Burning Inquiry

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Burning Inquiry


Each player draws three cards, then discards three cards at random.

Icbrgr on Hilarious whiff and miss

1 week ago

Certainly a fun game... I cant say for certain how many fetch lands I played or how many/combinations of Goblin Lore/Burning Inquiryfoil or Street Wraith were played (or even a good guess as to how many cards were left in the library at the time).. and I know it's not a guarantee but in the moment I felt it was lol.

Icbrgr on Modern Flavor Town

3 weeks ago

When your running Goblin Lore and Burning Inquiry why not unironically run Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded lol... yoooo that frog seems like a great idea! I was using Oona's Prowler as a pressure/discard outlet but the frog seem like it could be great! I'm gonna give it a try over tibalt lol

Azoth2099 on Martial Prowess

3 months ago

Crap, I forgot to mention how fantastic Burning Inquiry is here! 0% downside. Don't sleep!

SufferFromEDHD on The Dark Tower

7 months ago

Burning Inquiry > Brainstorm

Perplex > Negate

Memory Jar was the only glaring omission. Serious Sheoldred value.

Breathstealer's Crypt a card I've enjoyed playing in my build. Just spitballing an idea.

legendofa on Supernatural-inspired gy creature

10 months ago

What's the intent of the first ability? I don't know Supernatural at all, so it might be a flavor thing I'm missing. It also feeds the token creation ability a bit too well, especially with the second ability.

The second ability should be worded as a replacement effect: "If Strong-Souled Loxodon would deal combat damage, you may have it fight target creature (you don't control?) instead."

The token creation ability is too much. Turn 1, target yourself with Funeral Charm or Cry of Contrition or Putrid Imp or Entomb or Tome Scour or Careful Study or Faithless Looting or Burning Inquiry... A turn 1 13/13 with no card disadvantage and minimal setup, available in multiple colors, would break the game. The last clause helps a little bit, but it's still overpowered--Death's Shadow with zero risk and reduced color requirement.

Overall, this card might be accurate to what Supernatural has, but in M:tG, it's just overpowered.

legendofa on MBC: "Look Mom, No Hands!"

10 months ago

Waste Not wants the opponent to be discarding regularly, not just topdecking with an empty hand. Effects that draw before discarding give it the most juice--Burning Inquiry is probably the best option, but cards like Prismari Command or Lore Broker also could work.

Basically, when you get your opponent's hand empty, do you want to play more restictively or more dynamically? Shrieking Affliction and The Rack want an empty hand, Liliana's Caress and Waste Not want discarding.

wallisface on B/R Waste Not Discard

10 months ago

I think your biggest issue here is that the opponent is going to become empty-handed very quickly, and then you’ll be getting no value from Waste Not or your other “profit from discard” effects. Almost every Waste Not deck i’ve seen built play Burning Inquiry to ensure that they can always force a discard effect (also, Burning Inquiry gets very absurd alongside Underworld Breach and Orcish Bowmasters).

Aside from this, i’m worried that your land count is a bit too low, especially considering how heavily your deck needs at least 2 lands to perform (with your current land count 28% of your opening hands will leave you stuck with 0-1 lands). I also see no real value in Angrath being in the deck, especially considering the hoops you’ll need to jump through to cast him.

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