Otherworld Atlas

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Otherworld Atlas


{T}: Put a charge counter on Otherworld Atlas. {T}: Each player draws a card for each charge counter on Otherworld Atlas.

DemonDragonJ on What Card Should Replace Otherworld …

4 hours ago

I have a copy of Otherworld Atlas in my Atraxa, Praetors' Voice EDH deck, but I am contemplating replacing it with another card, since other users here have said that that card is not a good card, so I would like to ask for advice on what card should replace it.

My first choice was Mindless Automaton, because of how excellent that creature would be, in this deck, but that would be one less card that would synergize with Flux Channeler, so I am also considering Empowered Autogenerator, since that card obviously would be amazing in this deck, although it does enter the battlefield tapped, which I feel is competently necessary, since, even with a Doubling Season, on the battlefield, its controller cannot regain the mana that they spent on it, immediately. I also am considering Tome of Legends, which does require mana to activate, but has amazing synergy with that deck.

What does everyone else say about this? What card should I put into my Atraxa deck, in place of Otherworld Atlas?

DemonDragonJ on Is Staff of Completion a …

5 days ago

wallisface, each of my decks definitely has sources of card advantage that suit that deck's theme, but I chose Temple Bell because EDH was still a relatively new format at the time that I built many of my deck, and it seemed to eb a good card, to me, for the reasons that I have previously mentioned, but I hope that you can appreciate the fact that I now am asking for cards with which to replace it, as that shows that I have realized that Temple Bell may not be the best card for every deck; do you recall that I previously had a copy of The Immortal Sun in the majority of my EDH decks, and I replaced those copies with cards that better suited those decks? I am now doing the same with Temple Bell, as well.

DarkKiridon, I have several cards in mind for replacing Otherworld Atlas, so I shall make a separate thread to discuss that topic.

DarkKiridon on Is Staff of Completion a …

5 days ago

wallisface explained Otherworld Atlas perfectly.

Temple Bell and Otherworld Atlas, in my honest opinion, only belong in Group Hug shells. Any other decks I don't see them in. Take your Atraxa, Praetors' Voice deck for example. Most of those decks, if not all, (with that commander) want to smash face. Not give your opponents resources or make friends for a turn. There are 2 Atraxa decks I have to play against in my group. One is a Walker deck which plays a crap ton of free counterspells and protection spells and the other plays with their +1/+1 counters. Both decks annoy the crap out of me but they are completely different from one another. Not one runs the aforementioned cards we are talking about which is NOT a stab at you DemonDragonJ but I digress.

Staff of Compleation is not a bad card I think and if it fits within the decks you are talking about then that's OKAY. :)

Everyone seems to be in agreement that Temple Bell is BAD. Loran of the Third Path is a solid replacement if that is what you are set on. Never hurts to playtest.

Replace Otherworld Atlas. Every time I see it I throw up. ;)

wallisface on Is Staff of Completion a …

6 days ago

DemonDragonJ your criteria appears to be “has a tap ability which doesn’t include a mana cost or active-only-as-sorcery”. That’s a massive selection of cards. I’m not sure what that search criteria would be but it’s surely far too vast to be useful.

Archivist reads as being an incredibly slow card. Yes in commander interaction is scarce so it’ll likely stick around… but it’s mana cist is just soo high for such a slow/durdly/weak return.

Otherworld Atlas falls into that same bucket of being extremely slow/durdly/weak, except that it’s even worse in that it’s helping your opponents, so is actively terrible for you in the same way Temple Bell is… Otherworld Atlas is even worse as it has all the same problems as Temple Bell while costing twice as much mana and generally being far more inefficient (on the plus side its high mana cost means it’ll take longer to start giving your opponents cards)

The barrier for including Staff of Compleation in a deck shouldn't be whether you can scrape together enough lifegain to offset it (lifegain in general is a weak/terrible strategy you should generally avoid, especially so in a format that’s starting you on an absurdly high 40 life). The barrier to include the card should be “does activating this 2-3 times win me the game?” - if your deck can’t profit immensely, rapidly, and reliably from the card, it’s more effort than it’s worth running

DemonDragonJ on Is Staff of Completion a …

6 days ago

What does everyone here think about Archivist? Four mana for a 1/1 creature with no protection is rather risky, but it requires no additional investment of mana, can be used as an instant, and can be used repeatedly, and benefits only its controller.

wallisface, what criteria should I use to search for those cards on Scryfall?

RiotRunner789, several of my decks could actually use Staff of Compleation, such as my Jenara, Asura of War EDH deck, my Marath, Will of the Wild *f-etch* EDH deck, and my Liesa, Shroud of Dusk EDH deck, all of which have sufficient amounts of lifegain to be able to pay the costs of the abilities of the staff and all of which could actually benefit from the proliferate ability. Unfortunately, my Liesa deck is the only deck of mine that can gain life reliably enough to justify the inclusion of Well of Lost Dreams, and I definitely like Idol of Oblivion, but the only deck of mine in which that card would be reliable is my Ghired, Conclave Exilefoil EDH deck, and I am not certain what card I would remove from that deck, to make room for the idol.

DarkKiridon, I am almost afraid to ask, but why do you dislike Otherworld Atlas?

DarkKiridon on Is Staff of Completion a …

1 week ago

Just replace them with a mana rock or something. By glancing at your Atraxa deck you could use an Arcane Signet.

Also just spitballing here but... Otherworld Atlas is terrible.

DemonDragonJ on Kalonian Hydra or Bristly Bill?

3 months ago

Last_Laugh, I prefer Fathom Mage over Danny Pink, since her ability has no limit to the number of times that it can trigger, and I actually would very much like to put Magistrate's Scepter in place of Otherworld Atlas, but the first ability simply costs too much mana to activate.

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