is to review your lands.

Here is why. I counted 4. That could not produce mana Maze of Ith Gaea's Cradle Dark Depths Temple of the False God. That makes 29 plus of what was mentioned + 3 of which only provide colorless mana. Which leaves 24 color lands in a sultai deck. I agree on the great amount of 2 mana ramps. That might be enough fixing. But that is the only constructive criticism I have for you.

If i was building this deck I would play more lands. I learned my lesson from a Sram, Senior Edificer solitaire combo deck long ago 34 lands is not enough when you run 4+ 0cmc and 8+ 1 mana draw a card effects with your commander. My commander would be out t2. Every game.

With that experience I assume you don't want to play your morphs until your commander is in play so you get the card draw/ value and you want to go out of your way to make it a t3 play. Again the 2 mana ramp may cover the need for colored mana enough for you but I simply suggest a few more lands. Besides that it looks like a pretty tight list. Good luck and happy brewing.

legendofa on Card creation challenge

10 months ago

Sram, Etherium Architect

Legendary Creature - Dwarf Artificer

Whenever you cast an artifact spell, put an etherium counter on target permanent, then if you control six or more artifacts, draw a card. (Permanents with etherium counters are artifacts.)


"Well, I've seen some loopy inventions, but I can't say I've seen anyone mix aether with their own body before."

Etherium, the metal everyone uses on Esper, is infused with the same aether that's used as a power source on Kaladesh.

Same challenge.

Crow_Umbra on ¿Attacks? ¡Double them!

1 year ago

The ratios on your Isshin build are kinda tripping me out hahaha. I don't think I've seen any others with this kind of ratio of lands to spells.

I think you could cut down to like 36ish lands, especially with some of the fast mana rocks you're already running. You could probably swap out a few of those for Talisman of Indulgence and the others in the Mardu color cycle.

Some other more general recommendations:

Hope these suggestions are helpful

Crow_Umbra on samurai edh

1 year ago

A newer card that might of interest for your Samurai & Equipment themes could be Conjurer's Mantle. It works with Isshin triggers & helps you find more Samurai.

Do you have a budget limit in mind for upgrades? I'm guessing maybe not because of the different "Sword of &" you have in list.

Equipment themed upgrades/swaps

Generally good Isshin upgrades

  • Reconnaissance - Helps protect your attackers & can provide pseudo-Vigilance. This article some of the timing rules that make it super good.

  • Dolmen Gate - Gotta protect those attackers

  • Hammers of Moradin & other Myriad creatures - The tokens created by Myriad are never declared as attackers, so they work with effects that check for single attackING creatures. One of my favorite creatures in my Isshin deck.

Aside from these swaps, I think your land count is pretty low at 30. I'd recommend running at least 35, and more ramp like Talisman of Indulgence, Talisman of Hierarchy, & Talisman of Conviction.

Equip costs can be mana intensive, so having access to enough mana is important to make that possible.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. I'd be happy to chat through any potential cuts if you're interested.

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