Gut Shot

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gut Shot


( can be paid with either or 2 life.)

Gut Shot deals 1 damage to target creature or player.

legendofa on The Spiteful Professor and the Penitent Dinosaur

11 months ago

psionictemplar Frilled Deathspitter is interchangeable with Spiteful Shadows on an opponent's creature as the damage loop with Guilty Conscience, so there's a little more redundancy. I'll give Deathspitter #4 a try, though. I missed that Gut Shot is Pauper legal, so that's definitely going in. I think the mana fixing part of Ash Barrens is more valuable than the minor deck fixing, but that's worth considering. I'll slot a couple in.

psionictemplar on The Spiteful Professor and the Penitent Dinosaur

11 months ago

I would like to see a 4th copy of frilled myself since it is one of your combo pieces and I would probably replace either a tapland or a faithless looting. Leaning looting since you arent a graveyard deck at all although I am sure its more for finding combo pieces. Only other things I might suggest are Ash Barrens instead of taplands since its deck thinning and mana fixing and a consideration for Gut Shot as a free combo enabler.

psionictemplar on The Land(fall) Before Time

1 year ago

I have some ideas for cards that are budget friendly and can give you some interaction when you don't have the combo ready. For starters, have you considered Oliphaunt and Generous Ent as fetchable 6 drops that can also help you hit your land drops? Might be good have for the games when opponents have tons of removal so that you can keep progressing your board without elves.

A second/third card I will suggest is Cathartic Pyre as it gives you a choice of defense, draw, or a potential way to start your combo. It also has fringe benefits of being a suprise graveyard filler against Living End decks (as does the landcyclers).

For the sideboard, I am going to suggest dropping the nourish and the nature's spiral. In their place, I suggest copies of Evolution Charm and maybe Gut Shot as another way to instant start your combo. I've never been a big fan of lifegain since all it does normally is just make you lose slower. It's better to kill their creatures than take damage from them over several turns, and while you do have fog it suffers from the same problems in not progressing your plan or stopping theirs.

Anyhow, these are just some basic thoughts from me and I hope they help. I've been trying to figure out a way to make Marauding Raptor combo myself.

Icbrgr on Is WotC Being Cautious About …

1 year ago

"Yes good my spikey opponent... get really greedy bring yourself to 1 life so I may then Gut Shot you!"

In all seriousness though any relevant effects that can happen without paying actual mana is powerful... phyrexian mana can almost be compared to exiling a card in hand instead of paying its mana cost kinda like Force of Negation.

I have a love and hate for this design space because I love when it's used fairly for things like Death's Shadow or even shocklands... but as the power level of the game in general just keeps climbing us as Magic the Gathering players are slowly becoming more and more like our Yugioh brethren.

Agatha12 on Mono Red Rush

1 year ago

Bomat Courier has been doing okay.

I feel like that will likely be the next card I replace, or trade out for more Dragons Rage Channeler, another Gut Shot and another Underworld Breach

To be honest my local meta is very weird. It's a bit smaller than most I think but Smash to Smithereens was the card I was going to comb through my collection to find. Because I knew about Chalice of the Void but haven't seen it yet.

Jimmithee on I Feel It In My Gut (Skeletons & Aristocrats)

1 year ago

No Gut Shot, deck title inaccurate

Agatha12 on Mono Red Rush

1 year ago

Aug 8th, Record 2-2 60% Game win rate (6-4)

Strangely enough my shop didn't have Experimental Synthesizer Before I started today I had already bought 3 Gut Shot and 1 Underworld Breach to replace my Tormenting Voice and Cathartic Reunion

2 things I've discovered this evening. My deck is SUPER good with 2 mana. Most games were either 1 turn away from me beating them. Or them just Combing me to the end of existence by turn 4 (literally in my last round). I won 3 games today with only 2 Mana.

The other thing. Dragon's Rage Channeler is good.

I seem to do OKAY with most other decks, and REALLY well with control-y types.

Also with the abundance of shock/fetch lands nowadays I basically have to do about 14-16 damage in a game. But it ain't easy with some of these decks.


CHANGES: Sideboard Blood Moonx2

I wanted to be that ONE special red deck that doesn't need this card. But it really does need it. There are WAY to many decks out that this shuts down (pretty much instantly) Will plan to buy more as necessary

Underworld Breachx1

Unfortunately, I don't have a million dollars, or I would buy more of this card.


Screw blue. Red also need a counter against black -.-


Kari Zev's Expertisex2

The amount of compliments I got playing this card was amazing. Pay 3 Mana to take control of a creature and then play a free card (basically with the majority of my deck being <2 mana) In the words of one of my opponents "This is the perfect cheap replacement and fits your deck SUPER well. Good thinking"

The issue is, It is WAY to situational I really wish this was an Instant. Would make this card 10x better.


Dragon's Rage Channelerx2

Again, only found 2. Need 4 likely. If I do this, might have to rethink some other components. Maybe not.

- The Flame of Keldx3

I loved this card too. But it is way too situational. And the only real benefit is the 2 cards. and it takes 2 turns to get them.

Lava Dartx4

I was extremely lucky to have someone gift me a playset of this card. I bought the dude a drink after. Was great.

Agatha12 on Mono Red Rush

1 year ago

Potential Replacements for Tormenting Voice and Cathartic Reunion

Experimental Synthesizerx4

Underworld Breachx2 with Gut Shotx2 (maybe replacing Karl Zev card too)

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