Sword of Vengeance

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sword of Vengeance

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +2/+0 and has first strike, vigilance, trample and haste.

Equip (: Attach this to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery. This enters the battlefield unattached and stays on the battlefield if the creature this card is attached to leaves the battlefield.)

Profet93 on Dirty Needles

9 months ago

I was gonna recommend the several instant cards that return your creature when it dies but given the exile opponent, I am hesitant to recommend them at this time. They might want to be reconsidered later. Until then, below are some general suggestions to improve the power/consistency of the deck while remaining "budget"

Crux of Fate - Boardwipe for when things get out of hand

Imp's Mischief - Under $10 but extremely useful!. Redirect _targeted _ removal, draw and extra turns. Not to mention, it can "counter" counterspells and having 2 mana open will allow you to bluff interaction.

Force of Despair - Interaction while tappedout gives you a strong ability to bluff. May or may not be useful but worth mentioning.

Lightning Greaves - I know you have swift boots which allows you to put on other equipment but redundancy is nice to protect your costly commander.

Champion's Helm - Similar to above and swift boots

Trailblazer's Boots - Almost guaranteed unblockable

Sword of Vengeance - Not needed but potentially worth looking into

Animate Dead - Recursion is always nice in black

Thespian's Stage - Copy coffers or opposing utility land

Homeward Path - $15 but meta call should you find theft to become more common

You really need more ramp in this deck to make your commander more threatening

Mind Stone/Commander's Sphere - Ramp when you need it, draw when you dont

Thran Dynamo

Myriad Landscape

I can provide several suggestions for cuts should you wish, let me know. Hope this helps.

DrSnipy on Balan the Magnetic Cat

1 year ago

Cool Deck! Did you consider Sword of the Animist as another ramp card?

I also like Hero's Heirloom as another way to get haste and trample (basicly a discount Sword of Vengeance)

ArtistaFeo on Chishiro Precon 1

1 year ago

Easy Cuts

Old-Growth Troll, Walking Skyscraper, Smoke Spirits' Aid, Vastwood Surge, Sword of Vengeance, Unquenchable Fury, One with the Kami, Elemental Mastery,

Ox of Agonas (Swap for Inspiring Call), Ulvenwald Oddity  Flip (switch for Primal Rage), Spearbreaker Behemoth (Swap for Heroic Intervention I have a copy of this card to give you.), Ascendant Acolyte - maybe cut? good card but i think you can do better.

Shifting Shadow, only keep if you have a lot of creatures with ETB effects. By a lot I mean at least 10.

Blackblade Reforged, Bonehoard, andFireshrieker can be upgraded for more synergistic equipment or auras. For example Bone Sabres, Fractal Harness, and Luxior, Giada's Gift. Search scryfall for equipment with counter keywords, then do the same for auras. You should absolutely play Sword of Truth and Justice

Search scryfall for cards with "evolve" for early game creatures that are growers, not showers. I highly recommend Experiment One and Gyre Sage! Gyre is 100% better than either spell I talk about below. vv

Most ramp spells in your deck should cost 2 or less CMC. 3 is fine. But you want to play them early game rather than late game. Cards like Tanuki Transplanter are very good ramp spells, but you only want 1 or 2 ramp spells that cost 4 or greater in your deck. I would keep this card in your deck depending on what the rest of your ramp looks like. Rampant Rejuvenator is another 4 cmc ramp. it does synergies with your counter theme, but its less dependable ramp because it has to die and your deck isn't playing sac outlets like Phyrexian Alter. on the plus side it is nice to beef it up and wait for that pending board wipe to slingshot your land base past the rest of the table. These are the tough decisions we are faced with. You should cut one of these cards. Keep Bear Umbra, it is better than both above mentioned and has the same CMC.

I would cut most lands that enter the battlefield tapped, they really f*ck up your early game. its ok to have a few, but they better be worth it.

VampyLOL on Catti-Brie is kinda fun

1 year ago

Behemoth Sledge, kind of costly with 3 mana to bring out and 3 mana to equip.
Sword of Vengeance, this is also a 3 cost to bring out and 3 to equip. It is very useful for my commander but I'm going to try lower mana cost cards.

Commander's Plate, because it's time the gloves come off! Let's see how this one does.
Grafted Exoskeleton, I wanted to try Infect again because why not. It is 4 to cast and 2 to equip.

Grind on Rougueishly Rogueish

2 years ago

Cool deck!!!!!!
A couple ideas for your consideration:
Point removal: i like Reality Shift as it can hit indestructible creatures.
Lands: i like Dimir Aqueduct as it can help you hit another land drop if you can tolerate a tapland.
If you mill your opponents, its good to run graveyard hate. Some decks like muldrotha thrive on being milled. Scavenger Grounds, Stonespeaker Crystal, Soul-Guide Lantern, and Nihil Spellbomb are a few playable options.
An easy cut is bonesplitter. If you want equipment, Mask of Memory, Sword of Vengeance, or Whispersilk Cloak are probably better.
Also, Changelings are rogues: maybe Shapesharer or Cairn Wanderer are interesting.
Anyway, just some thoughts, cheers and have fun!!!!

carpecanum on First Commander Deck Feedback Appreciated

2 years ago

If your commander is a Planeswalker you are going to need a way to protect it. I think you need a few more creatures, probably more with trample or at least bigger than what your opponents usually play. Deus of Calamity, Primeval Protector

If a creature is equipped with something that gives them Trample or Haste (like Chariot of Victory or Sword of Vengeance) you can target them with Misc's +1 ability.

Red spells like Act of Treason would allow you to steal a creature, attack and then sacrifice the creature with Minsc's second ability.

Longshot Squad and Tuskguard Captain both give bonuses to creature with all those +1 counters Minsc can throw around

I would trade out 3 or 4 lands for something else. Your deck runs cheap on mana.

griffstick on Florian Draining Blade

2 years ago

I'm just gonna rattle off some good equipments

Epicurus on Nailed it! (Budget)

2 years ago

Nice budget build. If it were me, I'd replace Basilisk Collar with Loxodon Warhammer it's much more mana intensive, but since you have 4 Puresteel and 4 Sigarda's Aid, not incredibly difficult to equip.

However, Puresteel is a lot more effective if you have much more than 10 artifacts in the deck. Losing the artifact lands to make it Modern legal really hurts that. Maybe drop some copies of some of the creatures instead of losing the Collars? Maybe also try to add some Gold Myr or Sword of Vengeance to up the artifact count?

Hope any of that helps. I'm not very good at building Modern or budget (especially mono-white), so what do I know.


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