Chief of the Foundry

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chief of the Foundry

Artifact Creature — Construct

Other artifact creatures you control get +1/+1.

Wesinator69 on Imma Baddie I Do What I Please

2 months ago

I know you hate tapped lands so I would suggest the following:

Also I hate Temple of the False God it should stop being included in precons. Plus 37 lands is a bit much. There are a couple other cards that don't seem to do enough for the mana cost. So I would also suggest the following:

TheOfficialCreator on Equip

2 months ago

You need Hammer of Nazahn, Grafted Exoskeleton, Shadowspear and Open the Armory. Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, and Mox Opal if possible.


Adaptive Automaton (clunky, what are you choosing??)

Benalish Marshal (too mana intensive for so little impact)

Bladegraft Aspirant (same)

Burnished Hart (too slow)

Chief of the Foundry (too much mana for so little impact)

Eivor, Battle-Ready (way too expensive)

Kassandra, Eagle Bearer (not really cost efficient since you don't have the spear)

Militia Bugler (not good)

Mother of Runes -> Giver of Runes

Novice Knight (not good)

Thraben Inspector (not really refined for your game plan)

Darksteel Plate -> Mithril Coat

Explorer's Scope (not good)

Haunted Plate Mail (not good)

Ring of Thune (not good)

Sword of Hours (not good)

Sword of the Paruns (not very good)

Hieromancer's Cage -> Borrowed Time

Pacifism (not good)

Stasis Snare -> Grasp of Fate

Council's Judgment (this card sucks)

Visions of Ruin -> Vandalblast

NyxDragon on Lords or Buffs?

9 months ago

Hello Tapped Out. I found my answers and cant delete this. Hope you have a great day!

legendofa on Stealy McStealer

9 months ago

robngraves That combo doesn't quite work. Animated lands are still colorless unless specifically stated otherwise, and Mycosynth Lattice even makes sure they're colorless. So your lands die along with all the other lands, since Caged Sun won't pump them.

Chief of the Foundry, Master of Etherium (already in the deck), and Unctus, Grand Metatect would all work, though.

wallisface on Thopters!

1 year ago

Also just something else i’ve noticed, Sword of the Meek won’t work with Tempered Steel or Chief of the Foundry, as the buffs will mean the creature is no longer a 1/1.

Keeping that in mind, here’s an example list incorporating my suggestions:

wallisface on Thopters!

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • i think you might want another playset of 1-mana cards. At the moment you have very little to do turn 1, and effectively starting a full turn behind your opponent is a really dangerous place to be.

  • instead of Sparring Construct i’d suggest Arcbound Worker and/or Arcbound Javelineer.

  • Chief of the Foundry and Etherium Sculptor are both kindof “meh” because neither particularly helps your board state in any meaningful way. Better options could include Welding Jar (protects the stuff that matters), Throne of Geth (lets you sac the Walker to make thopters, importantly lets you sacrifice to avoid your creature being exiled), and Emry, Lurker of the Loch (helps you assemble your combo a lot more reliably).

  • i think your list can get away with only 22 lands.

  • personally i’d only run 3 copies of Sword of the Meek, particularly if you end up playing Emry. Drawing one is great but the second one is almost never helpful.

multimedia on Urza Artifacts

1 year ago

Hey, good upgrades to the precon so far.

To help with Blightsteel, other high mana cost artifacts, how about adding Master Transmuter replacing Filigree Attendant? Transmuter can cheat Colossus onto the battlefield during an opponent's turn, pseudo flash. Transmuter doesn't target that way you can put the same artifact you bounced right back onto the battlefield, interact with any artifact that has ETB ability such as Mightstone.

Because you have Blightsteel you could cut Darksteel since it's much worse, not really needed, for Spellskite to protect? Especially to protect Urza + Mightstone to meld and Spellskite becomes much better when playing Teshar. Counterspell is more prevention of opponent artifact board wipe, it can do more here than Wreck Hunter who doesn't trigger for any token that dies because a token is not considered a card.

Research Thief can provide a lot more support, repeatable draw with Constructs, much more then Darksteel Juggernaut. Phyrexian Metamorph and Sculpting Steel are powerful artifacts in multiplayer Commander because they can become something an opponent controls or something you control. They are also excellent with Transmuter to change what they are. This artifact versitialy is better than Etched Champion and Chief of the Foundry.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Optimus Prime Rolls Out!

1 year ago

Hey, good version so far and nice Transmute Artifact. It's crazy only three cards here make up $1700+ of the $2k deck price.

Your deck doesn't have a Commander. In the deck editor where you see text list of the cards add CMDR to the end of Optimus?

Optimus Prime, Hero *CMDR*

When you save and return to your deck Optimus will be the Commander with it's own category and card image.

Definitely find room for Zabaz, the Glimmerwasp since it does a lot for a 1 drop. Zabaz + Optimus Prime, Autobot Leader  Flip is honestly all you really need since the little bug does it all. Modular and being a repeatable sac outlet for Optimus Prime, Hero  Flip is excellent. It can sac itself to then put all it's counters on Optimus Prime, Autobot Leader  Flip for a huge attack of lethal Commander damage to an opponent. It being a sac outlet for Optimus Prime, Hero  Flip is what makes it powerful.

Animation Module can be part of a combo for infinite counters on all creatures you control and infinite Servos with Ashnod's Altar + Cathars' Crusade. The only problem with this combo is Crusade is an enchantment, not an artifact. Without having tutors to get Crusade it could be difficult to assemble. If you add Crusade then enchantment tutors would help.

Some cards here to consider cutting for these:

Because of bolster and other counter sources then the small +1/+1 anthem effect is not really needed from Chief of the Foundry or Master of Etherium. You have three better creatures here who protect artifacts, Bronze Guardian is not needed. Arcbound Crusher could simply be cut for a better modular creature? Towashi Guide-Bot at 4 mana is too much for what you get. Yes, it could be repeatable draw, but you have to tap it to draw only once. It is good with Unwinding Clock, but without Clock it's subpar.

Before I make other card suggestions, what is your budget for making upgrades? You have some of the most expensive price cards in Magic here, but you also have some of the worst budget lands thus I don't know what to think. Some areas to consider expanding on are ramp and sac outlets? Ramp to make it easier to cast Optimus and sac outlets to abuse Optimus Prime, Hero  Flip convert. 9 sources of ramp is low when Optimus is 5 or 6 mana.

Optimus Prime, Hero  Flip has to die to convert, having some sources to sac him can be helpful and also give lots of value. Sac outlets let you repeatedly use both sides of Optimus and they help to get around having to cast 6 mana Optimus Prime, Hero  Flip. Instead, More Than Meets the Eye for Optimus Prime, Autobot Leader  Flip which can be even less than 5 mana with any effect that reduces artifact casting cost.

To get around summoning sickness you want to be able to sac Optimus Prime, Hero  Flip on an opponent's turn. If you sac Optimus Prime, Hero  Flip on your turn then when it returns to the battlefield it has summoning sickness, can't attack without haste. This isn't as bad if you have another creature to attack + bolster because Optimus Prime, Autobot Leader  Flip itself doesn't have to attack to convert, but still you want to be attacking with trampling Optimus Prime, Autobot Leader  Flip doing Commander damage.

If you're interested I offer more advice when I get a better idea what your budget is for upgrades. Would you like more advice?

Good luck with your deck.

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