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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Return target creature to its owner's hand. Untap up to two lands.

legendofa on Why is Untapping Lands a …

1 week ago

In blue, the Urza's Block hugely skew land untapping, and that block is widely considered to be an overpowered mistake, especially for blue. Urza's Saga and Urza's Legacy alone have ten cards that allow land-specific untapping, more than half of all the blue cards that allow untapping lands without untapping all permanents. They'll be included for the sake of completion, but I wouldn't take them as any sort of precedent. Pioneer legality is just five cards, with one of them being Standard-legal. Blue is the undisputed king of untapping permanents in general, but doesn't have any special focus on lands.

Ye Olde Bordere, "untap" + "land": Twiddle, Reset, Infuse, Jolt, Twitch, Mind Over Matter, Great Whale, Peregrine Drake, Rewind, Time Spiral, Turnabout, Cloud of Faeries, Frantic Search, Palinchron, Snap, Treachery, Trickster Mage. total 16

Modern Border, "untap" + "land": Oboro Breezecaller. total 1

2015 Border, "untap" + "land": Pore Over the Pages, Unwind, Finale of Revelation, Kelpie Guide. total 3

Ye Olde Bordere, "untap" + "permanent": Telekinetic Bonds. total 1

Modern Border, "untap" + "permanent": Dream's Grip, Psychic Puppetry, Toils of Night and Day, Tidewater Minion, Rimewind Taskmage, Coral Trickster, Merrow Reejerey, Pestermite, Fatestitcher, Merfolk Skyscout, Reality Spasm, Deceiver Exarch, Captain of the Mists, Ghostly Touch, Hidden Strings, Curse of Inertia, Tidal Force. total 17

2015 Border, "untap" + "permanent": Teferi, Temporal Archmage, Vizier of Tumbling Sands, Clever Conjurer, Nimbleclaw Adept, Ioreth of the Healing House, Forensic Researcher. total 6

Ye Olde Bordere, "untap" + "Island": none.

Modern Border, "untap" + "Island": none.

2015 Border, "untap" + "Island": none.

There's 44 mono-blue cards that can untap lands in some capacity, with 20 of them being more specific than untapping permanents in general. If Urza's Block is taken out, then there are 34 blue cards that untap lands, with just nine of them having any sort of restriction.

So in final summary, I see green land untapping increasing in recent years, and blue permanent untapping actually falling off slightly. There were 18 blue untap cards in the 12 years of the modern border, and nine cards so far in the nine years of the 2015 border. Discounting Urza's Block, there are slightly more green cards that can untap lands than blue cards, and many more green cards that untap lands than blue cards printed in the last ten years.

If I missed anything in this breakdown, please let me know. But I think the cards are there to support my initial position. Both green and blue are primary in untapping lands, if lands are counted as permanents, and blue is secondary in untapping lands specifically. Mark Rosewater's answer is is at best incomplete and missing nuance, and at worst totally wrong.

Keeping the above because it took me a long time write and I don't want to undo the effort.

In response to wallisface, percentage of cards with a given effect doesn't matter to primacy of color.

  • Primary – This is the color (or colors) the ability is seen in most. That means it shows up in the highest volume and usually at the lowest rarity that the type of effects get used at. The primary color will almost always get this effect in a set if it's an ability we do every set. It also tends to be the color that most often pushes the power level, if it's an effect we push the power level on. There's a wide range on what primary means, because different types of effects exist at different levels. A card secondary in flying can show up way more than a card primary in taking extra turns, for instance, because we have so many more flying cards than extra-turn cards.

  • I want to stress one more time that primary, secondary, and tertiary are relative to how often an effect is used. Things that are secondary in a color, for example, may be far more prevalent in that color than things that are primary if the items in question occur at a higher frequency.


For example, MaRoo has repeatedly stated that red is primary in extra combat cards, with white as a contender for secondary.

There are only 36 cards that grant an additional comabt. If primacy was considered as a proportion of cards that grant additional combats was considered only as a proportion of total cards of that color, I don't think any color would be considered primary.

So while there might be fewer cards that untap lands in green as a proportion of total green cards in recent years, that's not a relevant measure to color primacy. The relevant measure is how often cards that untap lands show up in green compared to other colors, which I think is demonstrated by the above lists that green has more land untap effects than any other color, with blue being nearly equivalent. That, according to MaRo's definition, means that land untapping is primary in green.

amarthaler on Acid Fishing

3 weeks ago

Very cool deck! I would agree with jonjonhholt on the Dream Stalker suggestion. I would tinker around with replacing the Indoctrination Attendants all together for Dream Stalkers. Side board the Attendants for when you're against go-wide strategy decks or simply run Echoing Truth or Fade Away.

