Sculpting Steel

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sculpting Steel


You may have Sculpting Steel enter the battlefield as a copy of any artifact on the battlefield.

Profet93 on Mono Black Affinity

6 days ago

SufferFromEDHD +1

Such high praise with a funny joke from you? You're too kind!

We live and we learn, all experiences to help us grow.

Skullclamp - Draw?

Genesis Chamber - Token production?

Whats the wincon, or is it too premature to ask? Speaking of wincons, I'm gonna throw some combos at you and see which if any stick.

Add Ashnod's Altar to the below combos...

Reassembling Skeleton + Pitiless Plunderer

Scrap Trawler + Sculpting Steel + Foundry Inspector

Wurmcoil Engine + Nim Deathmantle

Myr Battlesphere + Nim Deathmantle

Imotekh the Stormlord + Scrap Trawler + Myr Retriever

Imotekh the Stormlord + Nim Deathmantle

Imotekh the Stormlord + Junk Diver + Myr Retriever

And of course..... Grave Titan + Nim Deathmantle - This one is least likely given you are artifact central and zombies don't fit into that, but worth mentioning just in case.

A lot of the combo cards are synergistic with your deck so even if you choose not to combo with them, they can potentially still be of assistance.

Alearin on Magda of the Maskwood [[Guide]] Updated for MKC

1 month ago

Saljen, your deck Treasure, Dwarves, and Dragon's; OH MY! definitely takes Magda, Brazen Outlaw in a different direction, with it focus on damage doublers/triplers and ping damage but not using infinite combos to do it. Biggest downside I could see is none of the doublers/triplers are directly searchable by Magda.

As for your suggestions:

  1. Hammer of Nazahn - Good card in equipment focused decks and giving Magda indestructible is always good, but to me it is a build up card. It does not impact the game greatly when it hits the field by itself. You either need to have the mana open to cast an impactful equipment, 5 more treasure to search for one, or wait until you have either of the above. That being said Hammer of Nazahn not being in my maybeboard was an oversite that has been rectified.
  2. Magmatic Galleon - I feel the cost is too high so I would not want to see it in my hand to hard cast. That means I would be using a precious Magda activation to bring this out and I am not sure it is worth it, in most cases vs getting a combo piece.
  3. Mycosynth Lattice - Does this work like Maskwood Nexus? Maskwood says "The same is true for creature spells you control and creature cards you own that aren't on the battlefield.". Where as Mycosyth says "All cards that aren't on the battlefield, spells, and permanents are colourless.' I take that to mean in the deck cards are colorless, but do not become artifacts until the enter the battlefield. Which would mean you do not get to search for an extra cards since they are not artifacts yet.
  4. Sculpting Steel - This is a card I like and have tried in my desk, but have moved it the maybeboard as a card to keep in mind for alternative builds. It is not in the main deck because to me it feels like a 'win-more' card. Is doubling the triggers you mentioned powerful? Yes it is. However, if I am getting even one of those to trigger I am probably winning the game. I don't need to double the triggers to win.
  5. Spiteful Banditry - This is a card that I am not sure how to evaluate. My current thoughts are it is not worth adding, despite the lack in interaction in the deck. My thoughts shortly after it came out, "I debated putting this in the main deck, there is 1 thing that kept it out. The worst sentence to see on a card in Magic, in my opinion, "This ability triggers only once each turn". If that wasn't on this card it is an auto include variable boardwipe that gives me treasures for killing my opponents creatures. As it stands the best case scenario is to play it when you have no creatures out or the creatures with the highest toughness and wipe your opponents board and get 1 treasure. There might be metas this is more useful in, which is why it was included in the maybe section. I doubt I will ever slot it into the main deck; unless, I am completely misunderstanding the card, since at most 1 treasure per opponent's turn seems unlikely and slow."
  6. Crime Novelist - Another card that I am not sure on my evaluation of. It is currently in the maybeboard of this deck since I can't convince myself of what to swap it with. I have played games with it in my deck and had it be great, allowing me to search for Helm of the Host and then equip it, or search for one combo piece and cast the other from my hand or even just drop a big dragon on the field on turn 3 or 4. However, I have had just as many games where it doesn't seem to do much. That said I think I should try to find a way to get it in my deck without cutting lands or interaction, so if you have a suggestion for what to swap with it I am open to ideas.
  7. Steel Hellkite - I just replaced this card for Cavern-Hoard Dragon. While I had it my deck for removal as you suggest I replaced it for something that is more likely to get get the treasure I need to combo out. Given that the deck aims to win on 2-4 activations of Magda, I felt getting treasures off Cavern-Hoard Dragon was the better play then paying for Steel Hellkite's effect and hoping it does damage to remove a problem piece.
  8. Saljen on Magda of the Maskwood [[Guide]] Updated for MKC

    1 month ago

    I went a different direction with my Magda deck, you're welcome to check it out if you like: Treasure, Dwarves, and Dragon's; OH MY! . I hadn't thought about Helm of the Host, I'm definitely going to find room for that in my version.

