Gate to Phyrexia

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gate to Phyrexia


Sacrifice a creature: Destroy target artifact. Activate this ability only during your upkeep and only once each turn.

Kudzuu on Creatures of the Night

1 week ago

Your deck looks fun to play! If you want to spend some money, here is a long forgotten card that helps black remove artifacts. Gate to Phyrexia. Well constructed deck, great job!

Santiago1011 on Gisa: So Undead It’s Criminal

2 months ago


Thespian Stage and Deserted Temple are decent includes.

Removing even more crime do-ers is out of the question cause that's the point of the deck. I've playtested it a decent bit and it really pops off with repeatable crime. Otherwise it's just a worse Ghoulcaller Gisa deck. I did replace Victory Chimes with Zombie Master though.

As for artifact removal, Gate to Phyrexia would be my first consideration for any black token deck. And even then I don't know if I want it. Rather focus on aggro than control with this.

77hi77 on I BEG YOUR F@CKING PARDON??!!! - Razaketh

3 months ago

Profet93 I completely forgot about Ugin, the Ineffable! And he makes my expensive mana rocks that much cheaper, great shout, thank you!

Fair point about this not being close to cEDH, I more meant in vibes. That the strategy is to burst out of the gates, ramp, then tutor for the wincon (which comes out of nowhere like an infinite combo, even though it's not). I can't speak too much about it though because I never keep up with cEDH decks enough to know where the similarities are.

Ugin is going in, the only two targeted artifact removal spells I know of in mono black are Phyrexian Tribute and Gate to Phyrexia, I'll probably grab the cheaper of the two and toss it in there. The other thing I'm looking at is swapping the targeted creature removal, because a lot of it is sorcery speed, my Maybeboard has the instant speed versions I'm grabbing next time I go card shopping.

I would absolutely love to hear you recommendations! I don't love stax or infinite combos. At least, not easy infinite combos. I want Exquisite Blood in the deck for the life gain, but I won't get Sanguine Bond for example. If it takes some effort and thought to set up, I don't mind that. Similar for stax, I don't want to shut the game down for anyone, but I'm okay with making it a bit harder. For example, one of the decks I face the most in my pod is Gollum, Obsessed Stalker, which is completely shut down by both Archfiend of Despair and Plague Drone, both are in the deck, but they're creatures and easy to deal with. This was meant to be a mean deck but I'm a big ol' softie.

For budget, this is the deck I'm willing to spend on, I'm okay with a couple of $20 cards, or if you've got a lot of suggestions then let's say $5/card.

Again, thanks so much!

SufferFromEDHD on

4 months ago

Changeling Outcast solid rat.

Species Specialist serious card draw.

Crippling Fear/Kindred Dominance tribal destruction.

Haunting Voyage tribal reanimation.

Cover of Darkness tribal evasion.

Deserted Temple utility.

Vesuva utility/Inkmoth #2

Jet Medallion ramp.

Gate to Phyrexia artifact destruction in

Contamination control.

jarncards on hasteland

1 year ago

For global haste you can use Fires of Yavimaya, Concordant Crossroads, Mass Hysteria, and Urabrask the Hidden who will also conveniently turn off other people's haste. Anger and Barbarian Class also give haste after more effort.

Ant Queen, Artifact Mutation, Battle Hymn, Circle of Dreams Druid, Dragon Broodmother, Pest Infestation, Scute Swarm, Tempt with Vengeance, Sylvan Offering, Termagant Swarm are all useful if you can give haste to all of them.

Birds of Paradise is just the best mana dork.

You have green, so you might as well use the standard ramp package with Cultivate , Kodama's Reach, Explore , Farseek, , Rampant Growth, Three Visits and Nature's Lore. Probably ignore most mana rocks, because people are going to want to vandalblast you just because of the treasures.

Relentless Assault, Scourge of the Throne, Combat Celebrant, Hexplate Wallbreaker, World at War grant extra combats, with Hellkite Charger and Aggravated Assault potentially going infinite.

