Marwyn, the Nurturer
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Marwyn, the Nurturer

Legendary Creature — Elf Druid

Whenever another Elf enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Marwyn, the Nurturer.

: Gain an amount of equal to Marwyn's power.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Plane-Merge Elf (Playtest)
Skyshroud Lookout
Freyalise, Skyshroud Partisan
Tchotchke Elemental
Malachite Talisman
Synchronized Strike

Niko9 on How is the New Voja …

3 months ago

You know, I just realized that with red in it's colors, Voja is probably nuts with extra combat step effects. Just untapping creatures like Priest of Titania and Marwyn, the Nurturer multiple times a turn is big, whil also drawing

I mean, I used to play an elfball deck that would go infinite turn 4 very consistently, and thinking about it, I worry what Voja would do to that kind of deck because if you can try to go infinite as fast as possible, get interrupted, then cast Voja, then try to draw into another infinite, all in a way that synergizes, this could be pretty rough for the other 3 players at the table.

Really though, I don't think Voja will be some cEDH powerhouse or anything, but it may be too much for casual, something like Narset, Enlightened Master

sergiodelrio on A Glimpse of the Storm [[Oathbreaker]]

5 months ago

Holy cow, good job on the degenerate part!

I playtested it and my board on T3 looks like this (first try btw):

6x Forest (one of which became a 3/3 creature)

Exploration (conveniently played T1), Vernal Bloom (conveniently played T2), Nissa, Who Shakes the World

Marwyn, the Nurturer with 3 +1/+1 counters, Llanowar Tribe, Elvish Archdruid, Priest of Titania

One Forest in hand.

Also looks like the deck is only 120$ ??? Don't know much about this format, its speed etc. but this looks OP, thanks again!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Aragorns Green Berries

1 year ago

Marwyn, the Nurturer and similar cards seem pretty cool with that ability. Quartzwood Crasher could create massive tokens on its own. Also, how about Cold-Eyed Selkie and friends?

Daniboydas on Minority Report

1 year ago

With an average CMC of 2.8 I would suggest you to cut some lands (try cutting 2) and adding stuff like Birds of Paradise, Incubation Druid or Marwyn, the Nurturer.

Faiyy on Drana and Linvala stealing Marwyn, …

1 year ago

Since Marwyn, the Nurturer's activated ability says "Add green equal to Marwyn's power", Drana and Linvala's activated ability would say the same. Would Drana and Linvala look at my opponent's Marwyn's power to tap for mana or would it just tap for 0?

RCD2023 on Lathiel, Who Blots Out the Sun

1 year ago

hello rakdosrunner!!

i really enjoyed the enforce that u had describing the deck and the mechanics.

i'm playing Lathiel for a long long time and i'm updating him a lot since then.

all the cards that u described i alredy test it, some of then still in the deck but mostly i had cut from the deck in order to be fastier and be more "Go for the troat" (my playgroup dont play easy haha).

firstly i wanna say the awesome cards that i wouldn't dare to touch that u metion before: Aetherflux Reservoir Authority of the Consuls Mangara, the Diplomat True Conviction Worldly Tutor Teferi's Protection Ozolith, the Shattered Spire Branching Evolution Light of Promise Well of Lost Dreams Scholar of New Horizons Tribute to the World Tree Esper Sentinel

it took me a long time to get this deck better and i still getting some frustations but if you like to consider, here some tips of cards to be implemented in order to have a better experience with it: ( mostly of this cards i proxed it because i dont wanna spend a lot of money and because i dont have a headache changing they every 2 months when wizards bring some new things )

starting with the nasty combos :

God Mode ( infinity mana + infinity draw :D ) : Argothian Elder or Priest of Titania + Quirion Ranger+ Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Beast Whisperer with Eternal Witness in the deck u can even cast your grave again

Lathiel Gatling Gun: Walking Ballista + Heliod, Sun-Crowned or Cleric Class

“Life moves pretty fast..” — Ferris Bueller’s Spike Feeder + Light of Promise

ramp : Marwyn, the Nurturer : counters will get him a good ramp Mirari's Wake : awesome ramp Land Tax: can save you in early game Burgeoning : get ahead Priest of Titania : every elf in the battlefield Exploration : get ahead again Arbor Elf : very good with Selesnya Sanctuary or some mana that u need Mana Reflection: awesome ramp Circle of Dreams Druid : gaeas crandle in creature Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx : why not ? proxy <3 Crop Rotation: get those good lands in battlefield Carpet of Flowers: very good against 2 or more people Smothering Tithe : just perfect

draw : Generous Patron: our green budget risky study, perfect in lathiel Guardian Project : good in general The Great Henge : we have big creatures so probably will cost onle 2 green mana Toski, Bearer of Secrets : unstapable, can't be countered and draw Archivist of Oghma: meh... sometimes good sometimes not, but its 2 mana