My brain is telling me Snap could find a home too, but I don't know what you'd replace for it. List looks good and fun to play!

Dabsolux on Pauper and PDH combos

2 months ago

I would like to create a list of all Pauper and PDH deck combos. Most of them are created by NateDiggity7 (Moxfield) and PenguinPete (MTG Salvation). Here some:

BG - Golgari

BR - Rakdos

C - Colorless

G - Green

RG - Gruul

UBG - Sultai

UB - Dimir

UG - Simic

URG - Temur

U - Blue

WB - Orzhov

WG - Selesnya

WR - Boros

WUB - Esper

WU - Azorius


BR - Rakdos

BG - Golgari

U - Blue

UR - Izzet

G - Green

UG - Simic

W - White

WG - Selesnya

JustJohn97 on Mono Blue* Prowess

3 months ago

This is a very neat deck! You've got a nice split in creature types that you might want to consider Of One Mind as additional card draw. I myself am partial to Pieces of the Puzzle, but I understand if that's a bit too high on the curve. Snap is currently my favorite blue removal card, and it might work well in a prowess deck since it allows you to follow up with additional spells.

Have you been able to test this deck out? I'm curious about Brainstorm in this deck. Since your only way to 'clean the top' is Preordain, do you find yourself getting Brainstorm locked?

Thanks for sharing!

IQuarent on The Friendmaker | Talrand, Sky Summoner [PRIMER]

3 months ago

From looking at this list, I'd say what it needs is less card selection and more actual advantage. Lorien Revealed, Plea for Power, and Distant Melody (naming drakes) could all find a spot in here. Also really surprised to see Snap is not in the deck. It's a free drake.

Cards that reduce the cost of Instants and Sorceries would also suit this deck. Unfortunately the non-creature ones aren't very good. If you wanted to drop the Polymorph strategy, (which personally I would because it's going to make games very samey, not that I have anything against other people who decide to do it this way) Curious Homunculus  Flip and Baral, Chief of Compliance would both be great in here. There's also Thunderclap Drake from the new commander set, and you probably already know about Archmage Emeritus.

amarthaler on Pauper Murmuring Terrors

5 months ago

Removed Open the Omenpaths, Betrothed of Fire, Wrenn's Resolve and Mutagenic Growth.

Added Mob Justice and Snap.

Moved Weather the Storm to mainboard and balanced some card numbers.

JustJohn97 on Mono Blue Delving Terror

7 months ago

Hey Balaam__ thanks for stopping by!

I'll keep your suggestions in mind. When constructing this deck I counted Lorien Revealed as a mana source, so I saw this deck as having 18 sources of . I counted it as a for two main reasons: 1) for the island cycling, but also because 2) it adds to the sorcery count and reduces the casting cost for my creatures early on. I think 18 blue sources is a reasonable number to expect to play by turn 2/3, but if I have a string of games where this is not the case I will have to reevaluate. So far it has not been a huge issue in my games.

I will concede the Desert is very much match dependent, but in the games they were relevant I was happy to draw them. My initial impression of a decklist like this was it could be susceptible to go wide decks, or those with fliers, and I don't know of a lot of ways to deal with those in monoblue once the spells resolve (I could Snap then Counterspell but that seems like a lot of resources to spend and not guaranteed removal). In matchups against decks with bulkier creatures, they can be more awkward, but typically by that time I had the for Counterspell or use Snap for a bigger tempo play.

I agree Foil is probably the most awkward card at the moment. I have cycled Lorien Revealed to grab an Island to pitch to Foil, but usually I just don't want to use 3 cards to answer 1 threat unless I'm dumping a flashback card like Deep Analysis. If I were to cut something/move it around, I would probably start there.

Thanks again for your suggestions, and I hope you have a pleasant rest of your day!

Azoth2099 on

8 months ago

I feel like Fabricate & Reckless Handling could get your artifact-heavy strategy going a bit faster. I was surprised to not see Naban, Dean of Iteration, Panharmonicon &/or Virtue of Knowledge as well! Some cheap bounce spells like Chain of Vapor, Snap, Snapback & Alchemist's Retrieval could do a lot of lifting here too.

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