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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Target creature gains haste until end of turn.

Draw a card.

FauxFaux on Veyran deck combo synergies

3 years ago

Here are some I use, seperated by category:

Double Strike: Temur Battle Rage , Assault Strobe , Psychotic Fury , Buccaneer's Bravado , Raking Claws

Haste: Expedite , Crimson Wisps , Accelerate , Fever Charm

Evasion/Unblockable: Distortion Strike , Slip Through Space , Artful Dodge , Crypsis

Protection: Dive Down , Mizzium Skin , Glint , Shell Shield , Lazotep Plating

Power Pump: Rush of Blood , Balduvian Rage , Dynacharge , Unleash Fury , Sure Strike , Brute Strength , Titan's Strength , Rouse the Mob , Infuriate

Other than that, I run some value cards, like Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip, Storm-Kiln Artist , and Aetherflux Reservoir to just go on, and on, and on, and on, so on and so forth. Plenty of Draw Spells to keep the gas going, and some other Spell-slinging accoutrements.

Peoni on Kykar's Tokens & Cantrips

4 years ago

Accelerate, Crimson Wisps, and Magmatic Insight, and Needle Drop are all options for more red cantrips.

As was just recommended Docent of Perfection  Flip and Metallurgic Summonings are both good Young Pyro type cards.

I think after taking out Assemble and all those cards, then replacing Improbable and Mad Ratter, your deck as far as its main strategy and win cons goes is pretty solid. At this point I believe it would be a good move to work towards rounding out the deck with general purpose removal/hate/counters, because you should have no problem netting wins with the tools you have, but you also need to make sure you get to use your tools and your opponents don't get to use theirs. 2 more counters of your choice, and the aforementioned Swords to Plowshares and Chaos Warp would be my personal recommendations.

Adding in Banishing Knack also sounds like a good idea just for the sake of consistency.

I believe as this deck stands it's just about finished. :^) There's always room for tweaks and whatnot but I think you've got all the pieces for success put together and now you just gotta playtest it. I would be wary about adding too much more, or incorporating other strats that spread your deck thin and end up weakening your main focus. Even if you took out a few more cards I don't think you're working with a lot of potential slots for new additions, so you gotta make sure those slots count and really enhance what you're trying to do as a whole. This is the part of deck building I hate lol. Never enough card slots. :^(

Azdranax on Useful formulas for deck building

4 years ago

Interesting topic Ramble, I've been meaning to respond for the last day or two but have just been super busy, but let me provide a mana base formula I stumbled on a few years back after noticing a pattern in my deck building - might be something to try out and see if you find similar results, as I find it's very rare to get either flooded or mana screwed using this formula. I'll provide a couple of examples as well - more for the casual-competitive decks, as my cEDH decks don't always follow the formula as rigorously.

The basic formula for mana-producing lands is: Starting base of 30 mana-producing lands, plus additional lands equal to the CMC of your commander, plus additional lands equal to the average CMC of the deck, minus designated values for each mana rock, mana dork, mana spell and draw spell equal to or less than the CMC of the commander.

The first example is for my Zada, Hedron Grinder deck: Yada...Yada...Zada. In this case, the formula is 30 + 4CMC (commander) + 2.28 average CMC, or 36.28. I then subtract designated values for the following cards in the deck: -1.0 for Mana Crypt, -0.5 for Sol Ring (or any other 0 or 1 CMC rock), -0.25 for Thought Vessel (or any other 2 or 3 CMC rock), Battle Hymn, Brightstone Ritual, Traitorous Greed and Dockside Extortionist, and finally -0.10 for each of the draw spells in the deck: Accelerate, Boiling Blood, Crimson Wisps, Expedite, Fists of Flame, Stun and Renegade Tactics for a total reduction of 3.45 and a final value of 32.83 (rounded up to 33).

The second example includes a more aggressive reduction in mana-producing lands based on my Elf tribal Marwyn, the Nurturer deck: Elves Tap and Slap (Marwyn Tribal Counters). The formula here is 30 + 3CMC (commander) + 2.64 average CMC, or 35.64. I then subtract for the following cards: -0.50 for Sol Ring, -0.25 for Elvish Archdruid, Elvish Mystic, Fyndhorn Elves, Gyre Sage, Incubation Druid, Llanowar Elves, Llanowar Visionary, Priest of Titania, Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, Viridian Joiner, Wood Elves, Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Nissa's Pilgrimage, Rhonas's Monument, Gaea's Touch and Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip. Finally, I subtract -0.10 for Elvish Visionary, Llanowar Visionary and Inspiring Call for a total reduction of 5.30 and a final value of 30.34 (rounded down to 30).

Although the reduction values could be considered a little arbitrary in certain deck concepts, this formula has held pretty accurate since I started keeping track of it. I hope you find this useful in the future, and happy brewing.

mmogel on Watch Your Blocks

4 years ago

Bounty of Might seems weak, since to copy it, you're paying 6 to give one creature +9

Can you copy Blossoming Defense, Hunter's Insight or Ranger's Guile on other player's creatures?

