Puresteel Paladin

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Puresteel Paladin

Creature — Human Knight

Whenever an Equipment enters the battlefield under your control, you may draw a card.

Metalcraft — Equipment you control have equip for as long as you control three or more artifacts.

Nunu312 on Mice with knives

1 week ago

I think the first thing to do is lose Teleportation Circle and Nahiri's Resolve. You don't actually have any enter battlefield effects that could use them, so the only thing they can do is de-equip your artifacts, which happens when they leave the battlefield. Offspring wouldn't work with it as that happens during casting.

Also Hammer of Purphoros seems like an expensive way to get haste, and I don't know when you would want a 3/3 golem from it. Similarly Ring of Thune looks cheap and good, but realistically wont have the time to put that many counters on things (it's more suited to a +1 counter/proliferate deck). Sword of the Squeak Is in a bit of the same boat, you only have about 5 1/1 creatures... so it goes best if you are generating tokens that make it work.

There are a few staples of equipment/aura decks that you're missing, Siguarda's Aid being the big one. Quite a few of them are creatures like Reyav, Master Smith, but we're trying to stick with the mouse theme so stuff like Brass Squire can help things work and looks significantly more mousy.

Another one is the Sword of series, the big one being Sword of Feast and Famine but I feel like you've already gone through them (be sure to remember that protection from red/white will remove your own enchantments). A moderate staple is also Shadowspear just because it lets you pierce hexproof and indestructible when you need to, on top of just being good and cheap equipment. The world of equipment is very wide.

I'm not seeing a huge amount of card draw, which means you will often be sitting there playing your one card per turn and losing agency in the game because of it. Puresteel Paladin (sadly not a mouse) is one of the big equipment draw cards, but I've found 10 sources of card draw to be good, meaning you should have at least one by turn 3 (even if you don't play it until later). I'm also fond of effects like Collector's Vault and Cathartic Reunion, which may be card neutral, but are reasonably cheap and let you play the right cards instead of just the cards you have.

shock7123 on Green Eggs and (Sram)

1 month ago

Can I suggest another Sigarda's Aid effect for equipment in Hammer of Nazahn? Being able to cheat equip costs is always good to have multiple copies of. Did also see you had Puresteel Paladin in there as well.

fluffyeel on Rafiq of the Many

2 months ago

Equipment and other stabtastic things are fun, and your deck has a lot of my usual favorite toys in those colors. I approve. I do have some thoughts that might help you, though, but some of these are playgroup dependent (or meta-dependent):

zapyourtumor on RW Hammer feat. Kellan

3 months ago

No way Voldaren Thrillseeker is playable in hammer, 3 mana creature with an activitated ability that costs mana

Not running some combination of Ornithopter + Puresteel Paladin also feels like a big mistake here, since puresteel is just generically good and ornithopter allows for t2 combo kills (t1 ornithopter sigarda, t2 double hammer)

Stoneforge Mystic better than Open the Armory, id cut 2 open and 2 Kellan for 4 stoneforge if you can afford it.

Forge Anew is a decent 2 of as well. All in all I'd run less of the fling effects and fling creatures, since those are only good once you have a hammer attached. I'd focus on making the hammer equipping more consistent instead of playing those win more effects

Dana_in_Love845 on Ozzy on a budget

5 months ago

Pretty cool! Always been more of a Boros Artifacts girl, but mono-White's cool as well. Maybe Mishra's Bauble could be good, either for card advantage or for more one-mana tutors, as well as Ornithopter. Though it isn't fully an equipment deck, I think Puresteel Paladin could also be amazing, or any other equip-cheapening cards, because Colossus Hammer is a little hard to use without a few of them. They're maybe not the most budget suggestions, but I can see them working really well.

sergiodelrio on Delney and Welcoming Vampire

7 months ago

I'm pretty sure tho we'll find other ways to break Delney's effect... this card looks potentially busted to me. If you want to draw a bunch of cards with it maybe pair it with Puresteel Paladin and a bunch of free/0cost equipment xD

Sorry for posting off-topic

Cmi1103 on Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of FURY!

9 months ago

Profet93 Thanks for the Feedback!

I really like a lot of these suggestions honestly! I would agree that the deck is in need of more creatures as maybe less equipment and more focus on consistently getting to that equipment. Most of the cards you recommended for replacement are mostly filler cards I had on hand at the time I put this deck together, so it's great to see cards that are improvements upon them that fit the deck well and provide more value at lower costs. I agree that Puresteel Paladin needs to be in this deck, I just don't have a copy currently. But I see most of these cards going into the deck on the next update.

Also, Enjoy that show again! It's a good one.

griffstick on Card creation challenge

10 months ago

In honor of my two recent altars Puresteel Paladin and Leonin Shikari

Puresteel Shikari

Creature - Cat Knight (mythic rare)

First strike

Whenever an Equipment enters the battlefield under your control, you may draw a card.

Metalcraft - Equipment you control have equip {0} as long as you control three or more artifacts.

You may activate equip abilities any time you could cast an instant.


Your challenge is to take two cards that are strong in thier archetype and merge them together.

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