Arcane Spyglass

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Arcane Spyglass


, , Sacrifice a land: Draw a card and put a charge counter on Arcane Spyglass.

Remove three charge counters from Arcane Spyglass: Draw a card.

Spisepinden on The Projects: Budget Urban Development

3 years ago

It's a damn shame this deck can't run Liquimetal Coating :P I love the theme!

As others have stated, the plan hinges on a fragile creature. Having Vines of Vastwood or Apostle's Blessing can be helpful, but if your Myr gets killed, it might be useful to have something like Evolution Charm to bring it back from the graveyard. You're probably not going to use the flying mode often, but being able to search for a land in a pinch is a great secondary option to keep it from being a completely dead card. The instant speed is nice as well.

Beyond that, a card like Nullmage Advocate might be a useful way to keep the land destruction going without relying on draws all the time. The cards you return to your opponent's hand won't matter since they have no mana to cast them, meaning they'll likely end back in the graveyard at your opponent's end step. And even if you're returning lands, the Advocate will happily flatten them over and over again, at no card disadvantage to you.

Other sources of destruction could come in the shape of Mwonvuli Acid-Moss and Conclave Naturalists, though the former might be a bit too slow while I could see the latter competing a bit with the Siege Wurm and Tangle Golem. There's something to be said about card destruction on legs, though.

Card drawing options are a bit far fetched for green, but if you're really desperate, Bonder's Ornament and Arcane Spyglass are probably your best options in case the game goes long.

On a final, sort of side-tangent note, even though I know the deck is mono green and almost certainly benefits from being able to ramp with a single color, I still feel that it would be a shame to not at least mention a card like Sanctum Gargoyle.

Happy deck brewing!

Whirl on Moraug Marauds the Battlefield!

4 years ago

With all the rituals and Neheb in the deck, you might have mana to pay for multiple activations of Sword of the Paruns equipped onto Walking Atlas. Then you just have to get lands in your hand.

You already have a Crucible in here, maybe Tectonic Reformation could be an option for your draw smoothing? It certainly seems to be on point in terms of flavor. And maybe you'd also be interested in Drownyard Temple, you can use it once with Reformation, but multiple times with a little card called Arcane Spyglass.

And since this is a landfall deck, I just have to suggest Seer's Sundial instead of one of the loot sorceries :)

FormOverFunction on Returning players - where to …

4 years ago

I played a lot in the 90s, then lost interest in the themes and power levels: mirrodin had junk like Arcane Spyglass that looked too sci-fi, and kamigawa had junk like Kami of Ancient Law which was a Disenchant that was also a 2/2. Bananas. Anyways, I came back eventually, only to find out that they got rid of mana burn and the power creep has continued. Left for a little longer, and then found out about commander/EDH. This format has made it possible for me to get back into M:tG full-time. It’s got a great population of relaxed players, I love messing with theme decks, and it’s a great perspective to watch new card sets from. Now that you know some of my history/perspective: please let me know if you ever have questions about anything!

ersatz_olorin on Does This Have Potential

6 years ago

That makes sense, there are several ways I could go with this.

  1. If I wanted to be cute I could take advantage of Landfall triggers from two lands re-entering the battlefield every turn, if I did that I would have to include some land sacrifice like Aggressive Mining (this particular card would add a color but you get the idea). Arcane Spyglass would interact with Power Conduit, so that may be a possibility. Aura Fracture would make sure no one was taking advantage of enchantments but me. This could also combo with Glacial Chasm, saccing it every turn then bringing it and another land back from the yard, so you never have to pay the life. Lots of fun options there.

  2. The Gitrog Monster would provide some value, but that's also adding a color.

  3. There's synergy with cards like Constant Mists as well.

btw griffstick this is just an idea that occured to me that I thought might interest some people, I hate land destruction and would probably throttle myself before the other people at the table could get to me :)

ThallionDarkshine on MagicalHacker - List of All Steady Card Draw

7 years ago

vance's blasting cannons , Recycle, Null Profusion, Arch of Orazca, Zameck Guildmage, Sage of Fables, Mindless Automaton, Arcane Spyglass, Etched Oracle, Sphinx of Magosi

Since you're not including repeatable land tutors, why are you including repeatable explore effects? They only ever filter your draws or draw lands. If you are including them, Path of Discovery is another repeatable explore.

I'm not sure what your feelings on the monarch mechanic are, but it could be considered a repeatable form of draw.

sonnet666 on [List] The MTG Weapons Arsenal

7 years ago

Don't stop now. I believe in you!

KeelHaul10 on Ashling the burn deck

7 years ago

I love a good mono-red BEATS deck! How does Urza's Rage sound? Chandra, Pyromaster is a cheap planeswalker than can copy a devastating damage spell. Dual Casting for more copying. If you want to have fun and gamble, Fiery Gambit can attract a crowd to your table to watch (Imagine copying it!). Braid of Fire Ain't cheap, but it'll supply you with mana. Wild Ricochet is almost an auto-include for me (saved me multiple times). run Brand if card stealing is heavy in your meta.

Card Draw: Unfortunately, Red mana doesn't have great access to card draw without discard effects; Avaricious Dragon, Browbeat can net a few cards, Burning Inquiry, Goblin Lore, Control of the Court, Mindmoil does a dope job of letting you dig through your library. ALOT of wheel effects.

BUT Geth's Grimoire Makes amazing use of these wheel effects!!

You might be interested in Otherworld Atlas. Yes it gives everybody cards, but hardly anyone can complain or target the guy giving everyone cards. Arcane Spyglass makes use of unneeded mana. Farsight Mask, Font of Mythos, Illuminated Folio, Staff of Nin, Well of Knowledge,

Sorry for the gross wall of text, hope this helps!!

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