Vandalblast goes in every red deck. Even though youll have a ton of treasures i'd still run Brotherhood's End too

For draw spells consider Scroll Rack, Garruk's Uprising, Elemental Bond, Soul's Majesty, Furious Rise, Rishkar's Expertise, Beast Whisperer, Shamanic Revelation, Disciple of Bolas, Pact of the Serpent, Painful Truths, Harmonize, Sign in Blood, Night's Whisper, Read the Bones, Ambition's Cost, Ancient Craving, Damnable Pact, Commune with Lava, Lifeblood Hydra, or maybe Necropotence although the color restricion on necro is tough, treasures should take care of it.

Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer , The Reaver Cleaver , Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge , Ancient Copper Dragon , Old Gnawbone Ziatora, the Incinerator for more treasure makers. Pyrohemia and Pestilence could be fun with the extra mana. Awaken the Woods is an amazing x spell too, but wont appreciate the two aforementioned cards.

If you're using magda the deck will benefit from dragons and expensive artifacts. throw in Imperial Recruiter and Worldly Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, and Demonic Tutor all go in your colors. so you can get her more consistently. Darksteel Forge and Gate to Phyrexia can be tutored into play with her for five treasure.

If you use dragons, you could add Dragonstorm, but you should carefully consider how many cheap spells you expect to be able to cast if you arent building specifically towards this card. Chatterstorm, Empty the Warrens, Yawgmoth's Will, Jeska's Will, Mana Geyser, and Manamorphose, Past in Flames are all good on their own and would add synergy.

If it ends up dragon tribal, cards like Crippling Fear , Kindred Dominance, Crux of Fate

Swashbuckler Extraordinaire is a very good payoff for using treasures if you dont use certain other nightmarish dragons like Atarka, World Render, Blast-Furnace Hellkite, Terror of Mount Velus, Thrakkus the Butcher

SufferFromEDHD on Athreos White Black Undying Evil

1 year ago

I told you on one of your other decks the way you utilize Null Brooch is how I also approach deck building. It really does fit anywhere! (except in mono blue decks)

How do you feel about Imp's Mischief and/or Rebuff the Wicked?

Martyr's Cause solid engine similar to Gate to Phyrexia.

Citanul Flute is that old school janky tech I love seeing being used to it's full potential.

I suggested Plague Spitter because it is the creature version of Noxious Field/Pestilence. After looking thru your creatures again I see a very clear theme that it does not fit into. Still a cool card that has synergy with the strategy and abuse potential alongside Athreos.

Excalibur478 on Yawgmoth, Thran Physician - Gate to Phyrexia v1.2

2 years ago

Love your deck, but it needs a Gate to Phyrexia to be named after. ;)

Pheardemons on With the Night King's power, Death has no meaning

2 years ago

FeloniousMonk Thank you for the nice words and upvote sir! One thing to be mindful is. because I don't have a lot of tutors, the deck can stall because the first couple will be to get Haakon. The problem with this is that I may not have any engines online or draw power. If you tutor for the latter, then the deck is slower because Haakon is not out. I could always add more tutor, but then it becomes the same game over and over.

I have been impressed that the deck can function fairly well without him. Sometimes I don't even try to cast him because I've controlled the board well enough. He becomes a late-game close out at that point. Like any deck, it can also stall completely but that is the nature of the game.

While if you build yours, I would recommend upping the land count by 2. I am trying to find a way to cut at least one card (since agadeem's awakening can be a land when needed) because that can be a struggle. Depending on your playgroup, I'd recommend finding a cut for Agent of Erebos, Gate to Phyrexia, and/or Tortured Existence. My playgroups have A LOT of graveyard recursion/play and artifacts are really a problem with this deck being mon-black and I have someone in my playgroup that consistently gets out God-Pharaoh's Statue and the card just hurts. Lastly, I have noticed that I sometimes truggle with discarding Haakon, so I'd recommend fitting Tortured Existence as another discard outlet, as well as graveyard recursion when needed.

Any other questions just let me know!

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