Artful Dodge makes all opponents unable to block on attacks, as does Mugging, Off Balance, Renegade Tactics, Singe, Stun

All of the ___ Wisps cards, Expedite, Leap, Accelerate, Carom, Pressure Point, Quickchange, Refocus, will draw a ton of cards on a big board.

Also a ton of mass-damage, mass-bounce, mass-protection, mass-indestructible you could look at. Ex: Snap is a pseudo boardwipe that generates a ton of mana

triproberts12 on Need Card Suggestions for Kalamax, …

4 years ago

It really depends on what kind of deck you want to build. If you're trying to infinitely copy Fork or something, Survivors' Encampment, Holdout Settlement, and Springleaf Drum are basically free, repeatable self-tappers. A more aggressive deck that wants to attack with lightning-butt the turn he comes down might prefer the package of Expedite, Crimson Wisps, Samut's Sprint, and Accelerate.

RecklessFable on Feather's spells

5 years ago

Hey, thanks for the reply. I'm not too worried about cost as I'm taking apart another Boros deck (The flip Avacyn) that never quite got to a good place for me, so the Mana Base, Sunforger , and even Land Tax are already my hands. I also love that I can go through my old collection from the 90s and grab junk that turns to gold here. I mean, I drafted Accelerate back in the day :)

Aria of Flame looks like an interesting risk. I guess it depends on how much removal people bring since you don't make back the life given away until the 8th cast if my math is right.

I'll see if I can find a "Target Each" wrath effect that I can save myself from using something like Ajani's Presence .

Kerakis on Feather's Spell Recycling Service

5 years ago

After playing last night, I get the feeling that the deck is being pulled into too many different directions. My advice is to lean into the cantrip effects while protecting Feather and the other creatures, and try to win through combat as soon as possible. I think that the token subtheme is solid, but I'd chuck the redirect shenanigans. It would make for a good laugh when/if it finally goes off, but the combo is too fragile, too expensive, and takes up way too many card slots.

My suggestions (in no particular order):

In: 25


  • Purphoros, God of the Forge - On the fence with this one, but I think you have enough token generation to warrant him.
  • Twinflame - Multiple Heroic trigger and synergizes well with Purphoros
  • Spawning Breath - Puke up tokens for ramp/Purph triggers. Bonus points if you proc Heroic.
  • Assemble the Legion - Another iffy card that I'd probably only run with the Purph package. It pretty much has to be answered or it will get out of control, but it takes time.
  • Skullclamp - Plenty of tokens to draw cards off of. May already have enough card draw, if there is such a thing. Test to find out.
  • Bathe in Light - Protection for likely many of your creatures, but no card draw, and it doesn't protect against board wipes.
  • Grand Abolisher - We aren't a particularly counter-heavy meta, but I think this might warrant an include to protect from getting hit with a 2-for-1 destroy spell in response to your targeting your creature with a spell. This deck will be reliant on swinging hard every turn.
  • Duergar Hedge-Mage - We have a pretty enchantment/artifact heavy meta, but if you are fast enough, it may not matter.
  • Runaway Steam-Kin - Useful for storing up some red mana for those X spells, but there aren't many in the deck currently.
  • Vandalblast - cough Meta cough
  • Soul's Fire - Good way to finish someone off, if you can't get through easily. Might not be necessary.
  • Emerge Unscathed - Protection. The free cast is nice, but lacks the card draw.
  • Sentinel Tower - Iffy on this one, but I think you'll cast enough spells to make this valuable.
  • Graceful Reprieve - ETB triggers/"Protection". Definitely better than Gift of Immortality in this deck, but you should be able to keep your creatures alive without needing this.
  • Teferi's Protection - Dodging boardwipes is useful, but this may be unnecessary. No way of abusing Feather's ability here.
  • Gilded Lotus - Colored mana rock, but with such a low average CMC, this may not be necessary relative to the cost.
  • Fell the Mighty - Board wipe that will let you keep at least something of yours. Test to see if it is necessary. You may be able to outpace opponents without it.
  • Austere Command - Value city. Likely to be used to wipe other threats while keeping your own. Test to see if it is necessary. You may be able to outpace opponents without it.
  • Chandra's Ignition - paired with one of the spells that give protection or indestructible, and targeting a heavy hitter, you can wipe everyone else's creatures and keep your own. Might be too heavy-handed, but probably worth testing.
  • Bandage - Card draw/possible protection. The protection seems a bit weak, so I'd only add it, if you feel that you're stalling out on card draw.
  • Heal - Card draw/possible protection The protection seems a bit weak, so I'd only add it, if you feel that you're stalling out on card draw.

