Staff of Nin

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Staff of Nin


At the beginning of your upkeep, draw a card.

: Staff of Nin deals one damage to target creature, player or planeswalker.

Profet93 on Karn? No, Voltron!

6 months ago

I think it's a great first start jake1511. Nice avg cmc of 3.52. You might want to increase the speed a tad but given it's a colorless deck that's easier said than done.

Howling Mine - Without a way to untap, it provides opponents more advantage. I understand you need draw, but IMO, this isn't the way to do it

Lithoform Engine - Winmore

Mirror Shield - IMO hexproof redundancy is not needed, other ability is not typically useful. Really depends on how much redundancy you need

Pariah's Shield - I don't see a synergy. Put it on your commander and hope it tanks the damage? 8 mana total is steep

Portal to Phyrexia - Way too costly for what it does.

Ratchet Bomb - Depends on how often you actually can find it useful. Usually charging it for a few turns hoping to get the right amount of counters is difficult.

Shield of Kaldra - Without other Kalrdra, this isn't helpful enough

Sword of Hours - This is not a 1/1 counter deck

The Immortal Sun - Anti-synergy with 3 of your walkers, potentially swap for Staff of Nin for similar effect without anti-synergy

Trading Post - I like the saccing artifacts to draw, making tokens in a pinch. Just doesn't feel like it does enough

Vexing Puzzlebox - Mana rock for 3cmc with a unlikely ability to reliably use

Vorrac Battlehorns - Unimpactful

Aladdin's Lamp - WAY too costly

Anduril, Flame of the West - No benefit to use tokens, aside from skullclamp maybe

Azor's Gateway - Hoping this goes 5 turns uninterrupted is a big ask

Brass Knuckles - Kind of cool but not good on it's own. I do sort of like it, plus the art

Golem-Skin Gauntlets - Kind of cool, but not good on it's own.

Basalt Monolith - Ramp + Combo with Forsaken Monument for

Cloud Key/Semblance Anvil - Ramp

Sensei's Divining Top - Dig

Cloud Key/Anvil/Artifact cost Reducer + Mystic Forge + Top = Draw your entire deck

Expedition Map - Find the land you need, ensure you get your land drop.

Might want to add 1-2 more lands depends on your ending avg cmc and amount of rocks + personal playstyle.

Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant - Recover from a boardwipe

Darksteel Citadel - Artifact land for Karn

Mycosynth Lattice - Lots of shenanigans, super double edged sword.

Lattice + Karn, the Great Creator = Hard lock. Karn has a lot of useful abilities on his own, ignoring lattice.

Profet93 on Hold your colour

6 months ago


Buried Ruin - Recursion

Sanctum of Ugin - Tutor

Basalt Monolith + Forsaken monument =

Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant + Emrakul = Good synergy. Hourglass helps with recursion from a vandablast.

Maybe a Vedalken Orrery/Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter/Skittering Cicada for flash so you don't overextend as easily? Colorless decks almost always have high cmc and lots of artifacts so any opponent worth their salt after a few games should recognize this and adjust their plan. This helps keep them guessing. Not necessary but nice to have.

Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt Monolith + 2 mana = + top = Cast your entire deck

Rings + Voltaic Key (swap out manifold) + everflowing chalice (4 counters) =

Metalworker + Rings + Voltaic key =

Card Draw - Colorless doesn't have too much, you already run both kozileks which is great. Commander is a value engine which is nice. You could add a Staff of Nin for more but IMO it's not needed. How do you feel your card situation is?

Removal - Colorless has expensive removal options, you have all the good ones. Everything seems solid.

Mana Curve - A bit high but understandable for a colorless deck, especially with your commander. You could add more ramp should you feel you need. I usually recommend the most ramp in Kozilek commander decks because your commander is a draw source but here I'm unsure. Your ramp seems sufficient, how do you feel?

thefiresoflurve on Big Booty Bitches

1 year ago

Intruder Alarm can help you get more untaps and mill for your creatures. Could cut Staff of Nin for it, maybe.

xenca on Belzenlok, Godo's Ugly Cousin

1 year ago

Hey, I love this deck idea! Today we have another line, but very similar, using Trazyn the Infinite instead of Necrotic Ooze. Argivian Avenger can give him haste for . With Voltaic Construct and Gilded Lotus we have infinite mana. Then Staff of Nin can finish for us with infinite damage in instant speed.

The_Warleader on Colors Are For Suckers

1 year ago

Sweet deck! Here's some things I think could help:

Expedition Map can help find one of your many important utility lands

Darksteel Citadel untaps with Unwinding Clock and counts as an artifact for Nettlecyst and Inventor's Fair

I would just play Trading Post instead of Wedding Invitation

Heartseeker is a bit expensive to equip but technically is a combo with your untap theme.

No Temple of the False God?

Staff of Nin isn't played too much anymore but if you're playing colorless it's one of the best sources of card advantage you're going to get.

Hope this helps and good luck!

Dormin53 on Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph [Gunslinger]

2 years ago

Those are awesome suggestions! I really like Wojek Embermage. Cosmotronic Wave I'm not sure about. The second clause with stopping blockers is good but almost all my creatures won't be swinging during combat.

You had an excellent point with Silverclad Ferocidons and Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph. That interaction occurred to me with other cards like Pyrohemia and Yamabushi's Storm or even lands like Shivan Reef.

Staff of Nin could certainly be replaced and likely not even noticed. Perhaps adding the Cyclonic Rift?

Regarding Cowardice, I like the idea of being able to protect from board wipes or just targeted removal.. but that could certainly backfire depending on how many targeted spells or abelites my opponents have..

Thank you both for the suggestions and comments! carpecanum, thefiresoflurve

carpecanum on Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph [Gunslinger]

2 years ago

Dismiss into Dream kills indestructible however. I'd put it into more decks if I had more copies of it. Cowardice however, could be dropped. It a great chaos card but it hurts you, especially because you can't equip stuff.

I also thought about suggesting you cut Staff of Nin but I don't feel as comfortable suggesting cuts. I'm weird that way.

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