    Here's some suggestions that I've found very helpful in my Magda deck:

    Hammer of Nazahn - can save any creature at instant speed if you've got 5 treasures up, will also let you attach Helm of the Host for free

    Magmatic Galleon - provides removal, a tapper effect for your dwarves, and the occasional extra treasure. Great first tapper to search out

    Mycosynth Lattice - functions similarly to Maskwood Nexus, in that it'll let you search out any card in your deck, works well with Darksteel Forge to make board wipes one sided

    Sculpting Steel - lets you copy Roaming Throne or Illusionist's Bracers to get extra treasures, or any of your other artifacts

    Spiteful Banditry - board wipe that gives you random treasures throughout the game

    Crime Novelist - Sac your 5 treasures, search for your thing, get 5 +1/+1 counters, and RRRRR mana. Insanely easy to combo out with this guy, insanely powerful with Magda

    Steel Hellkite gives you the option to remove anything, even things you wouldn't normally be able to like enchantments

    capwner on Doomsday Clock | Budget No Combo Urza [PRIMER]

    6 months ago

    AArrgh this deck wants Urza's Saga so bad it hurts! Respect the budget though. Love seeing cards like Riddlesmith and Sai, Master Thopterist, these bring me back. I've not played much artifacts in a while but I remember Memory Jar is pretty freakin sweet, also a big fan of God-Pharaoh's Gift although both of these are probably better in red decks that can do more Welder-y things. Sculpting Steel, Phyrexian Metamorph, Worn Powerstone, Ashnod's Altar are all affordable classics that seem like they'd fit nicely. Skyship Weatherlight and Ring of Three Wishes are budget friendly tutors (also artifacts!) that find your wincons!

    Flagellum on Need help with Samwise Gamgee

    10 months ago

    Could possibly run a cheerios-esque style deck. Sprinkle a few artifact cost reducers in there like Foundry Inspector to reduce 1 or 2 drop artifact creatures to 0. Being budget though you lose out on Doubling Season and Anointed Procession which you could utilize with Ashnod's AltarPhyrexian Altar/Krark-Clan Ironworks to net mana while sacrificing the tokens and or nontoken creatures. But I'm not sure how effective it would be without these. Blasting Station or Grinding Station (works well with your Altar of the Brood) could finish out games.

    Though you could potentially make a large Darksteel Juggernaut with a large amount of food tokens and cheap 0-1-2 drop artifact creatures (whose cost could be further reduced) which would be budget. Easily tutorable in Green/White and throw a Mirrorworks or something in there to copy it. Sculpting Steel it too just to have 2-3 big bois roaming around would be comical. Anthems and trample enablers (instants/sorceries/enchantments/equipment) are plenty in these colors too. This would be on the more casual side.

    DrukenReaps on Druken Distortion

    1 year ago

    Saw the Eldrazi Unbound pre-con. Wish they'd made more than 10 new cards but looking at the deck overall I think it's a good start for someone who doesn't have a colorless deck. It'll give them a taste at least, still I'd wait for the price to drop. These pre-cons seem like they are too much for too little in general.

    Obvious spoilers follow. New cards found at this link, thoughts below-

    Zhulodok, Void Gorger - Double Cascade is dumb powerful. I want to experiment with this one but might need to go more top heavy to really do that. Still as far as commanders go Kozzy is stronger.

    Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate - meh, I mean it's cool and opens a new deck design in colorless but not here.

    Ugin's Mastery - I don't like manifest. I do think this is a strong card. The wording indicates that you could flip things that are not actually creatures. So if you manifest your land/artifact/whatever non-creature, attack with 6 power and flip it. Not sure what happens with sorceries/instants or if this is even intended to be read that way.

    Skittering Cicada - Neat. Another Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter that I won't say no to. Possibly better with it growing so large after a single cast of any of the 6+ -ish cards.

    Rise of the Eldrazi - I'll take win the game for 12 xD Okay not quite that good but when you're dropping the titans and take an extra turn too. Yes.

    Flayer of Loyalties - Steal their commander and cause 10 commander damage to someone with it. I just see this as being hilarious. Someone thinks they have a turn or 2 and then they don't. Theft effects are generally just decent, this one pushes the concept a bit further.

    Desecrate Reality - Sits at a pretty normal cost for removal in colorless along side Meteor Golem, Scour from Existence, and Spine of Ish Sah but it does more. The restriction of even and odd could be annoying but I think in general it will outdo those other options.

    Darksteel Monolith - This has hints of busted. I look forward to Sculpting Steeling it.

    Calamity of the Titans - Not as good as the one sided All is Dust but potentially nicer than other board wipe options in colorless. Exile is always great too, which All is Dust doesn't do so mayhaps better in select situations.

    Abstruse Archaic - Double the cast triggers of every titan for 1 and a tap. Not to mention other solid colorless ETBs like meteor golem. Could be a little too limited to always be useful though so might not make it in over something that works without needing another card.

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