Avaricious Dragon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Avaricious Dragon

Creature — Dragon


At the beginning of your draw step, draw an additional card.

At the beginning of your end step, discard your hand.

nhhale on Flubs, the Fool WIP

3 months ago

TheOfficialCreator great suggestions. Avaricious Dragon seems problematic because if I discard my hand and then have to draw 2 cards at the beginning of my turn I'm toast because playing either of those cards forces me to discard the other to Flubs ability. Need to have an odd number of cards in my hand before I start trying to cantrip for this reason.

TheOfficialCreator on Flubs, the Fool WIP

3 months ago

Avaricious Dragon, also you're missing Grapeshot. Storm-Kiln Artist is another potential addition.

SufferFromEDHD on Dragons At A Rivcount *PRIMER*

9 months ago

Avaricious Dragon might be worth a spot.

Valakut Awakening  Flip could be upgraded to discard like Change of Fortune, Dangerous Wager or Dragon Mage.

Gamble great tutor to begin with by the random discard is an upside in this deck.

Null Brooch grants Negate to colors that can't Negate.

Geier Reach Sanitarium > Mikokoro, Center of the Sea

Icaruskid on Shivan Proctologists Office

1 year ago

I really really like the Ensnaring Bridge + Avaricious Dragon combination!

TheOfficialCreator on Help Me Pick A Commander

1 year ago

Max_Hammer Obeka doesn't work with Goatnapper/Act of Treason effects, since they end at the end of the turn. The end of the turn still happens with Obeka.

The best cards to use with Obeka are the ones that mess you up on your end step. Alchemist's Gambit, Angel's Trumpet errata, Avaricious Dragon, etc.

SoupyYumYumSlurp on Draw 2 Exile

2 years ago

With Eruth, Tormented Prophet, you'll be playing most of the game without a hand. Cards like Spellbook won't do too much, as there's already no limit to the number of cards you can impulse draw with Eruth. If you're going for the no hand strategy, cards like Goblin Lore, Breakthrough and Faithless Looting are really strong. Cards that benefit from having nothing in your hand like Ensnaring Bridge are fun, and stuff like Lion's Eye Diamond (if you can get your hands on one) and Avaricious Dragon that forces you to discard your hand are fun, too. I'm not sure if Alhammarret's Archive works as you're not technically drawing cards. Bosium Strip is underrated and fun to throw into any spellslinger deck, especially Eruth because you'll be casting a lot each turn, so your graveyard won't have too many creatures and whatnot. Bonus Round is great too. Wild-Magic Sorcerer is pretty stupid with Eruth. Here's a deck I made you might want to check out: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/eruth-edh-2/

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