Power Conduit

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Power Conduit


, Remove a counter from a permanent you control: Choose one —

  • Put a charge counter on target artifact.
  • Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature.

wallisface on Kamarupa’s Challenge

1 day ago

Sorry, one last idea. This one’s a little more gimmicky but also feels like it should perform well against a lot of decks just by being able to grind them down. It will require some savvy piloting as far as knowing when to play the Arbiter.

wallisface on Kamarupa’s Challenge

1 day ago

I think Choke is a card you’d probably leave in the sideboard to battle decks that use islands. But I think Power Conduit is a good mainboard addition:

kamarupa on Conduit Shananigans

1 day ago

I was mostly thinking of it being a way to tutor Power Conduit

wallisface on Kamarupa’s Challenge

1 day ago

kamarupa both Choke and Power Conduit seem very interesting. I could see those being strong also. I like the idea of trying to incorporate those and Urza's Saga into my above list. It probably weakens things slightly, but does make for some interesting avenues/interactions

TheoryCrafter on Help me to build my …

2 months ago

Okay, I am back thank you for your patience. I don't know if you're just looking for advice or if you want a whole deck list, so I'll meet you somewhere in between.

So I use the manabox app for card listings. Turns out I miscounted and there are 35. If you put all but Twisted Riddlekeeper(potential color identity issues) in there you have a good start.

Perhaps the strongest cards in addition to Fear of Sleep Paralysis are Mjolnir, Storm Hammer, Monstrosity of the Lake and Scroll of Isildur; though even cards like Kitnap, Lost in the Maze and Sleep-Cursed Faerie can be a boon due to Tekuthal's activated ability and not be affected by Fear of Sleep Paralysis.

One card I recommend you add is Maskwood Nexus. Both Protocol Knight and The Watcher in the Water require creature types to be effective.

Speaking of Watcher in the Water, you'll need instant speed card draw. You're gonna need card draw regardless, but WitW will need feeding to be effective. This includes, but isn't limited to Archmage's Charm, Bane's Contingency, Jace's Archivist, Opt and Triskaidekaphile.

Triskaidekaphile is an Alternate Win Card as well, which you should have in your deck as a means of winning if you can't win by beating up your opponents. Other Alternate Win cards that would also fit the best in this deck are Central Elevator / Promising Stairs(To fully take advantage of the Eerie ability on Fear of Sleep Paralysis), Darksteel Reactor and Twenty-Toed Toad(which doesn't specify what counters apply to the win condition).

The latter two are fed well by your commander's static ability. Proliferate cards you can use include, but are not limited to, Contagion Engine, Contentious Plan and Inexorable Tide.

However, if you have a Commander like Tekuthal, it would not be wise to NOT take advantage of the proliferate ability. Crystalline Giant can give your creatures counters other than +1/+1, especially if you use Goldberry, River-Daughter to move hexproof counters onto your most important pieces. Power Conduit is another card that can strengthen your creatures. And you certainly can't go wrong with The Ozolith of you can afford it.

Ramp, like card draw, should be in every deck. Sol Ring is practically a necessity. Astral Cornucopia and Everflowing Chalice become mana fountains of their own once the charge counters are on and proliferating. Though cards like Arcane Melee, Defiler of Dreams and Urza's Incubator(which gets support from Maskwood Nexus) are just as useful.

And finally there's lands that can help with counters(like Nesting Grounds and Blast Zone), reusing spells(Like Mystic Sanctuary), redundancy(such as Reliquary Tower) and can offer elements of control not available to blue(such as Scavenger Grounds. Try this keep at least half lands as Basic Islands. That way, if you get hit with cards like Alpine Moon or Blood Moon it's not an immediate capitation.

Well, that it for my part. I hope this is a help, if nothing else than for inspiration. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

that_dude33 on Mirko, Obsessive Theorist - Surveil Reanimator

6 months ago

Love Mirko, looters are great to add when you have a reanimate target stuck in your hand. Some finality counter removers are must haves too. Soul Diviner, Power Conduit

SaberTech on Atraxa Stax

1 year ago

I think that this deck list is still a bit unfocused. It is basically saying that it wants to stall things out and win with poison counters, and it has the Magistrate's Scepter + Coretapper + Atraxa, Praetors' Voice combo for infinite turns, but there are a number of cards included that will only do synergistic things some of the time that will water down your meaningful draws.

Some cards to consider to increase your potential to kill with poison counters include Evolution Sage, Tekuthal, Inquiry Dominus, Inexorable Tide, and Phyresis Outbreak. I'm also kind of partial to Viral Drake. Tekuthal can act as an alternative to Coretapper for your Magistrate's Scepter combo.

I think that a lot of your STAX stuff will often feel lackluster since you aren't running any support to help you break parity on them. To get the most out of Winter Orb and Stasis it helps to have cards such as Nature's Will or Sword of Feast and Famine. There are also cards that tap down permanents/artifacts that you can use to tap down the Orbs at the end of your opponent's turn so that you can untap all your lands on your turn.

Cards that drain life like Scheming Aspirant and Bloodchief Ascension probably aren't worth it if you are trying to kill with poison counters. The life gain that you get off them is also pretty negligible. Although, if you had Mindcrank to combo with the Ascension it could function as a backup win condition.

You don't actually run that many cards that put counters on themselves or other cards you control, so Power Conduit and Soul Diviner look pretty lackluster on the basis of them not likely being consistent value when you draw into them.

I don't know what your commander meta is like, but in general there isn't a lot of targeted land destruction in casual games. Tomik, Distinguished Advokist will rarely be of any worth in most casual groups unless you regularly play against someone who uses cards like Crucible of Worlds to net value off of fetch lands and utility lands.

You have very few artifacts that send themselves to the graveyard. I think there is an argument to be made that you will rarely get much value out of Glissa, the Traitor's ability, even taking into consideration the possibility of getting back artifacts that opponents destroy. Still a decent blocker I guess. A more general effect like Eternal Witness in that slot may provide more consistent value though.

Those are just a few suggestions. I could think of more once I have a better idea of how you are looking to develop the deck further.

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