tutors: Finale of Devastation : go for the troat Enlightened Tutor: very good tutor in our deck Eladamri's Call : get those pieces that u need Fauna Shaman : get those pieces that u need Defense of the Heart: this is funny, but moste of times works haha Yisan, the Wanderer Bard : good in general Natural Order : to the battlefield! Primal Command : say goodbye to ur grave zombie players

utility: Akroma's Will: defense or end game Alhammarret's Archive : it's 5 mana, but double life gain and double draw Eternal Witness : u have awesome cretures that people wanna destroy so... also good piece of combo God Mode Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines : Hushbringer + Hardened Scales, but better Serra Ascendant: sooooo goood in this deck ... first piece to be tutored by yisan, the wanderer bard Angel of Destiny: go for the troat Ashaya, Soul of the Wild: combo, but also a big creature Overwhelming Stampede : go for the troat Walking Ballista: good in general andd combo Cleric Class: combo but also grave Spike Feeder : Snowball effect, one of the best synergy of lathiel, 'each turn' change counters for life/

Good interactions : Aura Shards , Force of Vigor 2 ducks 1 shot ,Farewell exile :) , Kenrith's Transformation (interaction with draw)

mclaughlin2408 on Elf Deck (Black and Green)

1 year ago

I was able to play quite a few games this weekend against a friend of mine. He is still working on getting his deck right as well so I don't know how well this would fair against a competitive deck but it did very well for me this weekend. A few things to note though, and please feel free to offer any thoughts you have.

  1. The deck was very fast, which I loved. Problem is, within just a few turns of basically every game I played, I was out of cards in my hand. So, I will be focusing on adding a few more pieces that will allow me to draw extra cards to keep the pressure on my opponent. (I am currently waiting on Realmwalker to come in the mail. That is the only card I wasn't playing with, but having a few may help this a little bit.

  2. Mana was never my issue. So, because I have so many creatures that help create lands I have decided to get rid of Heritage Druid as I never really found is feasible to tap 3 creatures to gain 3 mana. In fact, I had so much mana from other sources I don't think I ever needed to do this.

  3. I need trample. I was able to get so many cards out so quickly that I was able to attack with many creatures, but I could see where having trample will be a must again competitive opponents. I am considering adding another 1-2 Ezuri, Renegade Leader to help with this. To add, I came across Khalni Hydra and although it won't give my other creatures trample it he trample itself and costs 1 less mana for each green creature I control. I should have no problem getting that out by turn 4.

To accomplish the above I am looking to... Remove: Nettle Sentinel Heritage Druid Marwyn, the Nurturer . I might switch out a few others, but these did not play very beneficial this weekend.

Add: Another 1-2 Collected Company, Khalni Hydra, another 1-2 Ezuri, Renegade Leader, and maybe Beast Whisperer for drawing cards.


Helnas on

1 year ago

Dorks die voor 3+ mana tappen: Priest of Titania, Circle of Dreams Druid, Elvish Archdruid ,Karametra's Acolyte, Marwyn, the Nurturer, Wirewood Channeler


Sword of the Paruns of Umbral Mantle + dork die voor 4 mana tapped = infinite

Staff of Domination + dork die voor 5 mana tapped = infinite

Cloudstone Curio + Wirewood Symbiote + dork die voor 3 mana tapped +1 cmc elf

Combo's met Ashaya, Soul of the Wild op het veld.

Quirion Ranger + dork die voor 2 mana tapped.

Quirion Ranger + Lightning Greaves of Concordant Crossroads = tap ashaya voor mana, speel quirion, tap quirion voor mana, return quirion, untap ashaya.

Scryb Ranger + dork die voor 3 mana tapped.

Argothian Elder zonder summoning sickness = beide teams infinite mana

Combo's met Temur Sabertooth op het veld.

Wirewood Symbiote + 1 cmc elf om te bouncen + mana dork die voor 5+ tapped.

Lightning Greaves of Concordant Crossroads of Thousand-Year Elixir + 2 cmc dork die voor 5 tapped, 3 cmc dork die voor 6 tapped of 4 cmc dork die voor 7 tapped.

Eternal Witness + Vitalize + creatures die voor 7 mana tappen.

Eternal Witness + Benefactor's Draught + creatures die voor 8 mana tappen.

Combo's involving lands

Elvish Guidance + Arbor Elf + een untapper zoals Umbral Mantle of Sword of the Paruns

Argothian Elder +Wirewood Lodge + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx of Gaea's Cradle

Aanvallen met Argothian Elder + Maze of Ith + infinite mana outlet

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