Out: 25

  • Crowd's Favor - Not sure that it does enough to warrant a card slot, especially without drawing you a card.
  • Galvanic Blast - Part of the cut redirect package. Little use outside of said package.
  • Liberate - Currently, the only ETB effects in the deck are Captain of the Watch and Stuffy Doll 's choose a player clause, both of which I would recommend cutting. It would synergize with the Purph package, but even still I'm not sure it warrants a spot, given all the protection you already have.
  • Lightning Bolt - Part of the cut redirect package. Little use outside of said package.
  • Lightning Strike - Part of the cut redirect package. Little use outside of said package.
  • Magnetic Theft - There are currently only two equipments in the deck, and you're unlikely to face too many equipments in our meta, since your decks make up most of the equipment in said meta.
  • Shock - Part of the cut redirect package. Little use outside of said package.
  • Authority of the Consuls - The small amount of lifegain is unlikely to be needed. The hatebear effect is too easy to play around.
  • Gift of Immortality - This card doesn't synergize with much of anything. You're better off running protection spells that Feather can return to your hand.
  • Guilty Conscience - Part of the cut redirect package. Little use outside of said package.
  • Indestructibility - With as many instants that give a creature indestructible, this card seems unnecessary and only serves to slow the deck down.
  • Pariah - Part of the cut redirect package. Little use outside of said package.
  • Shielded by Faith - With as many instants that give a creature indestructible, this card seems unnecessary and only serves to slow the deck down.
  • Boros Reckoner - Part of the cut redirect package. Little use outside of said package.
  • Captain of the Watch - There are only 3 other soldiers in the deck. She might (barely) make the cut, if you had Purphoros, but I'd likely still cut her.
  • Coalhauler Swine - Part of the cut redirect package. Little use outside of said package.
  • Fabled Hero - Basically, just a beater. I'd much rather proc the other Heroic triggers in order to get tokens to protect against forced sacrifice effects.
  • Firesong and Sunspeaker - You have 1 white spell that can trigger this, and that is if you swords your own creature. You have 6 (cut to 2 with these suggestions) red spells that will gain you life. Using Blasphemous Act to gain a bunch of life is neat, but lifegain in Commander is often negligible due to commander damage, and with so few ways of actually triggering this card at all, it definitely doesn't make the cut.
  • Stuffy Doll - Part of the cut redirect package. Little use outside of said package.
  • Truefire Captain - Part of the cut redirect package. Little use outside of said package.
  • Fire Diamond - Not terrible when you get it early, but coming in tapped is going to feel bad when you need the mana that turn.
  • Marble Diamond - Not terrible when you get it early, but coming in tapped is going to feel bad when you need the mana that turn.
  • Pariah's Shield - Part of the cut redirect package. Little use outside of said package.
  • Pearl Medallion - Not enough high CMC white cards to warrant this, especially since it doesn't discount the color cost.
  • Chain Lightning - Part of the cut redirect package. Little use outside of said package.

Mondo1212 on Feather The Redeemed

5 years ago

Here ya go, Derrick,

Where is Gamble

Ramp or extra mana

Fellwar Stone , Fire Diamond , Marble Diamond , MindStone, Sword of the Animist , Thought Vessel , Hardened Berserker , Treasonous Ogre , Neheb, the Eternal , Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion Desperate Ritual , Pyretic Ritual , Seething Song ,

Target spells that are dope

Coordinated Assault , Enrage , Otherworldly Outburst is cool and you can loop it if the creature you buff dies making a token, Samut's Sprint , Titan's Strength , Accelerate , Aleatory , Chaotic Strike , Stun , Niveous Wisps , Carom , Formation gives banding which is spicy, Spiritualize , Stave Off , Bathe in Light , Feat of Resistance , Chaos Warp target tokens to get permanets from your deck for free, and is good removal.

Heroic/Prowess Creatures cuz value

Vanguard of Brimaz , Fabled Hero , Tethmos High Priest , Leonin Iconoclast , Arena Athlete , Akroan Line Breaker , Monastery Swiftspear , Soul-Scar Mage , Dragon-Style Twins ,

these are some cards I think you should look at, don't need all and some might not fit exactly but if you like them then put them in. Cut some lands you can go down to 34 if you add in more artifacts, which go great with paradox engine.

Cards I think you should replace: Emerge Unscathed rebound fucks with your commander it exiles them not letting you put them back into your hand; Aurelia's Fury really expensive to get any good use out of it, or if you want protection during your turns run Grand Abolisher or Silence ; Expose Evil is too slow of a draw engine Mentor of the Meek with the tokens you make is better for drawing; Burnished Hart and Solemn Simulacrum are meh, better to go with artifact ramp that can feed the paradox plan, plus artifact ramp is cheaper and faster; speaking of artifacts Boros Cluestone and Boros Keyrune are good flavor options but aren't that good as other artifacts; Inferno Titan and Sun Titan are good creatures but don't fit into the game plan as well better to put things that help with the gameplan.

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